DTMultiWindow UE UMG Multi -window plug -in description

简介: DTMultiWindow UE UMG Multi -window plug -in description

Step of operation:

1. Create a new UMG, select DT User Widget

2. Use the traditional method to build this UMG control.

3. Use the creation window and display

DT User Widget Explanation :

DT User Widget is inherited in User Widget, has all the functions of User Widget, and adds several new blueprint nodes.

Can cover nodes :

On Window Activated :When the window is activated

On Window Deactivated :When the window loses the activation state

On Window Closed :When the window is destroyed and closed

Functional node :

Show Window :Display window


Hide Window : Hidden window

Close Window : The window is closed and destroyed

Global blueprint node description:

Create Window

Window is a platform-agnostic representation of a top-level window.

Class : The type of DT User Widget.

Title : Title of the window.

ClientSize : What the initial size of the window should be.

DoModal : Modal window.

Show : Show window.

WindowType : Type of this window.

ScreenPosition : Screen-space position where the window should be initially located.

AutoCenter : The windows auto-centering mode. If set to anything other than None, then the ScreenPosition value will be ignored.

DragAnywhere : The windows auto-ceWhen true, the window can be dragged from anywhere.

IsInitiallyMaximized : Is the window initially maximized.

IsInitiallyMinimized : Is the window initially minimized.

SizingRule : How the window should be sized.

IsTopmostWindow : True if this window should always be on top of all other windows.

FocusWhenFirstShown : Should this window be focused immediately after it is shown?

HasCloseButton : Does this window have a close button?

SupportsMaximize : Can this window be maximized?

SupportsMinimize : Can this window be minimized?

ShouldPreserveAspectRatio : Should this window preserve its aspect ratio when resized by user?

MinWidth : The smallest width this window can be in Desktop Pixel Units.

MinHeight : The smallest height this window can be in Desktop Pixel Units.

MaxWidth : The biggest width this window can be in Desktop Pixel Units.

MaxHeight : The biggest height this window can be in Desktop Pixel Units.

Close All Window

Close and destroy all the currently created windows

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