单词接龙 II
按字典 wordList 完成从单词 beginWord 到单词 endWord 转化,一个表示此过程的 转换序列 是形式上像 beginWord -> s1 -> s2 -> … -> sk 这样的单词序列,并满足:
- 每对相邻的单词之间仅有单个字母不同。
- 转换过程中的每个单词 si(1 <= i <= k)必须是字典 wordList 中的单词。注意,beginWord 不必是字典 wordList 中的单词。
- sk == endWord
给你两个单词 beginWord 和 endWord ,以及一个字典 wordList 。请你找出并返回所有从 beginWord 到 endWord 的 最短转换序列 ,如果不存在这样的转换序列,返回一个空列表。每个序列都应该以单词列表 [beginWord, s1, s2, …, sk] 的形式返回。
示例 1:
输入:beginWord = "hit", endWord = "cog", wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"] 输出:[["hit","hot","dot","dog","cog"],["hit","hot","lot","log","cog"]] 解释:存在 2 种最短的转换序列: "hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog" "hit" -> "hot" -> "lot" -> "log" -> "cog"
示例 2:
输入:beginWord = "hit", endWord = "cog", wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"] 输出:[] 解释:endWord "cog" 不在字典 wordList 中,所以不存在符合要求的转换序列。
1 <= beginWord.length <= 5 endWord.length == beginWord.length 1 <= wordList.length <= 500 wordList[i].length == beginWord.length beginWord、endWord 和 wordList[i] 由小写英文字母组成 beginWord != endWord wordList 中的所有单词 互不相同
- 给出起始单词和目标单词,要我们找出其实单词转化成目标单词的最少步数
- 每次转化可以从给出的字典中取一个与当前单词之间仅有单个字母不同的单词进行转换
/** * @param {string} beginWord * @param {string} endWord * @param {string[]} wordList * @return {string[][]} */ var findLadders = function(beginWord, endWord, wordList) { let res = false; let flag = new Array(wordList.length).fill(true); let ans = [beginWord]; let ansList = []; let minLen = Infinity; const isDiff1 = function(w1,w2){ if(w1.length != w2.length || w1 == w2) return false; let num = 0; for(let i = 0; i < w1.length; i++){ if(w1[i] != w2[i]) num++; if(num > 1) return false; } return true; }; const dfs = function(nowWord){ if(nowWord === endWord){ res = true; if(ans.length < minLen) { minLen = ans.length; ansList = [[...ans]]; }else if(ans.length == minLen){ ansList.push([...ans]); } return; } for(let i = 0; i < wordList.length && ans.length < minLen; i++){ if(flag[i] && isDiff1(nowWord,wordList[i])){ flag[i] = false; ans.push(wordList[i]); dfs(wordList[i]); ans.pop(); flag[i] = true; } } } dfs(beginWord); return ansList; };
map[beginWord] = []; for(let i = 0; i < wordList.length; i++){ map[wordList[i]] = []; if(isDiff1(wordList[i],beginWord)){ map[beginWord].push(wordList[i]); } for(let j = 0; j < wordList.length; j++){ if(j == i) continue; if(isDiff1(wordList[i],wordList[j])){ map[wordList[i]].push(wordList[j]); } } }
const stepCalc = function(nowWord,step){ wordStep[nowWord] = step; for(let key of map[nowWord]){ if(!wordStep[key] || wordStep[key] > step + 1){ stepCalc(key,step+1); } } }; stepCalc(beginWord,0);
const bfs = function(step,tarWord,ans){ if(step === 0){ if(isDiff1(beginWord,tarWord)){ ansList.push([beginWord,...ans]); } return; } if(!stepList[step]) return; for(let key of stepList[step]){ if(isDiff1(key,tarWord)){ bfs(step-1,key,[key,...ans]); } } }; bfs(wordStep[endWord] - 1,endWord,[endWord]);
/** * @param {string} beginWord * @param {string} endWord * @param {string[]} wordList * @return {string[][]} */ const isDiff1 = function(w1,w2){ let num = 0; for(let i = 0; i < w1.length; i++){ if(w1[i] != w2[i]) num++; if(num > 1) return false; } return num == 1; }; var findLadders = function(beginWord, endWord, wordList) { if(!wordList.includes(endWord)) return []; const ansList = []; const map = {}; const stepList = {}; const wordStep = {}; map[beginWord] = []; for(let i = 0; i < wordList.length; i++){ map[wordList[i]] = []; if(isDiff1(wordList[i],beginWord)){ map[beginWord].push(wordList[i]); } for(let j = 0; j < wordList.length; j++){ if(j == i) continue; if(isDiff1(wordList[i],wordList[j])){ map[wordList[i]].push(wordList[j]); } } } const stepCalc = function(nowWord,step){ wordStep[nowWord] = step; for(let key of map[nowWord]){ if(!wordStep[key] || wordStep[key] > step + 1){ stepCalc(key,step+1); } } }; stepCalc(beginWord,0); for(let key of wordList){ if(!stepList[wordStep[key]]) stepList[wordStep[key]] = []; stepList[wordStep[key]].push(key); } const bfs = function(step,tarWord,ans){ if(step === 0){ if(isDiff1(beginWord,tarWord)){ ansList.push([beginWord,...ans]); } return; } if(!stepList[step]) return; for(let key of stepList[step]){ if(isDiff1(key,tarWord)){ bfs(step-1,key,[key,...ans]); } } }; bfs(wordStep[endWord] - 1,endWord,[endWord]); return ansList; };
🎉这里是JYeontu,喜欢算法,GDCPC打过卡;热爱羽毛球,大运会打过酱油。毕业一年,两年前端开发经验,目前担任H5前端开发,算法业余爱好者,有空会刷刷算法题,平时喜欢打打羽毛球🏸 ,也喜欢写些东西,既为自己记录📋,也希望可以对大家有那么一丢丢的帮助,写的不好望多多谅解🙇,写错的地方望指出,定会认真改进😊,在此谢谢大家的支持,我们下文再见🙌。