While you say that this is a “simple query”, the exception error code mentions the following:
An SQL statement was detected that is not supported by the database. The statement might be valid for other IBM® relational database products or it might be valid in another context. For example, statements such as VALUES and SIGNAL or RESIGNAL SQLSTATE can be used only in certain contexts, such as in a trigger body or in an SQL Procedure.
System action
The statement cannot be processed.
Programmer response
Change the syntax of the SQL statement or remove the statement from the program.
You should review the DB2 SQL guidelines for how to achieve what you want to achieve, and also explain that in the question if you’d like further assistance. For example, are you sure “WSDIWC.WBPTRR1” is actually available?
检测到数据库不支持的SQL语句。 该语句可能对其他IBM®关系数据库产品有效,也可能在其他上下文中有效。例如,诸如VALUES和SIGNAL或RESIGNAL SQLSTATE之类的语句只能在某些上下文中使用,例如在触发器主体或SQL过程中