package com.jerry.java; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 9:24 */ //Student类继承Person类 public class Exer1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Person person = new Person("tom", 'M', 21); System.out.println(person.toString()); Student student = new Student(10001L, 98, 99, 97); System.out.println("平均分:" + student.aver()); System.out.println("最大分:" + student.max()); System.out.println("最小分:" + student.min()); System.out.println(student.toString()); } } class Student extends Person { Long number; int math; int english; int computer; public Student() { } public Student(Long number, int math, int english, int computer) { this.number = number; this.math = math; this.english = english; this.computer = computer; } public Student(String name, char sex, int age, Long number, int math, int english, int computer) { super(name, sex, age); this.number = number; this.math = math; this.english = english; this.computer = computer; } public double aver() { double avg = (math + english + computer) / 3; return avg; } public int max() { int max = (math > english) ? (math > computer ? math : computer) : (english > computer ? english : computer); return max; } public int min() { int min = (math < english) ? (math < computer ? math : computer) : (english < computer ? english : computer); return min; } @Override public String toString() { return "Student{" + "number=" + number + ", math=" + math + ", english=" + english + ", computer=" + computer + ", name='" + name + '\'' + ", sex=" + sex + ", age=" + age + '}'; } } class Person { String name; char sex; int age; public Person() { } public Person(String name, char sex, int age) { this.name = name; this.sex = sex; this.age = age; } @Override public String toString() { return "Person{" + "name='" + name + '\'' + ", sex=" + sex + ", age=" + age + '}'; } }
/* (1)定义一个ManKind类,包括 成员变量int sex和int salary; 方法void manOrWoman():根据sex的值显示“man”(sex==1)或者“woman”(sex==0); 方法void employeed():根据salary的值显示“no job”(salary==0)或者“ job”(salary!=0)。 (2)定义类Kids继承ManKind,并包括 成员变量int yearsOld; 方法printAge()打印yearsOld的值。 (3)定义类KidsTest,在类的main方法中实例化Kids的对象someKid,用该对象访问其父类的成员变量及方法。 */
package com.jerry.java; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 9:40 */ public class Exer2 { /* (1)定义一个ManKind类,包括 成员变量int sex和int salary; 方法void manOrWoman():根据sex的值显示“man”(sex==1)或者“woman”(sex==0); 方法void employeed():根据salary的值显示“no job”(salary==0)或者“ job”(salary!=0)。 (2)定义类Kids继承ManKind,并包括 成员变量int yearsOld; 方法printAge()打印yearsOld的值。 (3)定义类KidsTest,在类的main方法中实例化Kids的对象someKid,用该对象访问其父类的成员变量及方法。 */ public static void main(String[] args) { Kids someKid = new Kids(1,0,13); someKid.manOrWoman(); someKid.employed(); someKid.printOld(); } } class Kids extends ManKind { int yearsOld; public Kids() { } public Kids(int yearsOld) { this.yearsOld = yearsOld; } public Kids(int sex, int salary, int yearsOld) { super(sex, salary); this.yearsOld = yearsOld; } public Kids(int sex, int salary) { super(sex, salary); } public void printOld() { System.out.println("我的年龄是:" + yearsOld); } public void employed() { super.employed();//调用父类的方法 System.out.println("Kids should study and no job"); } } class ManKind { int sex; int salary; public ManKind() { } public ManKind(int sex, int salary) { this.sex = sex; this.salary = salary; } public void manOrWoman() { if (sex == 1) { System.out.println("man"); } if (sex == 0) { System.out.println("woman"); } } public void employed() { if (salary == 0) { System.out.println("no job!"); } else { System.out.println("job!"); } } }
package com.jerry.java; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 9:55 */ public class Exer3 { /* 1.修改练习1.2中定义的类Kids中employeed()方法,在该方法中调用父类 ManKind的employeed()方法,然后再输出“but Kids should study and no job.” 2.修改练习1.3中定义的Cylinder类,在Cylinder类中覆盖findArea()方法,计算圆柱的表面积。考虑:findVolume方法怎样做相应的修改? 在CylinderTest类中创建Cylinder类的对象,设置圆柱的底面半径和高,并输出 圆柱的表面积和体积。 附加题:在CylinderTest类中创建一个Circle类的对象,设置圆的半径,计算输出圆的面积。体会父类和子类成员的分别调用。 写一个测试类,创建两个Circle对象,判断其颜色是否相等;利用equals方法判断其半径是否相等;利用 toString()方法输出其半径。 */ public static void main(String[] args) { Circle circle = new Circle(); System.out.println(circle.getRadius());//获取默认值 System.out.println(circle.findArea());//默认面积 System.out.println("==================="); circle.setRadius(2.0); System.out.println(circle.getRadius());//设置新的值 System.out.println(circle.findArea());//获取新的面积 System.out.println("==================="); Cylinder cylinder = new Cylinder(); System.out.println(cylinder.getLength()); System.out.println(cylinder.getRadius()); System.out.println(cylinder.findArea()); System.out.println(cylinder.finaVolume()); System.out.println("==================="); cylinder.setLength(2.0); cylinder.setRadius(2.0);//子类调用父类 System.out.println(cylinder.getLength()); System.out.println(cylinder.getRadius()); System.out.println(cylinder.findArea()); System.out.println(cylinder.finaVolume()); Circle cylinder1 = new Cylinder(); } } class Cylinder extends Circle { private double length; public Cylinder() { this.length = 1.0;// 构造器赋值 } public double getLength() { return length; } public void setLength(double length) { this.length = length; } public double findArea() { double area = super.findArea() * 2 + 2 * Math.PI * super.getRadius() * length;//获取表面积 return area; } public double finaVolume() { double volume = super.findArea() * length; return volume; } } class Circle { private double radius; public Circle() { this.radius = 1.0; // 构造器赋值 } public double getRadius() { return radius; } public void setRadius(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } public double findArea() { double area = Math.PI * radius * radius; return area; } }
package com.jerry.java; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 10:15 */ public class Exer4 { //练习:继承成员变量和继承方法的区别 public static void main(String[] args) { Sub s = new Sub(); System.out.println(s.count);//20 s.display();//20 Base b = s; System.out.println(b == s);//true System.out.println(b.count);//10 b.display();//20 } } class Base { int count = 10; public void display() { System.out.println(this.count); } } class Sub extends Base { int count = 20; public void display() { System.out.println(this.count); } }
package com.jerry.java; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 16:24 */ public class Exer5 { /* 定义三个类,父类GeometricObject代表几何形状,子类Circle代表圆形,MyRectangle代表矩形。 定义一个测试类GeometricTest,编写equalsArea方法测试两个对象的面积是否相等(注意方法的参 数类型,利用动态绑定技术),编写displayGeometricObject方法显示对象的面积(注意方法的参 数类型,利用动态绑定技术) */ public boolean equalsArea(GeometricObject object, GeometricObject object1) { return object == object1; } public double displayGeometricObject(GeometricObject object) { return object.findArea(); } public static void main(String[] args) { GeometricObject geometricObject = new GeometricObject("white", 3.0); MyCircle myCircle = new MyCircle(2.0); // System.out.println(myCircle.getColor()); // System.out.println(myCircle.getWeight()); System.out.println(myCircle.getRadius()); System.out.println(myCircle.findArea()); System.out.println("=========================="); MyRectangle myRectangle = new MyRectangle(1.0, 2.0); Exer5 exer5 = new Exer5(); System.out.println(exer5.equalsArea(myCircle, myRectangle)); System.out.println(exer5.displayGeometricObject(myRectangle)); System.out.println("========================="); MyCircle circle1 = new MyCircle("white", 1.0, 1.0); MyCircle circle2 = new MyCircle("white", 1.0, 3.0); System.out.println(circle1.equals(circle2)); System.out.println(circle1.toString()); } } class GeometricObject { String color; double weight; public GeometricObject() { } public GeometricObject(String color, double weight) { this.color = color; this.weight = weight; } public String getColor() { return color; } public void setColor(String color) { this.color = color; } public double getWeight() { return weight; } public void setWeight(double weight) { this.weight = weight; } public double findArea() { double area = 0.0; return area; } } class MyCircle extends GeometricObject { private double radius; public MyCircle() { } public MyCircle(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } public MyCircle(String color, double weight, double radius) { super(color, weight); this.radius = radius; } public double getRadius() { return radius; } public void setRadius(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } public double findArea() { double area = Math.PI * radius * radius; return area; } public boolean