1. for 变量名 in [取值列表] 2. do 3. 循环命令语句 4. done
1. [root@daxia sh]# vim for1.sh 2. #!/bin/bash 3. 4. text=/filedir 5. 6. [ ! -d $text ] && mkdir $text 7. 8. for I in {1..100} 9. do 10. touch ${text}/hehe$I 11. done 12. 13. [root@daxia sh]# sh for1.sh 14. [root@daxia sh]# ls /filedir/
for循环的取值比较复杂,我们可以使用引号或转义符。比如说下面的file1需要用单引号引起来,但是如果不使用转义符,系统会以为引起来的内容是一起的,不会打印出来单引号。而后面的hello beijing不用引号引起来,系统会以为是两个值,分开打印。
1. [root@daxia sh]# vim for2.sh 2. #!/bin/bash 3. for F in \'file1\' "hello beijing" file4 "hello world" 4. do 5. echo the text is $F 6. done 7. [root@daxia sh]# sh for2.sh 8. the text is 'file1' 9. the text is hello beijing 10. the text is file4 11. the text is hello world
1. [root@daxia sh]# vim for3.sh 2. #!/bin/bash 3. List="file1 file2 file3" 4. for I in $List 5. do 6. echo "the text is ${I}" 7. done 8. [root@daxia sh]# sh for3.sh 9. the text is file1 10. the text is file2 11. the text is file3
1. [root@daxia sh]# vim for4.sh 2. #!/bin/bash 3. for H in $(cat /etc/hosts) 4. do 5. echo "$H" 6. done 7. [root@daxia sh]# sh for4.sh 8. 9. localhost 10. localhost.localdomain 11. localhost4 12. localhost4.localdomain4 13. ::1 14. localhost 15. localhost.localdomain 16. localhost6 17. localhost6.localdomain6
#以冒号做分隔符 IFS=: #以分号做分隔符 IFS=";" #以换行符做字段分隔符 IFS=$'\n'
1. [root@daxia sh]# vim for4.sh 2. #!/bin/bash 3. 4. IFS=$'\n' 5. for H in $(cat /etc/hosts) 6. do 7. echo "$H" 8. done 9. [root@daxia sh]# sh for4.sh 10. localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 11. ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
1. [root@daxia sh]# vim for5.sh 2. #!/bin/bash 3. for (( i=1;i<=10;i++ )) 4. do 5. useradd sc$i 6. done 7. [root@daxia sh]# sh for5.sh 8. [root@daxia sh]# tail -10 /etc/passwd 9. sc1:x:1000:1000::/home/sc1:/bin/bash 10. sc2:x:1001:1001::/home/sc2:/bin/bash 11. sc3:x:1002:1002::/home/sc3:/bin/bash 12. sc4:x:1003:1003::/home/sc4:/bin/bash 13. sc5:x:1004:1004::/home/sc5:/bin/bash 14. sc6:x:1005:1005::/home/sc6:/bin/bash 15. sc7:x:1006:1006::/home/sc7:/bin/bash 16. sc8:x:1007:1007::/home/sc8:/bin/bash 17. sc9:x:1008:1008::/home/sc9:/bin/bash 18. sc10:x:1009:1009::/home/sc10:/bin/bash
1. [root@daxia sh]# vim for5_1.sh 2. #!/bin/bash 3. for (( a=1,b=9;a<=10;a++,b-- )) 4. do 5. echo "num is $a $b" 6. done 7. [root@daxia sh]# sh for5_1.sh 8. num is 1 9 9. num is 2 8 10. num is 3 7 11. num is 4 6 12. num is 5 5 13. num is 6 4 14. num is 7 3 15. num is 8 2 16. num is 9 1 17. num is 10 0
1. [root@daxia sh]# vim for5_2.sh 2. #!/bin/bash 3. a=0 4. b=10 5. for i in {1..9} 6. do 7. let a++ 8. let b-- 9. echo "num is $a $b" 10. done 11. [root@daxia sh]# sh for5_2.sh 12. num is 1 9 13. num is 2 8 14. num is 3 7 15. num is 4 6 16. num is 5 5 17. num is 6 4 18. num is 7 3 19. num is 8 2 20. num is 9 1
[root@daxia sh]# echo $((RANDOM % 100 + 1))
