次日留存率 | 首次登陆后第二天登录游戏用户/统计日的注册用户数 |
三日留存率 | 首次登陆后第三天登陆过的用户/统计日的注册用户数 |
七日留存率 | 首次登陆后第七天登录过游戏的用户/统计日的注册用户数 |
三十日留存数 | 首次登陆后第三十天登录过游戏的用户/统计日的注册用户数 |
留存率 在不同的游戏中 算法不一样
这样统计 有科学根据的
比如 哪天 你开广@告了 就可以看 他带来的用户质量
还有 这样的留存 数据 也会好看的
-- 登录日志 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS log_login; CREATE TABLE log_login( id INT (11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, player_id INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, last_login_time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2000-01-01 00:00:00', register_time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2000-01-01 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (id) )ENGINE=MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
-- 统计留存率 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS stat_remain; CREATE TABLE stat_remain( id INT (11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, dru INT(11) NOT NULL, -- 每日新注册用户 second_day INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, third_day INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, seventh_day INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, thirtieth_day INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, stat_time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2000-01-01 00:00:00', add_time timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '2000-01-01 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (id) )ENGINE=MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
-- 统计留存率
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS stat_remain_player$$
CREATE PROCEDURE stat_remain_player()
-- 今天的日期
declare today date default curdate();
declare yesterday date default date_sub(today, interval 1 day);
declare days_ago_2 date default date_sub(today, interval 2 day);
declare days_ago_3 date default date_sub(today, interval 3 day);
declare days_ago_4 date default date_sub(today, interval 4 day);
declare days_ago_6 date default date_sub(today, interval 6 day);
declare days_ago_7 date default date_sub(today, interval 7 day);
declare days_ago_13 date default date_sub(today, interval 13 day);
declare days_ago_14 date default date_sub(today, interval 14 day);
declare days_ago_29 date default date_sub(today, interval 29 day);
declare days_ago_30 date default date_sub(today, interval 30 day);
-- 统计昨天DRU(就是昨天一天的注册人数)
insert into stat_remain(dru, stat_time, add_time) select count(id) , yesterday, now() from user where role_num>0 and roll=false and last_login_time>'2000-01-01' and add_time between yesterday and today;
-- 修改前天的2日留存
update stat_remain set second_day = ( select( (select count(distinct player_id) from log_login where (register_time between days_ago_2 and yesterday) and (last_login_time between yesterday and today)) / (select count(distinct player_id) from log_login where (register_time between days_ago_2 and yesterday)) ) ) where stat_time = days_ago_2;
-- 修改大前天的3日留存
update stat_remain set third_day = ( select( (select count(distinct player_id) from log_login where (register_time between days_ago_3 and days_ago_2) and (last_login_time between yesterday and today)) / (select count(distinct player_id) from log_login where (register_time between days_ago_3 and days_ago_2)) ) ) where stat_time = days_ago_3;
-- 7日留存
update stat_remain set seventh_day = ( select( (select count(distinct player_id) from log_login where (register_time between days_ago_7 and days_ago_6) and (last_login_time between yesterday and today)) / (select count(distinct player_id) from log_login where (register_time between days_ago_7 and days_ago_6)) ) ) where stat_time = days_ago_7;
-- 14日留存
update stat_remain set fourteen_day = ( select( (select count(distinct player_id) from log_login where (register_time between days_ago_14 and days_ago_13) and (last_login_time between yesterday and today)) / (select count(distinct player_id) from log_login where (register_time between days_ago_14 and days_ago_13)) ) ) where stat_time = days_ago_14;
-- 30日留存
update stat_remain set thirtieth_day = ( select( (select count(distinct player_id) from log_login where (register_time between days_ago_30 and days_ago_29) and (last_login_time between yesterday and today)) / (select count(distinct player_id) from log_login where (register_time between days_ago_30 and days_ago_29)) ) ) where stat_time = days_ago_30; END $$
stat_remain_player 存储过程在每新的一天的0点0分1秒左右去执行,生成stat_remain数据,并对离当天stat_time差距为1天,2天,6天和29天的记录进行更新。