一看就会的Next.js App Router版 -- Data Fetching(二)

简介: 一看就会的Next.js App Router版 -- Data Fetching


import Albums from './albums';
async function getArtist(username: string) {
  const res = await fetch(`https://api.example.com/artist/${username}`);
  return res.json();
async function getArtistAlbums(username: string) {
  const res = await fetch(`https://api.example.com/artist/${username}/albums`);
  return res.json();
export default async function Page({
  params: { username },
}: {
  params: { username: string };
}) {
  // Initiate both requests in parallel
  const artistData = getArtist(username);
  const albumsData = getArtistAlbums(username);
  // Wait for the promises to resolve
  const [artist, albums] = await Promise.all([artistData, albumsData]);
  return (
      <Albums list={albums}></Albums>

By starting the fetch prior to calling await in the Server Component, each request can eagerly start to fetch requests at the same time. This sets the components up so you can avoid waterfalls.

通过在服务器组件中调用 await 之前开始获取,每个请求都可以同时急切地开始获取请求。这会设置组件,这样您就可以避免瀑布。

We can save time by initiating both requests in parallel, however, the user won't see the rendered result until both promises are resolved.


To improve the user experience, you can add a suspense boundary to break up the rendering work and show part of the result as soon as possible:



import { getArtist, getArtistAlbums, type Album } from './api';
export default async function Page({
  params: { username },
}: {
  params: { username: string };
}) {
  // Initiate both requests in parallel
  const artistData = getArtist(username);
  const albumData = getArtistAlbums(username);
  // Wait for the artist's promise to resolve first
  const artist = await artistData;
  return (
      {/* Send the artist information first,
          and wrap albums in a suspense boundary */}
      <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
        <Albums promise={albumData} />
// Albums Component
async function Albums({ promise }: { promise: Promise<Album[]> }) {
  // Wait for the albums promise to resolve
  const albums = await promise;
  return (
      {albums.map((album) => (
        <li key={album.id}>{album.name}</li>

Take a look at the preloading pattern for more information on improving components structure.


Sequential Data Fetching


To fetch data sequentially, you can fetch directly inside the component that needs it, or you can await the result of fetch inside the component that needs it:



// ...
async function Playlists({ artistID }: { artistID: string }) {
  // Wait for the playlists
  const playlists = await getArtistPlaylists(artistID);
  return (
      {playlists.map((playlist) => (
        <li key={playlist.id}>{playlist.name}</li>
export default async function Page({
  params: { username },
}: {
  params: { username: string };
}) {
  // Wait for the artist
  const artist = await getArtist(username);
  return (
      <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
        <Playlists artistID={artist.id} />

By fetching data inside the component, each fetch request and nested segment in the route cannot start fetching data and rendering until the previous request or segment has completed.


Blocking Rendering in a Route


By fetching data in a layout, rendering for all route segments beneath it can only start once the data has finished loading.


In the pages directory, pages using server-rendering would show the browser loading spinner until getServerSideProps had finished, then render the React component for that page. This can be described as "all or nothing" data fetching. Either you had the entire data for your page, or none.

在 pages 目录中,使用服务器渲染的页面将显示浏览器加载微调器,直getServerSideProps 完成,然后为该页面渲染 React 组件。这可以描述为“全有或全无”的数据获取。您拥有页面的全部数据,或者没有。

In the app directory, you have additional options to explore:

在 app 目录中,您可以探索其他选项:

  1. First, you can use loading.js to show an instant loading state from the server while streaming in the result from your data fetching function.
    首先,您可以使用 loading.js 显示来自服务器的即时加载状态,同时从您的数据获取函数中流式传输结果。
  2. Second, you can move data fetching lower in the component tree to only block rendering for the parts of the page that need it. For example, moving data fetching to a specific component rather than fetching it at the root layout.

Whenever possible, it's best to fetch data in the segment that uses it. This also allows you to show a loading state for only the part of the page that is loading, and not the entire page.


