Python built-in module time 内建时间库常用函数

简介: Python built-in module time 内建时间库常用函数

built-in moduletime

1. time() time_ns()

从1970-1-1 0:00到现在的秒数、纳秒数。返回值类型分别为float和int,两者的值相差10^9倍。

    time() -> floating point number
    Return the current time in seconds since the Epoch.
    Fractions of a second may be present if the system clock provides them.
    time_ns() -> int
    Return the current time in nanoseconds since the Epoch.

>>> import time
>>> time.time
<built-in function time>
>>> time.time()
>>> time.time_ns()
>>> type(time.time())
<class 'float'>
>>> type(time.time_ns())
<class 'int'>
>>> time.time()==time.time_ns()/10**9

2. time.struct_time

时间的结构,本质是一个元组tuple,由9个整数组成的序列,分别是:年月日、时分秒、星期、该天在一年中的序号、夏令时标识;函数gmtime()、localtime()和strptime() 的返回值就是时间元组,函数asctime()、mktime()和strftime()的参数也是时间元组。

class struct_time(builtins.tuple)
    struct_time(iterable=(), /)
    The time value as returned by gmtime(), localtime(), and strptime(), and accepted by asctime(), mktime() and strftime().  May be considered as a sequence of 9 integers.
    Note that several fields' values are not the same as those defined by the C language standard for struct tm.  
    For example, the value of the field tm_year is the actual year, not year - 1900.  See individual fields' descriptions for details.
>>> import time
>>> time.struct_time((0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0))
time.struct_time(tm_year=0, tm_mon=0, tm_mday=0, tm_hour=0, tm_min=0, tm_sec=0, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=0, tm_isdst=0)
>>> type(time.struct_time((1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)))
<class 'time.struct_time'>
int tm_year; /* 年份,实际年份[1,9999] */
int tm_mon; /* 月份 [0,11] 0代表一月 */
int tm_mday; /* 日期[1,31] */
int tm_hour; /* 时 [0,23] */
int tm_min; /* 分 [0,59] */
int tm_sec; /* 秒 [0,59] */
int tm_wday; /* 星期 [0,6] 0代表星期一 */
int tm_yday; /* 从每年的1月1日开始的天数 – 取值区间为[0,365],其中0代表1月1日,1代表1月2日,以此类推 */
int tm_isdst; /* 夏令时标识符,实行夏令时的时候,tm_isdst为正。不实行夏令时的时候,tm_isdst为0;不了解情况时,tm_isdst()为负。

3. gmtime() localtime()

gmtime([seconds]) 将秒数转换为表示UTC(格林威治标准)的时间结构。

    gmtime([seconds]) -> (tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec, tm_wday, tm_yday, tm_isdst)
    Convert seconds since the Epoch to a time tuple expressing UTC (a.k.a. GMT).  When 'seconds' is not passed in, convert the current time instead.
    If the platform supports the tm_gmtoff and tm_zone, they are available as attributes only.

localtime([seconds]) 将秒数转换为表示本地(北京时间)的时间结构。

    localtime([seconds]) -> (tm_year,tm_mon,tm_mday,tm_hour,tm_min, tm_sec,tm_wday,tm_yday,tm_isdst)
    Convert seconds since the Epoch to a time tuple expressing local time.
    When 'seconds' is not passed in, convert the current time instead.


>>> import time
>>> a,b=time.gmtime(),time.localtime()
>>> [t1==t2 for i,t1 in enumerate(a) for j,t2 in enumerate(b) if i==j]
[True, True, True, False, True, True, True, True, True]
>>> [t2-t1 for i,t1 in enumerate(a) for j,t2 in enumerate(b) if i==j]
[0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> time.gmtime()==time.gmtime(time.time())
>>> time.localtime()==time.localtime(time.time())

4.  mktime()

把时间元组或时间结构转成秒数。功能正好与gmtime() localtime()相反。

    mktime(tuple) -> floating point number
    Convert a time tuple in local time to seconds since the Epoch. Tuple or struct_time argument required.
    Note that mktime(gmtime(0)) will not generally return zero for most time zones; instead the returned value will either be equal to that of the timezone or altzone attributes on the time module.

5.  strftime() strptime()

strftime(tuple) 时间元组转字符串。

    strftime(format[, tuple]) -> string
    Convert a time tuple to a string according to a format specification.
    See the library reference manual for formatting codes. When the time tuple is not present, current time as returned by localtime() is used.

strptime(string, format) 时间格式串转换成时间结构元组。

    strptime(string, format) -> struct_time
    Parse a string to a time tuple according to a format specification.
    See the library reference manual for formatting codes (same as strftime()).


 %Y  Year with century as a decimal number.
    %m  Month as a decimal number [01,12].
    %d  Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].
    %H  Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].
    %M  Minute as a decimal number [00,59].
    %S  Second as a decimal number [00,61].
    %z  Time zone offset from UTC.
    %a  Locale's abbreviated weekday name.
    %A  Locale's full weekday name.
    %b  Locale's abbreviated month name.
    %B  Locale's full month name.
    %c  Locale's appropriate date and time representation.
    %I  Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12].
    %p  Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.
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