Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > _
如果用户输入 A 或 a、F 或 f、R 或 r、M 或 m、S 或 s,则可完成相应的操作。如果用户输入其它字符,则显示错误信息。
程序将反复显示主菜单,让用户持续工作。如果用户输入 Q 或 q,则程序结束。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > Q Thank you! Goodbye!
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > B Incorrect choice! Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > 9 Incorrect choice! Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > + Incorrect choice!
若用户输入 A 或 a,则可以输入新书的信息,将其添加到图书目录中。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > a ISBN: 9780439227148 Title: The Call of the Wild Author: Jack London Publisher: Scholastic Press Pub date: 2001/1/1 Price: 39.4 Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > A ISBN: 9781772262902 Title: Oliver Twist Author: Charles Dickens Publisher: Engage Books Pub date: 2016/9/15 Price: 648 Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > a ISBN: 9787515911076 Title: The Call of the Wild Author: Jack London Publisher: Aerospace Publishing House Pub date: 2016/5/1 Price: 29.8
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > A ISBN: 9787501592401 Title: The Old Man and the Sea Author: Ernest Hemingway Publisher: Knowledge Press Pub date: 2016/2/30 Incorrect date! Please reenter: 2016/6/31 Incorrect date! Please reenter: 2016/8/1 Price: 25.8
若用户输入 S 或 s,则按书号升序排序,然后列表显示全部图书。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > S ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price--- 9780439227148 The Call of the Wild Jack London Scholastic Press 2001/01/01 39.40 9781772262902 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Engage Books 2016/09/15 648.00 9787501592401 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Knowledge Press 2016/08/01 25.80 9787515911076 The Call of the Wild Jack London Aerospace Publishing House 2016/05/01 29.80
若用户输入 F 或 f,则输入书名,然后显示该书名的图书。如果没有对应的图书,则显示错误信息。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > F Title: The Call of the Wild ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price--- 9780439227148 The Call of the Wild Jack London Scholastic Press 2001/01/01 39.40 9787515911076 The Call of the Wild Jack London Aerospace Publishing House 2016/05/01 29.80 Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > f Title: Gulliver's Travels Not found!
若用户输入 R 或 r,则输入书号,然后将删除该书号的图书。如果没有对应的图书,则显示错误信息。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > r ISBN: 9781772262902 Remove(y/n)? n Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > S ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price--- 9780439227148 The Call of the Wild Jack London Scholastic Press 2001/01/01 39.40 9781772262902 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Engage Books 2016/09/15 648.00 9787501592401 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Knowledge Press 2016/08/01 25.80 9787515911076 The Call of the Wild Jack London Aerospace Publishing House 2016/05/01 29.80 Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > R ISBN: 9780439227148 Remove(y/n)? Y Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > s ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price--- 9781772262902 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Engage Books 2016/09/15 648.00 9787501592401 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Knowledge Press 2016/08/01 25.80 9787515911076 The Call of the Wild Jack London Aerospace Publishing House 2016/05/01 29.80 Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > r ISBN: 9787515914145 Not found! Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > s ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price--- 9781772262902 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Engage Books 2016/09/15 648.00 9787501592401 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Knowledge Press 2016/08/01 25.80 9787515911076 The Call of the Wild Jack London Aerospace Publishing House 2016/05/01 29.80
