Azure - 机器学习:使用自动化机器学习训练计算机视觉模型的数据架构

简介: Azure - 机器学习:使用自动化机器学习训练计算机视觉模型的数据架构

了解如何设置Azure中 JSONL 文件格式,以便在训练和推理期间在计算机视觉任务的自动化 ML 实验中使用数据。


Azure 机器学习的图像 AutoML 要求以 JSONL(JSON 行)格式准备输入图像数据。 本部分介绍多类图像分类、多标签图像分类、对象检测和实例分段的输入数据格式或架构。 我们还将提供最终训练或验证 JSON 行文件的示例。


每个 JSON 行中的输入数据格式/架构:

密钥 说明 示例
image_url Azure 机器学习数据存储中的图像位置

Required, String | "AmlDatastore://data_directory/Image_01.jpg" | | image_details | 图像详细信息

Optional, Dictionary | "image_details":{"format": "jpg", "width": "400px", "height": "258px"} | | format | 图像类型(支持 Pillow 库中所有可用的图像格式)

Optional, String from {"jpg", "jpeg", "png", "jpe", "jfif","bmp", "tif", "tiff"} | "jpg" or "jpeg" or "png" or "jpe" or "jfif" or "bmp" or "tif" or "tiff" | | width | 图像的宽度

Optional, String or Positive Integer | "400px" or 400 | | height | 图像的高度

Optional, String or Positive Integer | "200px" or 200 | | label | 图像的类/标签

Required, String | "cat" |

多类图像分类的 JSONL 文件示例:

{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_01.jpg", "image_details":{"format": "jpg", "width": "400px", "height": "258px"}, "label": "can"}
{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_02.jpg", "image_details": {"format": "jpg", "width": "397px", "height": "296px"}, "label": "milk_bottle"}
{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_n.jpg", "image_details": {"format": "jpg", "width": "1024px", "height": "768px"}, "label": "water_bottle"}


下面是每个 JSON 行中用于图像分类的输入数据格式/架构示例。

密钥 说明 示例
image_url Azure 机器学习数据存储中的图像位置

Required, String | "AmlDatastore://data_directory/Image_01.jpg" | | image_details | 图像详细信息

Optional, Dictionary | "image_details":{"format": "jpg", "width": "400px", "height": "258px"} | | format | 图像类型(支持 Pillow 库中所有可用的图像格式)

Optional, String from {"jpg", "jpeg", "png", "jpe", "jfif", "bmp", "tif", "tiff"} | "jpg" or "jpeg" or "png" or "jpe" or "jfif" or "bmp" or "tif" or "tiff" | | width | 图像的宽度

Optional, String or Positive Integer | "400px" or 400 | | height | 图像的高度

Optional, String or Positive Integer | "200px" or 200 | | label | 图像中的类/标签列表

Required, List of Strings | ["cat","dog"] |

多标签图像分类的 JSONL 文件示例:

{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_01.jpg", "image_details":{"format": "jpg", "width": "400px", "height": "258px"}, "label": ["can"]}
{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_02.jpg", "image_details": {"format": "jpg", "width": "397px", "height": "296px"}, "label": ["can","milk_bottle"]}
{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_n.jpg", "image_details": {"format": "jpg", "width": "1024px", "height": "768px"}, "label": ["carton","milk_bottle","water_bottle"]}


下面是用于对象检测的示例 JSONL 文件。



  • xmin = 边界框左上角的 x 坐标
  • ymin = 边界框左上角的 y 坐标
  • xmax = 边界框右下角的 x 坐标
  • ymax = 边界框右下角的 y 坐标
密钥 说明 示例
image_url Azure 机器学习数据存储中的图像位置

Required, String | "AmlDatastore://data_directory/Image_01.jpg" | | image_details | 图像详细信息

Optional, Dictionary | "image_details":{"format": "jpg", "width": "400px", "height": "258px"} | | format | 图像类型(支持 Pillow 库中提供的所有图像格式。但对于 YOLO,仅支持 opencv 允许的图像格式)

Optional, String from {"jpg", "jpeg", "png", "jpe", "jfif", "bmp", "tif", "tiff"} | "jpg" or "jpeg" or "png" or "jpe" or "jfif" or "bmp" or "tif" or "tiff" | | width | 图像的宽度

Optional, String or Positive Integer | "499px" or 499 | | height | 图像的高度

Optional, String or Positive Integer | "665px" or 665 | | label(外部键) | 边界框列表,其中每个框都是其左上方和右下方坐标的 label, topX, topY, bottomX, bottomY, isCrowd 字典

Required, List of dictionaries | [{"label": "cat", "topX": 0.260, "topY": 0.406, "bottomX": 0.735, "bottomY": 0.701, "isCrowd": 0}] | | label(内部键) | 边界框中对象的类/标签