equals(MyCircle obj) { return this.radius == obj.radius; } public String toString() { String str = "圆的半径:" + radius; return str; } } class MyRectangle extends GeometricObject { private double width; private double height; public MyRectangle() { } public MyRectangle(double width, double height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } public MyRectangle(String color, double weight, double width, double height) { super(color, weight); this.width = width; this.height = height; } public double getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(double width) { this.width = width; } public double getHeight() { return height; } public void setHeight(double height) { this.height = height; } public double findArea() { double area = height * width; return area; } }
/* 编写Order类,有int型的orderId,String型的orderName,相应的 getter()和setter()方法,两个参数的构造器,重写父类的equals()方法: public boolean equals(Object obj),并判断测试类中创建的两个对象是否 相等。 */
package com.jerry.java; import com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.operations.Or; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 17:13 */ public class Exer8 { public static void main(String[] args) { Order order = new Order(); Order order1 = new Order(); System.out.println(order.equals(order1)); } } class Order{ int orderId; String orderName; public Order() { } public Order(int orderId, String orderName) { this.orderId = orderId; this.orderName = orderName; } public int getOrderId() { return orderId; } public void setOrderId(int orderId) { this.orderId = orderId; } public String getOrderName() { return orderName; } public void setOrderName(String orderName) { this.orderName = orderName; } public boolean equals(Object obj){ return this.getClass()==obj; } }
/* 请根据以下代码自行定义能满足需要的MyDate类,在MyDate类中覆盖 equals方法,使其判断当两个MyDate类型对象的年月日都相同时,结果 为true,否则为false。 public boolean equals(Object o) */
package com.jerry.java; import java.util.Date; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 17:21 */ public class Exer9 { /* 请根据以下代码自行定义能满足需要的MyDate类,在MyDate类中覆盖 equals方法,使其判断当两个MyDate类型对象的年月日都相同时,结果 为true,否则为false。 public boolean equals(Object o) */ public static void main(String[] args) { MyDate myDate = new MyDate(2022, 01, 01); MyDate myDate1 = new MyDate(2020, 01, 01); System.out.println(myDate1.equals(myDate1)); } } class MyDate { int year, month, day; public MyDate() { } public MyDate(int year, int month, int day) { this.year = year; this.month = month; this.day = day; } public int getYear() { return year; } public void setYear(int year) { this.year = year; } public int getMonth() { return month; } public void setMonth(int month) { this.month = month; } public int getDay() { return day; } public void setDay(int day) { this.day = day; } public boolean equals(MyDate o){ return this.year == o.year && this.month == o.month && this.day == o.day; } }
// 包装类的使用(相互转化)
int i = 5; Integer integer = new Integer(i);//把基本数据类型转化为包装类,调用new Integer() System.out.println(integer.getClass().getName());//java.lang.Integer int i1 = integer.intValue();//包装类转化为基本数据类型,调用包装类的方法:xxxValue() System.out.println(i1);//5 int j = 1; String s = String.valueOf(j);// 基本数据类型转化为String类,方式一:调用String.valueOf() System.out.println(s.getClass().getName());//java.lang.String String s1 = j + ""; // 基本数据类型转化为String类,方式二:+ "" System.out.println(s1.getClass().getName());//java.lang.String String s2 = "123"; int i2 = Integer.parseInt(s2); // String类转化为基本数据类型,调用Integer.parseInt() System.out.println(i2);//123 Integer integer1 = new Integer(2); String s3 = integer1.toString();// 包装类转化为String类,调用包装类对象的toString()方法 System.out.println(s3.getClass().getName());//java.lang.String Integer i3 = new Integer("456");// String类转化为包装类 System.out.println(i3.getClass().getName()); //java.lang.Integer
/* 利用Vector代替数组处理:从键盘读入学生成绩(以负数代表输入结束),找出最高分,并输出学生成绩等级。 提示:数组一旦创建,长度就固定不变,所以在创建数组前就需要知道它的 长度。而向量类java.util.Vector可以根据需要动态伸缩。 创建Vector对象:Vector v=new Vector(); 给向量添加元素:v.addElement(Object obj); //obj必须是对象 取出向量中的元素:Object obj=v.elementAt(0); 注意第一个元素的下标是0,返回值是Object类型的。 计算向量的长度:v.size(); 若与最高分相差10分内:A等;20分内:B等; 30分内:C等;其它:D等 */