要求:用户回答是否删除时,必须回答 Y 或 N (大小写均可)。如果是其它字符,则显示错误信息,要求用户重新回答。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > R ISBN: 9781772262902 Remove(y/n)? k Incorrect answer! Remove(y/n)? $ Incorrect answer! Remove(y/n)? N
若用户输入 M 或 m,则可以修改图书信息。首先按书号查找,然后重新输入该图书的信息。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > m ISBN: 9787515911076 Modify(y/n)? y ISBN: 9787544724968 Title: The House on Mango Street Author: Sandra Heathneros Publisher: Yilin Press Pub date: 2012/1/1 Price: 30 Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > M ISBN: 9787501592401 Modify(y/n)? n Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > m ISBN: 9787515914145 Not found! Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > S ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price--- 9781772262902 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Engage Books 2016/09/15 648.00 9787501592401 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Knowledge Press 2016/08/01 25.80 9787544724968 The House on Mango Street Sandra Heathneros Yilin Press 2012/01/01 30.00
要求:用户回答是否修改时,必须回答 Y 或 N (大小写均可)。如果是其它字符,则显示错误信息,要求用户重新回答。
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > M ISBN: 9787544724968 Modify(y/n)? K Incorrect answer! Modify(y/n)? * Incorrect answer! Modify(y/n)? n
Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > Thank you! Goodbye! q
/* 请设计一个简单的图书目录管理系统。 图书目录信息包括: 统一书号(不超过13字符) 书名(不超过30字符) 作者(不超过20字符) 出版社(不超过30字符) 出版日期(包括:年、月、日) 价格(精确到分) */ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstdio> #include<cctype> // String 类 class STRING { public: friend istream& operator >> (istream& cin, STRING& str); // 输入,输出运算符的重载 friend ostream& operator << (ostream& cout, STRING& str); STRING() : len(0), str(new char[1]) { str[0] = '\0'; } // STRING 类的构造函数,通过成员初始化表给成员赋值 可以减少一些不不要的操作 提高效率 最开始 // 就开辟一个单位的空间然后用来存放 '\0'表示什么都没有就可以了 STRING(const char* str); //拷贝构造函数 STRING(int len, char sym); // 拷贝构造函数的重载 STRING& operator = (const STRING& str); // 赋值 ~STRING() { delete[] str; } friend bool operator > (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2); // 比较函数 friend bool operator < (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2); friend bool operator >= (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2); friend bool operator <= (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2); friend bool operator == (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2); friend bool operator != (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2); void Input(); void Output() { printf("%s", str); } int Length() { return len; } void Set(const char* str); const char* Get(); protected: int len; char* str; }; istream& operator >> (istream& cin, STRING& str) // 输入 { cin.getline(str.str, 10000); return cin; } ostream& operator << (ostream& cout, STRING& str) // 输出 { cout << str.str; return cout; } STRING::STRING(const char* str) : // 拷贝构造 len(strlen(str)), str(new char[len + 1]) // 利用成员初始化表来把新的str的信息复制过来 { strcpy(this->str, str); // 字符串复制函数 } STRING::STRING(int len, char sym) : // 拷贝构造重载 作用是将STRING初始化为 len 个 sym字符 len(len), str(new char[len + 1]) { int k; for (k = 0; k < len; k++) { str[k] = sym; } str[k] = '\0'; // 这一步末尾加'\0' } STRING& STRING::operator = (const STRING& str) // 赋值 { this->len = strlen(str.str); delete[] this->str; this->str = new char[str.len + 1]; strcpy(this->str, str.str); return *this; } // 一堆比较函数 bool operator > (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2) { return