枚举类型 enum
enum MyEnum { Variant1, Variant2, Variant3, //... VariantN, }
例1:Color 枚举
Color 枚举表示颜色的不同可能取值,比如红色、绿色和蓝色。
enum Color { Red, Green, Blue, }
例2:Direction 枚举
Direction 枚举表示方向的不同可能取值,比如上、下、左和右。
enum Direction { Up, Down, Left, Right, }
例3:Weekday 枚举
Weekday 枚举表示一周中的不同天,比如一周7天的枚举。
enum Weekday { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, }
类C枚举 C-like
与C/C++语言中的枚举成员只允许是usigned int型常量,也称枚举常量。Rust中具有C风格的枚举,那么必须满足枚举里面的成员都是单元结构体。
使用#[derive(Debug)]简化输出,格式:println!("{:?}", MyEnum::VariantN);
#[derive(Debug)] enum Number { Zero, One, Two, Three, } fn main() { println!("zero is {:?}", Number::Zero); println!("one is {:?}", Number::One); println!("Two is {:?}", Number::Two); println!("Three is {:?}", Number::Three); }
zero is Zero
one is One
Two is Two
Three is Three
enum Number { Zero, One, Two, Three, } fn main() { println!("zero is {}", Number::Zero as i32); println!("one is {}", Number::One as i32); println!("Two is {}", Number::Two as i32); println!("Three is {}", Number::Three as i32); }
zero is 0
one is 1
Two is 2
Three is 3
#![allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Debug)] enum Number { Zero, One, Two, Five = 5, Six, } fn main() { println!("zero is {}", Number::Zero as i32); println!("one is {}", Number::One as i32); println!("Five is {}", Number::Five as i32); println!("Six is {}", Number::Six as i32); }
注:在整个程序中枚举成员Two没被调用过,可以用#![allow(dead_code)]来滤去警告。没有此行,上述程序在编译执行能输出结果,但同时警告:warning: variant `Two` is never constructed。
例1:Weekday 枚举
Weekday 枚举通过赋值,使得星期一到星期日对应整数1~7;而非默认的星期日到星期六对应整数0~6。
#![allow(dead_code)] enum Weekday { Sunday = 7, Monday = 1, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, } fn main() { println!("Sunday is {}", Weekday::Sunday as i32); println!("Tuesday is {}", Weekday::Tuesday as i32); println!("Saturday is {}", Weekday::Saturday as i32); }
Sunday is 7
Tuesday is 2
Saturday is 6
例2:HttpStatus 枚举
HttpStatus 枚举表示不同的 HTTP 状态码,比如200表示成功,404表示找不到页面,500表示服务器内部错误等,共有近百个成员,列举部分如下:
#![allow(dead_code)] enum HttpStatus { Continue = 100, //"CONTINUE" 继续 SwitchingProtocols, //"SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS" 切换协议 Processing, //"PROCESSING" 执行 Checkpoint, //"CHECKPOINT" 检查点 OK = 200, //"OK" OK CREATED, //"Created" 创建 ACCEPTED, //"Accepted" 接受 NonAuthoritativeInformation, //"NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION" 非权威信息 NoContent, //"NO_CONTENT" 没有内容 ResetContent, //"RESET_CONTENT" 重置内容 PartialContent, //"PARTIAL_CONTENT" 部分内容 MultiStatus, //"MULTI_STATUS" 多个状态 AlreadyReported, //"ALREADY_REPORTED" 已发 IMUsed = 226, //"IM_USED" 已过时 MultipleChoices = 300, //"MULTIPLE_CHOICES" 多选择 MovedPermanently, //"MOVED_PERMANENTLY" 永久移动 FOUND, //"Found" 找到 MovedTemporarily, //"MOVED_TEMPORARILY" SeeOther, //"SEE_OTHER" 参见其它 NotModified, //"NOT_MODIFIED" 