1. [root@daxia sh]# vim for6.sh 2. #!/bin/bash 3. if [ ! $UID -eq 0 ] && [ $USER != "root" ];then 4. echo "你不是管理员,执行失败" 5. exit 6. fi 7. read -p "请输入你的用户前缀:" User_a 8. if [ -z $User_a ];then 9. echo "请输入有效的前缀" 10. exit 11. fi 12. read -p "请输入你的用户数量:" User_b 13. if [[ ! $User_b =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]];then 14. echo "请输入整数" 15. exit 16. fi 17. 18. read -p "是否创建用户【y|n】:" yn 19. case $yn in 20. y) 21. for i in $(seq $User_b) 22. do 23. user=${User_a}$i 24. id $user &> /dev/null 25. if [ $? -eq 0 ];then 26. echo "useradd:user $user already exists" 27. else 28. user_pass=$(echo $((RANDOM)) | md5sum | cut -c 2-10 ) 29. useradd $user 30. echo "$user_pass" | passwd --stdin $user &> /dev/null 31. echo "用户:$user 密码:$user_pass " >> /tmp/user.txt 32. echo "useradd:user $user add successfull,密码在/tmp/user.txt" 33. fi 34. done 35. ;; 36. n) 37. exit 38. ;; 39. *) 40. echo "error:请输入【y|n】:" 41. esac 42. 43. [root@daxia sh]# sh for6.sh 44. 请输入你的用户前缀:zhang 45. 请输入你的用户数量:3 46. 是否创建用户【y|n】:y 47. useradd:user zhang1 add successfull,密码在/tmp/user.txt 48. useradd:user zhang2 add successfull,密码在/tmp/user.txt 49. useradd:user zhang3 add successfull,密码在/tmp/user.txt 50. [root@daxia sh]# cat /tmp/user.txt 51. 用户:zhang1 密码:29a106702 52. 用户:zhang2 密码:6ded89b39 53. 用户:zhang3 密码:b984e2b01
1. [root@daxia sh]# vim for7.sh 2. #!/bin/bash 3. for i in {100..102} 4. do 5. Ip=192.168.8.$i 6. ping -c 1 -w 1 $Ip &> /dev/null 7. if [ $? -eq 0 ];then 8. echo "$Ip is ok" 9. echo "$Ip" >> /tmp/ip.log 10. else 11. echo "$Ip is down" 12. fi 13. done 14. wait 15. echo "scan host ip is done" 16. echo "scan ssh port is starting" 17. 18. for i in $(cat /tmp/ip.log) 19. do 20. nmap $i |grep "22" &> /dev/null 21. 22. if [ $? -eq 0 ];then 23. echo "$i 22端口已开启" 24. echo "$i 22端口已开启" >> /tmp/port.log 25. fi 26. done 27. 28. [root@daxia sh]# sh for7.sh 29. is ok 30. is down 31. is down 32. scan host ip is done 33. scan ssh port is starting 34. 22端口已开启 35. 22端口已开启 36. 22端口已开启
1. [root@daxia sh]# cat student.txt 2. 张三 3. 李四 4. 王五 5. 马六 6. 朱七 7. [root@daxia sh]# vim for8.sh 8. #!/bin/bash 9. num=$(wc -l student.txt|awk '{print $1}') 10. for i in {1..$num} 11. do 12. stu_num=$(( RANDOM % $num + 1 )) 13. sed -n "${stu_num}p" student.txt 14. sleep 0.1 15. done 16. name_stu=$(sed -n "${stu_num}p" student.txt) 17. echo -e "就是你了:\033[32m $name_stu \033[0m" 18. 19. [root@daxia sh]# sh for8.sh 20. 李四 21. 就是你了: 李四 22. [root@daxia sh]# sh for8.sh 23. 朱七 24. 就是你了: 朱七 25. 案例九:随机猜数字 26. 27. [root@daxia sh]# vim for9.sh 28. #!/bin/bash 29. num=$(echo $(( RANDOM % 100 ))) 30. 31. i=0 32. while true 33. do 34. read -p "请输入一个随机数字【1-100】:" sz 35. if [[ ! $sz =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]];then 36. echo "请输入有效的整数" 37. continue 38. fi 39. 40. if [ $sz -gt $num ];then 41. echo "你的数字过大" 42. elif [ $sz -lt $num ];then 43. echo "你的数字过小" 44. else 45. echo "恭喜,你猜对了!!!" 46. break 47. fi 48. let i++ 49. done 50. echo "你总共猜了 $(( $i + 1 )) 次。" 51. [root@daxia sh]# sh for9.sh 52. 请输入一个随机数字【1-100】:50 53. 你的数字过小 54. 请输入一个随机数字【1-100】:80 55. 你的数字过大 56. 请输入一个随机数字【1-100】:70 57. 你的数字过大 58. 请输入一个随机数字【1-100】:60 59. 你的数字过小 60. 请输入一个随机数字【1-100】:65 61. 你的数字过大 62. 请输入一个随机数字【1-100】:63 63. 你的数字过大 64. 请输入一个随机数字【1-100】:62 65. 你的数字过大 66. 请输入一个随机数字【1-100】:61 67. 恭喜,你猜对了!!! 68. 你总共猜了 8 次。 69. [root@daxia sh]#