strcmp(str1.str, str2.str) > 0; } bool operator < (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2) { return strcmp(str1.str, str2.str) < 0; } bool operator >= (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2) { return strcmp(str1.str, str2.str) >= 0; } bool operator <= (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2) { return strcmp(str1.str, str2.str) <= 0; } bool operator == (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2) { return strcmp(str1.str, str2.str) == 0; } bool operator != (const STRING& str1, const STRING& str2) { return strcmp(str1.str, str2.str) != 0; } void STRING::Set(const char* str) // 通过set函数对STRING类的私有成员进行操作 { len = strlen(str); // 这里要先确定输入的字符串的长度 delete[] this->str; // 然后销毁原来的字符串 this->str = new char[len + 1]; // 重新开辟一段空间 这个空间的大小是len + 1 因为字符串末尾还有个'\0' strcpy(this->str, str); // 动用strcpy 函数将输入的str拷贝过来 } const char* STRING::Get() // 获取成员str的函数 { return str; } void STRING::Input() // 字符串的输入函数 { char* str = new char[10000]; cin.getline(str, 10000); // 注意这个函数的书写方式 c++的编译器里面有一些是不支持gets的所以一般用cin.getline() len = strlen(str); // 这些都是小细节 将原来的内存释放 不仅节约内存 还防止内存泄漏 delete[] this->str; this->str = new char[len + 1]; strcpy(this->str, str); } // 不同类的分割线 上面是STREING类 /// // // 下面是日期类 class MYDATE // 日期类 { public: // 加号与减号的重载 friend MYDATE operator + (const MYDATE& date, const int day2); // 日期对象 + 天数 friend MYDATE operator - (const MYDATE& date, const int day2); // 日期对象 - 天数 friend int operator-(const MYDATE& date, const MYDATE& other); // 日期对象 - 日期对象 // -= += 运算符重载 MYDATE& operator+=(const int day2); MYDATE& operator-=(const int day2); // 前置 ++ -- 运算符的重载 MYDATE& operator++(); MYDATE& operator--(); // 后置 ++ -- 运算符的重载 MYDATE operator++(int); MYDATE operator--(int); // 关系运算符的重载 friend bool operator >(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2); friend bool operator >=(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2); friend bool operator <(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2); friend bool operator <=(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2); friend bool operator ==(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2); friend bool operator !=(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2); // 类型转换运算符重载 operator int() const; // 时间的输入输出 friend istream& operator>>(istream& cin, MYDATE& time); // 输入 friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& cout, const MYDATE& time); // 输出 // 日期类定义以下符号常量 static int const daysPer400Years = 146097; static int const daysPer100Years = 36524; static int const daysPer4Years = 1461; static int const daysPerYear = 365; static int const monthsPerYear = 12; static int const daysPerWeek = 7; static int const daysPerMonth[12]; static char const weekName[7][10]; // 逻辑控制变量 static bool flag; // 构造函数和析构函数 MYDATE(int year = 1, int month = 1, int day = 1) // 构造 { // cout << "Create "; if (IsValid(year, month, day)) { this->year = year; this->month = month; this->day = day; } else { this->year = 1; this->month = 1; this->day = 1; } // cout << *this << '\n'; } ~MYDATE() // 析构 { // cout << "Destroy "; // cout << *this << '\n'; } // 时间的拷贝和赋值 MYDATE(const MYDATE& time); // 拷贝 MYDATE& operator = (const MYDATE& time); // 赋值 // Judge leap year static bool IsLeapYear(int year); // 计算闰年的天数 static int NumLeapYear(int year); // 判断月份是否有效 static bool IsValidMonth(int month); static bool IsValid(int year, int month, int day); // 求月份最大数 static int MaxDayMonth(int year, int month); // 求一年的天数 int NumDayYear() const; // 求全部年数的总天数 int TotalDay() const; // 时间转换成日期 void TotalDay(int day); // 求当前星期 int DayWeek() const; // 逻辑开关 static void FlagOn(); static void FlagOff(); // 