DTDragDropFile UE Drag the system file to the window Plug-in Description

简介: DTDragDropFile UE Drag the system file to the window Plug-in Description

This plug-in can be the running window after the UE is packaged and the window receives the message that the system file is dragged to the window in the PIE mode, and obtains the corresponding file address and folder address.

1. First create an Actor blueprint

2. Create a DT System Drag Drop File component in the blueprint

3. Respond to the On System Drag Drop File event in the DT System Drag Drop File component

4. Implement your own corresponding logic in the blueprint

The callback event will have two parameters to return

File Path List : The full address of all dragged-in files

Folder Path List: The full address of all dragged-in folders

Because it supports dragging in multiple files at the same time, and it may be a file or a folder, so the return value is in the form of an array, which needs to be traversed by yourself.

System Drag Drop File For Windows in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

After packing the running window and the message that the system file is dragged to the window in the PIE mode, the corresponding file address and folder address are obtained.


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