Data Fetching without fetch()

没有 fetch() 的数据获取

You might not always have the ability to use and configure fetch requests directly if you're using a third-party library such as an ORM or database client.

如果您使用第三方库(例如 ORM 或数据库客户端),您可能并不总是能够直接使用和配置获取请求。

In cases where you cannot use fetch but still want to control the caching or revalidating behavior of a layout or page, you can rely on the default caching behavior of the segment or use the segment cache configuration.

如果您不能使用 fetch 但仍想控制布局或页面的缓存或重新验证行为,您可以依赖段的默认缓存行为或使用段缓存配置。

Default Caching Behavior


Any data fetching libraries that do not use fetch directly will not affect caching of a route, and will be static or dynamic depending on the route segment.

任何不直接使用 fetch 的数据抓取库都不会影响路由的缓存,根据路由段的不同会是静态的还是动态的。

If the segment is static (default), the output of the request will be cached and revalidated (if configured) alongside the rest of the segment. If the segment is dynamic, the output of the request will not be cached and will be re-fetched on every request when the segment is rendered.


Good to know: Dynamic functions like cookies() and headers() will make the route segment dynamic.

提示:cookies() 和 headers() 等动态函数将使路由段动态化。

Segment Cache Configuration


As a temporary solution, until the caching behavior of third-party queries can be configured, you can use segment configuration to customize the cache behavior of the entire segment.



import prisma from './lib/prisma';
export const revalidate = 3600; // revalidate every hour
async function getPosts() {
  const posts = await prisma.post.findMany();
  return posts;
export default async function Page() {
  const posts = await getPosts();
  // ...

Caching Data


Next.js has built-in support for caching data, both on a per-request basis (recommended) or for an entire route segment.

Next.js 内置了对缓存数据的支持,无论是基于每个请求(推荐)还是针对整个路由段。


Per-request Caching



By default, all fetch() requests are cached and deduplicated automatically. This means that if you make the same request twice, the second request will reuse the result from the first request.

默认情况下,所有的 fetch() 请求都会被自动缓存和去重。这意味着如果您两次发出相同的请求,第二个请求将重用第一个请求的结果。


async function getComments() {
  const res = await fetch('https://...'); // The result is cached
  return res.json();
// This function is called twice, but the result is only fetched once
const comments = await getComments(); // cache MISS
// The second call could be anywhere in your application
const comments = await getComments(); // cache HIT

Requests are not cached if:


  • Dynamic methods (next/headers, export const POST, or similar) are used and the fetch is a POST request (or uses Authorization or cookie headers)
  • 使用动态方法(next/headers、export const POST 或类似方法)并且获取是 POST 请求(或使用授权或 cookie 标头)
  • fetchCache is configured to skip cache by default
  • fetchCache 默认配置为跳过缓存
  • revalidate: 0 or cache: 'no-store' is configured on individual fetch
  • revalidate: 0 or cache: 'no-store' 是在单独获取时配置的

Requests made using fetch can specify a revalidate option to control the revalidation frequency of the request.

使用 fetch 发出的请求可以指定一个重新验证选项来控制请求的重新验证频率。


export default async function Page() {
  // revalidate this data every 10 seconds at most
  const res = await fetch('https://...', { next: { revalidate: 10 } });
  const data = res.json();
  // ...

React cache()

React allows you to cache() and deduplicate requests, memoizing the result of the wrapped function call. The same function called with the same arguments will reuse a cached value instead of re-running the function.

React 允许你缓存()  并删除重复请求,记住包装函数调用的结果。使用相同参数调用的相同函数将重用缓存值,而不是重新运行该函数。


import { cache } from 'react';
export const getUser = cache(async (id: string) => {
  const user = await db.user.findUnique({ id });
  return user;

import { getUser } from '@utils/getUser';
export default async function UserLayout({ params: { id } }) {
  const user = await getUser(id);
  // ...
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