设置函数 void Set(int year, int month = 1, int day = 1); // 获取函数 int Year() const; // 年份的获取 int Month() const; // 月份的获取 int Day() const; // 当前天数的获取 void Get(int& year, int& month, int& day) const; // 全部的获取 private: int year, month, day; }; // 逻辑变量 bool MYDATE::flag = false; // 数组必须在类外初始化 int const MYDATE::daysPerMonth[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; char const MYDATE::weekName[7][10] = { "SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT" }; // 时间的拷贝和赋值 MYDATE::MYDATE(const MYDATE& time) // 拷贝 { // cout << "Clone "; this->year = time.year; this->month = time.month; this->day = time.day; // cout << *this << endl; } MYDATE& MYDATE::operator = (const MYDATE& time) // 赋值 { // cout << "Assign "; this->year = time.year; this->month = time.month; this->day = time.day; // cout << *this << endl; return *this; } // Judge leap year bool MYDATE::IsLeapYear(int year) { if ((year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0))) { return true; } else { return false; } } // 计算闰年的天数 int MYDATE::NumLeapYear(int year) { return year / 4 + year / 400 - year / 100; } // 判断月份是否有效 bool MYDATE::IsValidMonth(int month) { return 0 < month && month < 13 ? true : false; } // 求月份最大数 int MYDATE::MaxDayMonth(int year, int month) { int temp; if (year >= 0 && MYDATE::IsValidMonth(month)) { if (MYDATE::IsLeapYear(year)) { if (month == 2) { temp = MYDATE::daysPerMonth[1] + 1; } else { temp = MYDATE::daysPerMonth[month - 1]; } } else { temp = MYDATE::daysPerMonth[month - 1]; } } else { temp = 0; } return temp; } bool MYDATE::IsValid(int year, int month, int day) { int flag = 0; if (year > 0 && MYDATE::IsValidMonth(month)) { if (IsLeapYear(year)) { if (month == 2) { flag = 1 <= day && day <= 29; } else { flag = 1 <= day && day <= MYDATE::daysPerMonth[month - 1]; } } else { flag = 1 <= day && day <= MYDATE::daysPerMonth[month - 1]; } } else { flag = 0; } return flag; } // 时间的输入,输出 istream& operator >> (istream& cin, MYDATE& date) // 输入 { char sym; int year, month, day; cin >> year >> sym >> month >> sym >> day; while ((!MYDATE::IsValid(year, month, day))) { cout << "Incorrect date! Please reenter: "; cin >> year >> sym >> month >> sym >> day; } date.year = year; date.month = month; date.day = day; return cin; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& cout, const MYDATE& date) // 输出 { return cout << right << setfill('0') << setw(4) << date.year << '/' << setw(2) << date.month << '/' << setw(2) << date.day << setfill(' '); } // 求天数 int MYDATE::NumDayYear() const { int temp = this->month - 1; int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < temp; ++i) { if (i == 1) { if (IsLeapYear(this->year)) { sum += MYDATE::daysPerMonth[i] + 1; } else { sum += MYDATE::daysPerMonth[i]; } } else { sum += MYDATE::daysPerMonth[i]; } } return sum + this->day; } void MYDATE::TotalDay(int days) { if (days > 0) { int daysLeft; int years, months; years = 1 + (days / daysPer400Years) * 400 + (days % daysPer400Years / daysPer100Years) * 100 + (days % daysPer400Years % daysPer100Years / daysPer4Years) * 4 + (days % daysPer400Years % daysPer100Years % daysPer4Years / daysPerYear); daysLeft = days % daysPer400Years % daysPer100Years % daysPer4Years % daysPerYear; if (daysLeft == 0) { year = years - 1; month = 12; day = 31; if (TotalDay() > days) { day--; } } else { year = years; int i = 0; for (months = 1; months <= 12; months++) { i += MaxDayMonth(years, months); if (daysLeft <= i) { month = months; day = daysLeft - (i - MaxDayMonth(years, months)); break; } } } } } // 求最开始到现在的总天数 int MYDATE::TotalDay() const { int temp = this->year - 1; int leap = NumLeapYear(temp); int sum = leap * 366 + (temp - leap) * 365; sum += this->NumDayYear(); return sum; } // 求当前星期 int MYDATE::DayWeek() const { int d = this->TotalDay() % 7; return d; } // 逻辑开关 void MYDATE::FlagOn() { MYDATE::flag = true; } void MYDATE::FlagOff() { MYDATE::flag = false; } // 设置函数 void MYDATE::Set(int year, int month, int day) { if (IsValid(year, month, day)) { this->year = year; this->month = month; this->day = day; } } // 获取函数 int MYDATE::Year() const // 年份的获取 { return year; } int MYDATE::Month() const// 月份的获取 { return month; } int MYDATE::Day() const // 当前天数的获取 { return day; } void MYDATE::Get(int& year, int& month, int& day) const { year = this->year; month = this->month; day = this->day; } // 加号与减号的重载 // 全局函数作友元不需要作用域运算符 MYDATE operator+(const MYDATE& date, const int day2) // 日期对象 + 天数 { int total = date.TotalDay() + day2; MYDATE x; x.TotalDay(total); return x; } MYDATE operator-(const MYDATE& date, const int day2) // 日期对象 - 天数 { int total = date.TotalDay() - day2; MYDATE x; x.TotalDay(total); return x; } int operator-(const MYDATE& date, const MYDATE& other) // 日期对象 - 日期对象 { return date.TotalDay() - other.TotalDay(); } // += -= 运算符重载 MYDATE& MYDATE::operator+=(const int day2) { this->TotalDay(this->TotalDay() + day2); return *this; } MYDATE& MYDATE::operator-=(const int day2) { this->TotalDay(this->TotalDay() - day2); return *this; } // 前置++ -- 运算符重载 MYDATE& MYDATE::operator++() { int temp = this->TotalDay() + 1; this->TotalDay(temp); return *this; } MYDATE& MYDATE::operator--() { int temp = this->TotalDay() - 1; this->TotalDay(temp); return *this; } // 后置 ++ -- 运算符的重载 MYDATE MYDATE::operator++(int) { int total = this->TotalDay() + 1; MYDATE t(*this); this->TotalDay(total); return t; } MYDATE MYDATE::operator--(int) { int total = this->TotalDay() - 1; MYDATE t(*this); this->TotalDay(total); return t; } // 关系运算符的重载 bool operator >(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2) { if (data1.TotalDay() > data2.TotalDay()) { return true; } return false; } bool operator >=(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2) { if (data1.TotalDay() >= data2.TotalDay()) { return true; } return false; } bool operator <(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2) { if (data1.TotalDay() < data2.TotalDay()) { return true; } return false; } bool operator <=(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2) { if (data1.TotalDay() <= data2.TotalDay()) { return true; } return false; } bool operator ==(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2) { if (data1.TotalDay() == data2.TotalDay()) { return true; } return false; } bool operator !=(const MYDATE& data1, const MYDATE& data2) { if (data1.TotalDay() != data2.TotalDay()) { return true; } return false; } // 类型转换运算符重载 MYDATE::operator int() const { return this->year; } // 不同类的分割线 上面是日期类 /// // // 下面是书本类 typedef struct _NODE_ { STRING num; STRING title; STRING auth; STRING pub; MYDATE B_date; double price; struct _NODE_* next; }B_NODE; class Book_Lib { public: Book_Lib(); ~Book_Lib(); void Book_Catalogue(); // 书本的目录 void Book_Append(); // 选项 A 插入一本书 void Book_Traverse(); // 选项 S 对图书的遍历 void Book_Find(STRING& title); // 选项 F 图书的查找 void Book_Remove(STRING& num); // 选项 R 图书的删除 void Book_Modify(STRING& num); // 选项 M 图书的修改 void BooK_Title_Insertion_Sort(); // 按照书名的递增的插入排序法 private: int length; B_NODE* B_head; }; void Book_Lib::Book_Catalogue() // 书本的目录 { cout << "ISBN--------- Title------------------------- Author-------------- Publisher--------------------- Pub-date-- Price---\n"; } Book_Lib::Book_Lib() :length(0), B_head(new B_NODE) // 先初始化 { B_head->next = NULL; // 带头结点的链表 } Book_Lib::~Book_Lib() // 析构函数释放结点内存 { B_NODE* s; while (this->B_head->next) { s = this->B_head->next; this->B_head->next = s->next; free(s); } this->length = 0; this->B_head->next = NULL; } void Book_Lib::Book_Append() // 选项 A 插入一本书 { B_NODE* book, * p = B_head; book = new B_NODE; cout << right; cout << setw(11) << "ISBN: "; book->num.Input(); cout << setw(11) << "Title: "; book->title.Input(); cout << setw(11) << "Author: "; book->auth.Input(); cout << setw(11) << "Publisher: "; book->pub.Input(); cout << setw(11) << "Pub date: "; cin >> book->B_date; cout << setw(11) << "Price: "; cin >> book->price; this->length++; while (p->next) // 尾插法插入一个结点 { p = p->next; } p->next = book; book->next = NULL; } void Book_Lib::BooK_Title_Insertion_Sort() { B_NODE* h, * p, * q, * s; h = this->B_head->next; this->B_head->next = NULL; while (h) { s = h; h = s->next; p = this->B_head; q = p->next; while (q && (s->title > q->title)) { p = q; q = p->next; } p->next = s; s->next = q; } } void Book_Lib::Book_Traverse() // 选项 S 对图书的遍历 { for (B_NODE* it = this->B_head->next; it != NULL; it = it->next) { cout << left << setw(13) << it->num << ' ' << setw(30) << it->title << ' ' << setw(20) << it->auth << ' ' << setw(30) << it->pub << ' '; cout << it->B_date; printf("%9.2f\n", it->price); } } void Book_Lib::Book_Find(STRING& title) // 选项 F 图书的查找 { int flag = 0; for (B_NODE* it = this->B_head->next; it != NULL; it = it->next) { if (title == it->title) { if (flag == 0) { this->Book_Catalogue(); } cout << left << setw(13) << it->num << ' ' << setw(30) << it->title << ' ' << setw(20) << it->auth << ' ' << setw(30) << it->pub << ' '; cout << it->B_date; printf("%9.2f\n", it->price); flag = 1; } } if (flag == 0) { cout << "Not found!\n"; } } void Book_Lib::Book_Remove(STRING& num) // 选项 R 图书的删除 { int flag = 0; char choice; B_NODE* s = this->B_head; // s 相当于 it的前驱 B_NODE* it = s->next; for (; it != NULL; it = it->next) { if (it->num == num) // 先找到书号的迭代器 { flag = 1; cout << "Delete(y/n)? "; cin >> choice; choice = toupper(choice); while (!(choice == 'Y' || choice == 'N')) { cout << "Incorrect answer!\n"; cout << "Delete(y/n)? "; cin >> choice; choice = toupper(choice); } if (choice == 'Y') // 如果是Y的话就删除这个迭代器对应的元素 { s->next = it->next; free(it); } break; // 然后退出循环 } else { s = it; } } if (flag == 0) // 没有书号的情况 { cout << "Not found!\n"; } } void Book_Lib::Book_Modify(STRING& num) // 选项 M 图书的修改 { int flag = 0; char choice; for (B_NODE* it = this->B_head->next; it != NULL; it = it->next) // 通过迭代器对图书管理系统进行修改 { if (it->num == num) { flag = 1; cout << "Modify(y/n)? "; cin >> choice; choice = toupper(choice); while (!(choice == 'Y' || choice == 'N')) { cout << "Incorrect answer!\n"; cout << "Modify(y/n)? "; cin >> choice; choice = toupper(choice); } if (choice == 'Y') { cin.get(); cout << right; cout << setw(11) << "ISBN: "; it->num.Input(); cout << setw(11) << "Title: "; it->title.Input(); cout << setw(11) << "Author: "; it->auth.Input(); cout << setw(11) << "Publisher: "; it->pub.Input(); cout << setw(11) << "Pub date: "; cin >> it->B_date; cout << setw(11) << "Price: "; cin >> it->price; } break; } } if (flag == 0) { cout << "Not found!\n"; } } int main() { char choice; Book_Lib bkl; STRING num; STRING title; do { cout << "Append Find Remove Modify Show Quit > "; cin >> choice; cin.get(); choice = toupper(choice); switch (choice) { case 'A': bkl.Book_Append(); break; case 'S': bkl.BooK_Title_Insertion_Sort(); bkl.Book_Catalogue(); bkl.Book_Traverse(); break; case 'F': cout << "Title: "; title.Input(); bkl.Book_Find(title); break; case 'R': cout << "ISBN: "; num.Input(); bkl.Book_Remove(num); break; case 'M': cout << "ISBN: "; num.Input(); bkl.Book_Modify(num); break; case 'Q': break; default: cout << "Incorrect choice!\n"; break; } } while (choice != 'Q'); return 0; }