FT50期刊与UTD24期刊分别是英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)与美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 (UT Dallas)用以编制国际商学院排行榜的顶级商业期刊。
FT50期刊:即英国《金融时报》( Financial Times)在编制FT Research排行榜时使用的50本期刊。包括全球MBA、EMBA和在线MBA排行榜。2016年5月,英国《金融时报》对计入其研究排名的期刊进行了重新评估,最终被考虑的期刊数量由45本上升到50本(剔除4本,又增加9本)。
UTD24期刊:全称为UT/Dallas期刊,是美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校(UT Dallas)的纳文金达尔管理学院(Naveen Jindal School of Management)在对全世界前100名商学院进行排名时使用的24本期刊。该院创建一个数据库,用以追踪24种主要商业期刊上发表的论文。 该数据库包含自1990年以来在这些期刊上发表的论文的标题和作者单位,该排名基于教师的总贡献,用以对全世界前100名商学院进行排名。
序号 | 期刊名称 | FT50 | UTD24 |
1 | Academy of Management Journal | Y | Y |
2 | Academy of Management Review | Y | Y |
3 | Accounting, Organizations and Society | Y | |
4 | Administrative Science Quarterly | Y | Y |
5 | American Economic Review | Y | |
6 | Contemporary Accounting Research | Y | |
7 | Econometrica | Y | |
8 | Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | Y | |
9 | Harvard Business Review | Y | |
10 | Human Relations | Y | |
11 | Human Resource Management | Y | |
12 | Information Systems Research | Y | Y |
13 | Journal of Accounting and Economics | Y | Y |
14 | Journal of Accounting Research | Y | Y |
15 | Journal of Applied Psychology | Y | |
16 | Journal of Business Ethics | Y | |
17 | Journal of Business Venturing | Y | |
18 | Journal of Consumer Psychology | Y | |
19 | Journal of Consumer Research | Y | Y |
20 | Journal of Finance | Y | Y |
21 | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | Y | |
22 | Journal of Financial Economics | Y | Y |
23 | Journal of International Business Studies | Y | Y |
24 | Journal of Management | Y | |
25 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Y | |
26 | Journal of Management Studies | Y | |
27 | Journal of Marketing | Y | Y |
28 | Journal of Marketing Research | Y | Y |
29 | Journal of Operations Management | Y | Y |
30 | Journal of Political Economy | Y | |
31 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Y | |
32 | Management Science | Y | Y |
33 | Manufacturing and Service Operations Management | Y | Y |
34 | Marketing Science | Y | Y |
35 | MIS Quarterly | Y | Y |
36 | Operations Research | Y | Y |
37 | Organization Science | Y | Y |
38 | Organization Studies | Y | |
39 | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | Y | |
40 | Production and Operations Management | Y | Y |
41 | Quarterly Journal of Economics | Y | |
42 | Research Policy | Y | |
43 | Review of Accounting Studies | Y | |
44 | Review of Economic Studies | Y | |
45 | Review of Finance | Y | |
46 | Review of Financial Studies | Y | Y |
47 | Sloan Management Review | Y | |
48 | Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal | Y | |
49 | Strategic Management Journal | Y | Y |
50 | The Accounting Review | Y | Y |
51 | INFORMS Journal on Computing | Y |
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