SELECT a.id,a.title,a.content,a.canyuze,a.liexize,a.zhuchiren,b.`name`,a.location ,DATE_FORMAT(a.startTime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as startTime ,DATE_FORMAT(a.endTime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as endTime ,a.state ,(case a.state when 0 then '取消会议' when 1 then '新建' when 2 then '待审核' when 3 then '驳回' when 4 then '待开' when 5 then '进行中' when 6 then '开启投票' else '结束会' end ) as meetingState ,a.seatPic,a.remark,a.auditor,c.`name` as auditorName FROM t_oa_meeting_info a inner join t_oa_user b on a.zhuchiren = b.id left JOIN t_oa_user c on a.auditor = c.id where 1=1 and FIND_IN_SET('6',CONCAT(a.canyuze,',',a.liexize,',',a.zhuchiren)) and title like '%%' and state = 4 order by a.id desc
当前登录账号,只要是 某会议 的参与者、列席者、主持人中的一员,并且会议状态是待开,则查询出来
当前登录账号,只要是 某会议 的参与者、列席者、主持人中的一员,,则查询出来
-- 只是新建状态,还没有对应审核人也应该查询出来 SELECT CONCAT(a.canyuze,',',a.liexize,',',a.zhuchiren,',',IFNULL(a.auditor,-1)) allPerson ,a.id,a.title,a.content,a.canyuze,a.liexize,a.zhuchiren,b.`name`,a.location ,DATE_FORMAT(a.startTime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as startTime ,DATE_FORMAT(a.endTime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as endTime ,a.state ,(case a.state when 0 then '取消会议' when 1 then '新建' when 2 then '待审核' when 3 then '驳回' when 4 then '待开' when 5 then '进行中' when 6 then '开启投票' else '结束会' end ) as meetingState ,a.seatPic,a.remark,a.auditor,c.`name` as auditorName FROM t_oa_meeting_info a inner join t_oa_user b on a.zhuchiren = b.id left JOIN t_oa_user c on a.auditor = c.id where 1=1 and FIND_IN_SET('2',CONCAT(a.canyuze,',',a.liexize,',',a.zhuchiren,',',IFNULL(a.auditor,-1))) and title like '%%' order by a.id desc
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let layer,form,table,$; var row; layui.use(['layer','form','table'],function(){ layer=layui.layer,form=layui.form,table=layui.table,$=layui.jquery; //初始化会议列表 initMeeting(); query(); //绑定查询按钮的点击事件 $('#btn_meeting_search').click(function(){ query(); }); }); //1.初始化会议列表 function initMeeting(){ table.render({ //执行渲染 elem: '#tb_meeting', //指定原始表格元素选择器(推荐id选择器) height: 400, //自定义高度 loading: false, //是否显示加载条(默认 true) cols: [[ //设置表头 {field: 'title', title: '会议标题', width: 180}, {field: 'location', title: '会议地点', width: 120}, {field: 'startTime', title: '开始时间', width: 180}, {field: 'endTime', title: '结束时间', width: 180}, {field: 'meetingState', title: '会议状态', width: 90}, {field: 'name', title: '主持人', width: 120}, //{field: '', title: '操作', width: 260, toolbar: '#tbMeeting'} ]] }); } //2.查询所有会议 function query(){ table.reload('tb_meeting', { url: 'info.action', //请求地址 method: 'POST', //请求方式,GET或者POST loading: true, //是否显示加载条(默认 true) page: true, //是否分页 where: { //设定异步数据接口的额外参数,任意设 'methodName':'allInfos', 'title':$('#title').val(), 'zhuchiren':$('#userid').val() }, request: { //自定义分页请求参数名 pageName: 'page', //页码的参数名称,默认:page limitName: 'rows' //每页数据量的参数名,默认:limit }, done: function (res, curr, count) { //查询完成的回调函数 } }); }
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let layer,form,table,$; var row; layui.use(['layer','form','table'],function(){ layer=layui.layer,form=layui.form,table=layui.table,$=layui.jquery; //初始化会议列表 initMeeting(); query(); //绑定查询按钮的点击事件 $('#btn_meeting_search').click(function(){ query(); }); }); //1.初始化会议列表 function initMeeting(){ table.render({ //执行渲染 elem: '#tb_meeting', //指定原始表格元素选择器(推荐id选择器) height: 400, //自定义高度 loading: false, //是否显示加载条(默认 true) cols: [[ //设置表头 {field: 'title', title: '会议标题', width: 180}, {field: 'location', title: '会议地点', width: 120}, {field: 'startTime', title: '开始时间', width: 180}, {field: 'endTime', title: '结束时间', width: 180}, {field: 'meetingState', title: '会议状态', width: 90}, {field: 'name', title: '主持人', width: 120}, //{field: '', title: '操作', width: 260, toolbar: '#tbMeeting'} ]] }); } //2.待开会议 function query(){ table.reload('tb_meeting', { url: 'info.action', //请求地址 method: 'POST', //请求方式,GET或者POST loading: true, //是否显示加载条(默认 true) page: true, //是否分页 where: { //设定异步数据接口的额外参数,任意设 'methodName':'queryMeetingInfoByState', 'title':$('#title').val(), 'zhuchiren':$('#userid').val(), 'state':4 }, request: { //自定义分页请求参数名 pageName: 'page', //页码的参数名称,默认:page limitName: 'rows' //每页数据量的参数名,默认:limit }, done: function (res, curr, count) { //查询完成的回调函数 } }); }