未修改 UseProxy, //"USE_PROXY"), TemporaryRedirect, //"TEMPORARY_REDIRECT" 暂时重定向 PermanentRedirect, //"PERMANENT_REDIRECT" 永久重定向 //...... BadRequest = 400, //"BAD_REQUEST" 错误请求 Unauthorized, //"UNAUTHORIZED" 未经授权 PaymentRequired, //"PAYMENT_REQUIRED" 付费请求 Forbidden, //"FORBIDDEN" 禁止 NotFound, //"NOT_FOUND" 未找到 MethodNotAllowed, //"METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED" 方法不容许 NotAcceptable, //"NOT_ACCEPTABLE" 方法不接受 //...... InternalServerError = 500, // "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" 服务器遇到了意料不到的情况,不能完成客户的请求 NotImplemented, //"NOT_IMPLEMENTED" 服务器不支持实现请求所需要的功能 BadGateway, //"BAD_GATEWAY" 从上游服务器接收到无效的响应 ServiceUnavailable, //"SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE" 服务不可用 GatewayTimeout, //"GATEWAY_TIMEOUT") 网关不能及时地从远程服务器获得应答 //...... } fn main() { println!("OK is {}", HttpStatus::OK as i32); println!("Bad Request is {}", HttpStatus::BadRequest as i32); }
OK is 200
Bad Request is 400
例3:Color 枚举
enum Color { Red = 0xff0000, Green = 0x00ff00, Blue = 0x0000ff, } fn main() { println!("roses are #{:06x}", Color::Red as i32); println!("leaves are #{:06x}", Color::Green as i32); println!("violets are #{:06x}", Color::Blue as i32); println!("red is {}", Color::Red as i32); println!("green is {}", Color::Green as i32); println!("blue is {}", Color::Blue as i32); }
roses are #ff0000
leaves are #00ff00
violets are #0000ff
red is 16711680
green is 65280
blue is 255
枚举类型在 Rust 中经常与模式匹配(pattern matching)结合使用,以根据枚举类型的值执行不同的操作。
match 表达式
match 表达式可以用于对枚举变体进行模式匹配,并根据所匹配的变体执行相应的代码块。它的语法如下:
match value { pattern1 => { // 如果 value 匹配了 pattern1 }, pattern2 => { // 如果 value 匹配了 pattern2 }, // 其他模式... }
如定义一个名为 Color 的枚举类型,其中包含了三个成员:Red、Green 和 Blue。每个成员都是一个合法的标识符,用于表示不同的颜色。
enum Color { Red, Green, Blue, }
对上述的 Color 枚举类型,可以使用模式匹配来执行相应的操作:
fn print_color(color: Color) { match color { Color::Red => println!("The color is Red"), Color::Green => println!("The color is Green"), Color::Blue => println!("The color is Blue"), } }
上述示例中,函数 print_color 接收一个 Color 类型的参数,并使用 match 进行模式匹配。根据传入的颜色值,会执行相应的操作。
#![allow(dead_code)] enum Color { Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, } impl Color { fn to_rgb(&self) -> (u8, u8, u8) { match self { Color::Red => (255, 0, 0), Color::Green => (0, 255, 0), Color::Blue => (0, 0, 255), Color::Yellow => (255, 255, 0), Color::Magenta => (255, 0, 255), Color::Cyan => (0, 255, 255), } } } fn main() { let red = Color::Red; let red_rgb = red.to_rgb(); println!("RGB value of red: {:?}", red_rgb); let yellow = Color::Yellow; let yellow_rgb = yellow.to_rgb(); println!("RGB value of yellow: {:?}", yellow_rgb); }
在上述示例中,我们为 Color 枚举类型实现了一个 to_rgb 方法,用于将颜色转换为 RGB 值。
总结起来,Rust 的枚举类型提供了强大的模式匹配功能,使得枚举类型非常灵活和可靠,适用于各种场景和数据处理需求。本文只初步学习类C风格的枚举类型,其它分类且听下回分解。