Required, String | "cat" | | topX | 边界框左上角的 x 坐标与图像宽度的比率

Required, Float in the range [0,1] | 0.260 | | topY | 边界框左上角的 y 坐标与图像高度的比率

Required, Float in the range [0,1] | 0.406 | | bottomX | 边界框右下角的 x 坐标与图像宽度的比率

Required, Float in the range [0,1] | 0.735 | | bottomY | 边界框右下角的 y 坐标与图像高度的比率

Required, Float in the range [0,1] | 0.701 | | isCrowd | 指示边界框是否围绕对象群。 如果设置了此特殊标志,我们在计算指标时将跳过此特定边界框。

Optional, Bool | 0 |

用于对象检测的 JSONL 文件示例:

{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_01.jpg", "image_details": {"format": "jpg", "width": "499px", "height": "666px"}, "label": [{"label": "can", "topX": 0.260, "topY": 0.406, "bottomX": 0.735, "bottomY": 0.701, "isCrowd": 0}]}
{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_02.jpg", "image_details": {"format": "jpg", "width": "499px", "height": "666px"}, "label": [{"label": "carton", "topX": 0.172, "topY": 0.153, "bottomX": 0.432, "bottomY": 0.659, "isCrowd": 0}, {"label": "milk_bottle", "topX": 0.300, "topY": 0.566, "bottomX": 0.891, "bottomY": 0.735, "isCrowd": 0}]}
{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_n.jpg", "image_details": {"format": "jpg", "width": "499px", "height": "666px"}, "label": [{"label": "carton", "topX": 0.0180, "topY": 0.297, "bottomX": 0.380, "bottomY": 0.836, "isCrowd": 0}, {"label": "milk_bottle", "topX": 0.454, "topY": 0.348, "bottomX": 0.613, "bottomY": 0.683, "isCrowd": 0}, {"label": "water_bottle", "topX": 0.667, "topY": 0.279, "bottomX": 0.841, "bottomY": 0.615, "isCrowd": 0}]}


对于实例分段,自动化 ML 仅支持多边形作为输入和输出,不支持掩码。

下面是实例分段的示例 JSONL 文件。

         "polygon":[["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2", "x3", "y3", "...", "xn", "yn"]]
密钥 说明 示例
image_url Azure 机器学习数据存储中的图像位置

Required, String | "AmlDatastore://data_directory/Image_01.jpg" | | image_details | 图像详细信息

Optional, Dictionary | "image_details":{"format": "jpg", "width": "400px", "height": "258px"} | | format | 映像类型

Optional, String from {"jpg", "jpeg", "png", "jpe", "jfif", "bmp", "tif", "tiff" } | "jpg" or "jpeg" or "png" or "jpe" or "jfif" or "bmp" or "tif" or "tiff" | | width | 图像的宽度

Optional, String or Positive Integer | "499px" or 499 | | height | 图像的高度

Optional, String or Positive Integer | "665px" or 665 | | label(外部键) | 掩码列表,其中每个掩码都是 label, isCrowd, polygon coordinates 的字典

Required, List of dictionaries | [{"label": "can", "isCrowd": 0, "polygon": [[0.577, 0.689,

0.562, 0.681,

0.559, 0.686]]}] | | label(内部键) | 掩码中对象的类/标签

Required, String | "cat" | | isCrowd | 指示掩码是否围绕对象群

Optional, Bool | 0 | | polygon | 对象的多边形坐标

Required, List of list for multiple segments of the same instance. Float values in the range [0,1] | [[0.577, 0.689, 0.567, 0.689, 0.559, 0.686]] |

实例分段的 JSONL 文件示例:

