iPerf3 命令通用选项

简介: iPerf3 命令通用选项

iPerf3 命令通用选项


命令选项 命令描述
-p, --port n The server port for the server to listen on and the client to connect to. This should be the same in both client and server. Default is 5201.
–cport n Option to specify the client-side port. (new in iPerf 3.1)
-f, --format [kmgKMG] 格式化带宽数输出。支持的格式有:

‘k’ = Kbits/sec ‘K’ = KBytes/sec

‘m’ = Mbits/sec ‘M’ = MBytes/sec

‘g’ = Gbits/sec ‘G’ = GBytes/sec


注意:在计算字节byte时,Kilo = 1024, Mega = 1024^2,Giga = 1024^3。通常,在网络中,Kilo = 1000, Mega = 1000^2, and Giga = 1000^3,所以,Iperf也按此来计算比特(位)。如果这些困扰了你,那么请使用-f b参数,然后亲自计算一下。
-i, --interval n Sets the interval time in seconds between periodic bandwidth, jitter, and loss reports. If non-zero, a report is made every interval seconds of the bandwidth since the last report. If zero, no periodic reports are printed. Default is zero.
- F , --file name client-side: read from the file and write to the network, instead of using random data; server-side: read from the network and write to the file, instead of throwing the data away.
-A, --affinity n/n,m-F Set the CPU affinity, if possible (Linux and FreeBSD only). On both the client and server you can set the local affinity by using the n form of this argument (where n is a CPU number). In addition, on the client side you can override the server’s affinity for just that one test, using the n,m form of argument. Note that when using this feature, a process will only be bound to a single CPU (as opposed to a set containing potentialy multiple CPUs).
- B , --bind host Bind to host , one of this machine’s addresses. For the client this sets the outbound interface. For a server this sets the incoming interface. This is only useful on multihomed hosts, which have multiple network interfaces.
-V, --verbose give more detailed output
-J, --json output in JSON format
–logfile file send output to a log file. (new in iPerf 3.1)
–d, --debug emit debugging output. Primarily (perhaps exclusively) of use to developers.
-v, --version Show version information and quit.
-h , --help Show a help synopsis and quit.

iPerf3 服务端命令特有选项

命令选项 命令描述
-s, --server Run iPerf in server mode. (This will only allow one iperf connection at a time)
-D, --daemon Run the server in background as a daemon.
- I, --pidfilefile write a file with the process ID, most useful when running as a daemon.

iPerf3 客户端命令特有选项

命令选项 命令描述
-c, --client host Run iPerf in client mode, connecting to an iPerf server running on host .
–sctp Use SCTP rather than TCP (Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris). (new in iPerf 3.1)
-u , --udp Use UDP rather than TCP. See also the -b option.
-b, --bandwidth n[KM] Set target bandwidth to n bits/sec (default 1 Mbit/sec for UDP, unlimited for TCP). If there are multiple streams (-P flag), the bandwidth limit is applied separately to each stream. You can also add a ’/’and a number to the bandwidth specifier. This is called “burst mode”. It will send the given number of packets without pausing, even if that temporarily exceeds the specified bandwidth limit.
-t, --time n The time in seconds to transmit for. iPerf normally works by repeatedly sending an array of len bytes for time seconds. Default is 10 seconds. See also the -l, -k and - n options.
-n , --num n[KM] The number of buffers to transmit. Normally, iPerf sends for 10 seconds. The -n option overrides this and sends an array of len bytes num times, no matter how long that takes. See also the -l, -k and -t options.
-k, --blockcount n[KM] The number of blocks (packets) to transmit. (instead of -t or -n) See also the -t, - l and -n options.
-l, --length n[KM] The length of buffers to read or write. iPerf works by writing an array of len bytes a number of times. Default is 128 KB for TCP, 8 KB for UDP. See also the -n, - k and -t options.
- P, --parallel n The number of simultaneous connections to make to the server. Default is 1.
- R, --reverse Run in reverse mode (server sends, client receives).
-w , --window n[KM] Sets the socket buffer sizes to the specified value. For TCP, this sets the TCP window size. (this gets sent to the server and used on that side too)
- M , --set-mss n Attempt to set the TCP maximum segment size (MSS). The MSS is usually the MTU - 40 bytes for the TCP/IP header. For ethernet, the MSS is 1460 bytes (1500 byte MTU).
- N, --no-delay Set the TCP no delay option, disabling Nagle’s algorithm. Normally this is only disabled for interactive applications like telnet.
-4 , --version4 only use IPv4.
-6 , --version4 only use IPv6.
-S , --tos n The type-of-service for outgoing packets. (Many routers ignore the TOS field.) You may specify the value in hex with a ‘0x’ prefix, in octal with a ‘0’ prefix, or in decimal. For example, ‘0x10’ hex = ‘020’ octal = ‘16’ decimal. The TOS numbers specified in RFC 1349 are:

IPTOS_ LOWDELAY minimize delay 0x10
IPTOS_THROUGHPUT maximize throughput 0x08
IPTOS_RELIABILITY maximize reliability 0x04
IPTOS_ LOWCOST minimize cost 0x02
-O, --omit n specified in RFC 1349 are:Omit the first n seconds of the test, to skip past the TCP TCP slowstart period.


-f [kmKM] 分别表示以Kbits, Mbits, KBytes, MBytes显示报告,默认以Mbits为单位

eg:iperf -c -f K

-i sec 以秒为单位显示报告间隔

eg:iperf -c -i 2

-l 缓冲区大小,默认是8KB

eg:iperf -c -l 16

-m 显示tcp最大mtu值

-o 将报告和错误信息输出到文件

eg:iperf -c -o ciperflog.txt

-p 指定服务器端使用的端口或客户端所连接的端口

eg:iperf -s -p 9999;iperf -c -p 9999

-u 使用udp协议

-w 指定TCP窗口大小,默认是8KB

-B 绑定一个主机地址或接口(当主机有多个地址或接口时使用该参数)

-C 兼容旧版本(当server端和client端版本不一样时使用)

-M 设定TCP数据包的最大mtu值

-N 设定TCP不延时

-V 传输ipv6数据包

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别再只会使用简单的 ping 命令了,Linux 中这些高级 ping 命令可以提高工作效率!
在 Linux 系统中,ping 命令不仅用于检测网络连通性和延迟,还拥有多种高级选项和技巧,如定制数据包大小、获取详细统计信息、持续 ping、指定源地址和多目标 ping。本文详细介绍这些高级命令及其在性能测试、故障排查和网络监控中的实际应用,帮助你提升网络管理效率。
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