package com.jerry.java; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Vector; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 19:52 */ public class Exer11 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("从键盘读入学生成绩(以负数代表输入结束):"); Vector v=new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); int score = scanner.nextInt(); Integer obj = new Integer(score); v.addElement(obj); if (score<0){ break; } } int size = v.size(); System.out.println("size: "+size); System.out.println(v.toString()); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { A a = new A(); a.show(); A b=new B(); b.show(); String str1 = "abc"; String str2 = "abc"; System.out.println(str1.equals(str2));//true,equals()是比较字符串的值, if (str1==str2){ System.out.println("true");//true,==是比较地址值,但是由于字符串存在于常量池中,两个一模一样内容的字符串常量池中只会保存一份,指向相同的地址值 }else { System.out.println("false"); } } } class A { int a = 1; double d = 2.0; void show() { System.out.println("Class A: a=" + a + "\td=" + d); } } class B extends A { float a = 3.0f; String d = "Java program."; void show() { super.show(); System.out.println("Class B: a=" + a + "\td=" + d); } }
/* 按要求实现下列问题:实现一个名为Person的类和它的子类Employee,Employee有两个子类Faculty和Staff。具体要求如下: 1) Person类中的属性有:姓名name(String类型),地址address(String类型), 电话号码telphone(String类型)和电子邮件地址email(String类型); 2) Employee类中的属性有:办公室office(String类型),工资wage(double 类型),受雇日期hiredate(String类型); 3) Faculty类中的属性有:学位degree(String类型),级别level(String类型); 4) Staff类中的属性有:职务称号duty(String类型)。 5) 现有对象Person p1 =new Faculty()和Person p2 =new Staff (),请分别为p1的属性赋值“本科”和Staff类的duty赋值“职员” */
package com.jerry.exer; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 20:47 */ public class Exer2 { public static void main(String[] args) { //方法声明的形参类型为父类类型,可以使用子类的对象作为实参调用该方法 Person p1 = new Faculty(); Person p2 = new Staff(); p1.setDegree(new Faculty("本科")); p2.setDuty(new Staff("职员")); } } class Person { String name, address, telephone, email; public void setDegree(Faculty faculty) { } public void setDuty(Staff staff) { } } class Employee extends Person { String office; double wage; String hireDate; } class Faculty extends Employee { String degree; String level; public Faculty() { } public Faculty(String degree) { this.degree = degree; } public String getDegree() { return degree; } public void setDegree(String degree) { this.degree = degree; } } class Staff extends Employee { String duty; public Staff() { } public Staff(String duty) { this.duty = duty; } public String getDuty() { return duty; } public void setDuty(String duty) { this.duty = duty; } }
/* 定义一个person类,属性如下: (1)身份证号,性别,姓名,年龄,户籍,出生日期(Data类型,需要引用java.uitl.Data)功能: (2)自我介绍:介绍格式:(toString) 身份证号+姓名+户籍 (3)提供对象比较equals方法,只要身份证号+姓名相同就认为对象相等 */
package com.jerry.exer; import java.util.Date; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 21:24 */ public class Exer3 { /* 定义一个person类,属性如下: (1)身份证号,性别,姓名,年龄,户籍,出生日期(Data类型,需要引用java.uitl.Data)功能: (2)自我介绍:介绍格式:(toString) 身份证号+姓名+户籍 (3)提供对象比较equals方法,只要身份证号+姓名相同就认为对象相等 */ public static void main(String[] args) { Person1 person1 = new Person1("123", 'M', "Zhang3", 20, "456", new Date()); System.out.println(person1.toString()); Person1 person2 = new Person1("1234", 'F', "Zhang3", 21, "789", new Date()); System.out.println(person2.equals(person1)); } } class Person1 { String IDCard; char gender; String name; int age; String address; Date birth; public Person1() { } public Person1(String IDCard, char gender, String name, int age, String address, Date birth) { this.IDCard = IDCard; this.gender = gender; this.name = name; this.age = age; this.address = address; this.birth = birth; } public String toString() { String str = "身份证号: " + IDCard + ",姓名: " + name + ",户籍: " + address; return str; } public boolean equals(Person1 person1) { if (this.IDCard == person1.IDCard && this.name == person1.name) { return true; } else { return false; } } }
/* 创建一个汽车类(Car) (1)为其定义两个属性:颜色和型号。每个属性都使用private进行封装,为每个属性设置set、get方法。 (2)为该类创建两个构造方法。第一个为无参的构造方法。第二个为带参构造方法 (3)重写toString方法,通过toString输出汽车信息。 (4)重写equals方法,如果汽车的颜色和型号相同就认为是同一辆车。 (5)实例化两个对象,输出两个对象的信息,比较两个对象是否是同一个对象。 */