{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_01.jpg", "image_details": {"format": "jpg", "width": "499px", "height": "666px"}, "label": [{"label": "can", "isCrowd": 0, "polygon": [[0.577, 0.689, 0.567, 0.689, 0.559, 0.686, 0.380, 0.593, 0.304, 0.555, 0.294, 0.545, 0.290, 0.534, 0.274, 0.512, 0.2705, 0.496, 0.270, 0.478, 0.284, 0.453, 0.308, 0.432, 0.326, 0.423, 0.356, 0.415, 0.418, 0.417, 0.635, 0.493, 0.683, 0.507, 0.701, 0.518, 0.709, 0.528, 0.713, 0.545, 0.719, 0.554, 0.719, 0.579, 0.713, 0.597, 0.697, 0.621, 0.695, 0.629, 0.631, 0.678, 0.619, 0.683, 0.595, 0.683, 0.577, 0.689]]}]}
{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_02.jpg", "image_details": {"format": "jpg", "width": "499px", "height": "666px"}, "label": [{"label": "carton", "isCrowd": 0, "polygon": [[0.240, 0.65, 0.234, 0.654, 0.230, 0.647, 0.210, 0.512, 0.202, 0.403, 0.182, 0.267, 0.184, 0.243, 0.180, 0.166, 0.186, 0.159, 0.198, 0.156, 0.396, 0.162, 0.408, 0.169, 0.406, 0.217, 0.414, 0.249, 0.422, 0.262, 0.422, 0.569, 0.342, 0.569, 0.334, 0.572, 0.320, 0.585, 0.308, 0.624, 0.306, 0.648, 0.240, 0.657]]}, {"label": "milk_bottle",  "isCrowd": 0, "polygon": [[0.675, 0.732, 0.635, 0.731, 0.621, 0.725, 0.573, 0.717, 0.516, 0.717, 0.505, 0.720, 0.462, 0.722, 0.438, 0.719, 0.396, 0.719, 0.358, 0.714, 0.334, 0.714, 0.322, 0.711, 0.312, 0.701, 0.306, 0.687, 0.304, 0.663, 0.308, 0.630, 0.320, 0.596, 0.32, 0.588, 0.326, 0.579]]}]}
{"image_url": "AmlDatastore://image_data/Image_n.jpg", "image_details": {"format": "jpg", "width": "499px", "height": "666px"}, "label": [{"label": "water_bottle", "isCrowd": 0, "polygon": [[0.334, 0.626, 0.304, 0.621, 0.254, 0.603, 0.164, 0.605, 0.158, 0.602, 0.146, 0.602, 0.142, 0.608, 0.094, 0.612, 0.084, 0.599, 0.080, 0.585, 0.080, 0.539, 0.082, 0.536, 0.092, 0.533, 0.126, 0.530, 0.132, 0.533, 0.144, 0.533, 0.162, 0.525, 0.172, 0.525, 0.186, 0.521, 0.196, 0.521 ]]}, {"label": "milk_bottle", "isCrowd": 0, "polygon": [[0.392, 0.773, 0.380, 0.732, 0.379, 0.767, 0.367, 0.755, 0.362, 0.735, 0.362, 0.714, 0.352, 0.644, 0.352, 0.611, 0.362, 0.597, 0.40, 0.593, 0.444,  0.494, 0.588, 0.515, 0.585, 0.621, 0.588, 0.671, 0.582, 0.713, 0.572, 0.753 ]]}]}


在本部分中,我们将记录在使用部署的模型时进行预测所需的输入数据格式。 可以接受内容类型为 application/octet-stream 的任何上述图像格式。


下面是使用特定于任务的模型终结点对任何任务生成预测所需的输入格式。 部署模型后,我们可以使用以下代码段来获取所有任务的预测。

# input image for inference
sample_image = './test_image.jpg'
# load image data
data = open(sample_image, 'rb').read()
# set the content type
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
# if authentication is enabled, set the authorization header
headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {key}'
# make the request and display the response
response =, data, headers=headers)


根据任务类型,对模型终结点进行的预测遵循不同的结构。 本部分将探讨多类、多标签图像分类、对象检测和实例分段任务的输出数据格式。











在实例分段中,输出包含多个框,其中包含缩放后的左上角和右下角坐标、标签、置信度和多边形(非掩码)。 此处,多边形值与我们在“架构”部分中讨论的格式相同。

               0.82, 0.811, 0.771, 0.810, 0.758, 0.805, 0.741, 0.797, 0.735, 0.791, 0.718, 0.785, 0.715, 0.778, 0.706, 0.775, 0.696, 0.758, 0.695, 0.717, 0.698, 0.567, 0.705, 0.552, 0.706, 0.540, 0.725, 0.520, 0.735, 0.505, 0.745, 0.502, 0.755, 0.493
               0.365, 0.602, 0.273, 0.602, 0.26, 0.595, 0.263, 0.588, 0.251, 0.546, 0.248, 0.501, 0.25, 0.485, 0.246, 0.478, 0.245, 0.463, 0.233, 0.442, 0.231, 0.43, 0.226, 0.423, 0.226, 0.408, 0.234, 0.385, 0.241, 0.371, 0.238, 0.345, 0.234, 0.335, 0.233, 0.325, 0.24, 0.305, 0.586, 0.38, 0.592, 0.375, 0.598, 0.365
               0.576, 0.680, 0.501, 0.680, 0.475, 0.675, 0.460, 0.625, 0.445, 0.630, 0.443, 0.572, 0.440, 0.560, 0.435, 0.515, 0.431, 0.501, 0.431, 0.433, 0.433, 0.426, 0.445, 0.417, 0.456, 0.407, 0.465, 0.381, 0.468, 0.327, 0.471, 0.318

数据采集 数据可视化 数据挖掘
本文旨在为读者提供一个全面的指南,通过Python编程语言实现Excel数据的自动化处理。无论你是初学者还是有经验的开发者,本文都将帮助你掌握Pandas和openpyxl这两个强大的库,从而提升数据处理的效率和准确性。我们将从环境设置开始,逐步深入到数据读取、清洗、分析和可视化等各个环节,最终实现一个实际的自动化项目案例。 ####
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PC Agent:开源 AI 电脑智能体,自动收集人机交互数据,模拟认知过程实现办公自动化
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