package com.jerry.exer; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 21:37 */ public class Exer4 { /* 创建一个汽车类(Car) (1)为其定义两个属性:颜色和型号。每个属性都使用private进行封装,为每个属性设置set、get方法。 (2)为该类创建两个构造方法。第一个为无参的构造方法。第二个为带参构造方法 (3)重写toString方法,通过toString输出汽车信息。 (4)重写equals方法,如果汽车的颜色和型号相同就认为是同一辆车。 (5)实例化两个对象,输出两个对象的信息,比较两个对象是否是同一个对象。 */ public static void main(String[] args) { Car car1 = new Car("white", "BMW"); System.out.println(car1.toString()); car1.setColor("black"); car1.setBrand("奔驰"); System.out.println(car1.toString()); Car car2 = new Car("black", "奔驰"); System.out.println(car2.toString()); System.out.println(car2.equals(car1)); } } class Car { private String color; private String brand; public Car() { } public Car(String color, String brand) { this.color = color; this.brand = brand; } public String getColor() { return color; } public void setColor(String color) { this.color = color; } public String getBrand() { return brand; } public void setBrand(String brand) { this.brand = brand; } @Override public String toString() { return "Car{" + "color='" + color + '\'' + ", brand='" + brand + '\'' + '}'; } public boolean equals(Car car) { if (this.color == car.color && this.brand == car.brand) { return true; } else { return false; } } }
/* 编写一个Java应用程序,设计一个汽车类Vehicle,包含的属性有车轮个数wheels和车重weight。小车类Car是Vehicle的子类,其中包含的属性有载人数loader。卡车类Truck是Car类的子类,其中包含的属性有载重量payload。 (1)每个类都有构造方法进行属性初识化 (2)每个类都输出相关数据的toString方法 (3)使用Test类中的main方法定义各类初始化数据后台打印相关数据 */
package com.jerry.exer; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 21:45 */ public class Exer5 { /* 编写一个Java应用程序,设计一个汽车类Vehicle,包含的属性有车轮个数wheels和车重weight。小车类Car是Vehicle的子类,其中包含的属性有载人数loader。卡车类Truck是Car类的子类,其中包含的属性有载重量payload。 (1)每个类都有构造方法进行属性初识化 (2)每个类都输出相关数据的toString方法 (3)使用Test类中的main方法定义各类初始化数据后台打印相关数据 */ public static void main(String[] args) { Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle(4, 2000.0); System.out.println(vehicle.toString()); Car1 car1 = new Car1(vehicle, 5);//把父类对象传进来 System.out.println(car1.toString()); Truck truck = new Truck(car1, 3500.0);//把父类对象传进来 System.out.println(truck.toString()); } } class Vehicle { int wheels; double weight; public Vehicle() { } public Vehicle(int wheels, double weight) { this.wheels = wheels; this.weight = weight; } @Override public String toString() { return "Vehicle{" + "wheels=" + wheels + ", weight=" + weight + '}'; } } class Car1 extends Vehicle { int loader;//载人数 public Car1() { } public Car1(int loader) { this.loader = loader; } public Car1(Vehicle vehicle, int loader) {//把父类对象传进来,免得又重新初始化 super(vehicle.wheels, vehicle.weight); this.loader = loader; } public Car1(int wheels, double weight, int loader) { super(wheels, weight); this.loader = loader; } @Override public String toString() { return "Car1{" + "wheels=" + wheels + ", weight=" + weight + ", loader=" + loader + '}'; } } class Truck extends Car1 { double payload;//载重 public Truck() { } public Truck(double payload) { this.payload = payload; } public Truck(Car1 car1, double payload) { super(car1.wheels, car1.weight, car1.loader); this.payload = payload; } public Truck(int wheels, double weight, int loader, double payload) { super(wheels, weight, loader); this.payload = payload; } @Override public String toString() { return "Truck{" + "wheels=" + wheels + ", weight=" + weight + ", loader=" + loader + ", payload=" + payload + '}'; } }
/* 定义员工类Employee,包含姓名、工号和工资,包含计算奖金方法bonus,普通员工和经理都是员工,计算奖金的方法为工资*奖金系数,普通员工的奖金系数为1.5(常量),经理为2(常量),分别实现bonus方法,创建对象测试。 */
package com.jerry.exer; /** * @author jerry_jy * @create 2022-09-28 22:00 */ public class Exer6 { /* 定义员工类Employee,包含姓名、工号和工资,包含计算奖金方法bonus,普通员工和经理都是员工,计算奖金的方法为工资*奖金系数,普通员工的奖金系数为1.5(常量),经理为2(常量),分别实现bonus方法,创建对象测试。 */ public static void main(String[] args) { Employee1 commonEmp = new Employee1("普通员工", 101, 2000.0); Employee1 VIPEmp = new Employee1("经理", 001, 8000.0); System.out.println("普通员工的奖金:" + commonEmp.bonus()); System.out.println("经理的奖金:" + VIPEmp.bonus()); } } class Employee1 { String name; int id; double salary; public Employee1() { } public Employee1(String name, int id, double salary) { this.name = name; this.id = id; this.salary = salary; } double COMMON_BONUS = 1.5; double VIP_BONUS = 2.0; public double bonus() { if (id <= 100) { double bonus = salary * VIP_BONUS; return bonus; } else { double bonus = salary * COMMON_BONUS; return bonus; } } @Override public String toString() { return "Employee1{" + "name='" + name + '\'' + ", id=" + id + ", salary=" + salary + '}'; } }