一 享元模式
主要通过与其它类对象共享数据来减少内存的使用 适用情况:有大量对象需要重复创建的时候,或者以共享内存的方式
#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; class Student { private: string name; int age; int id; public: Student() { } Student(string n, int a, int i) { name = n; age = a; id = i; } string GetName() { return name; } int GetAge() { return age; } int GetId() { return id; } }; class FwFactory { private: multimap<int, Student*> *m; public: FwFactory() { m = new multimap<int, Student *>; } ~FwFactory() { while (!m->empty()) { Student *tmp = m->begin()->second; delete tmp; m->erase(m->begin()); } delete m; } void GetPerson(int id) { string name; int age; multimap<int, Student *>::iterator it; it = m->find(id); if (it == m->end()) { cout << "input the name age..." << endl; cin >> name >> age; Student *s = new Student(name, age, id); m->emplace(make_pair(id, s)); } else { Student *s = it->second; cout << s->GetName() << " " << s->GetAge() << " " << s->GetId() << endl; } } }; int main(void) { FwFactory *f = new FwFactory; f->GetPerson(1); f->GetPerson(2); f->GetPerson(3); cout << "**************" << endl; f->GetPerson(2); return 0; }
二 桥接模式
将抽象和实现分离,使他们可以独立变化。 基于类的最小设计原则
#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; class Phone { public: virtual void func() = 0; }; class Iphone :public Phone { public: void func() { cout << "this is IPHONE...." << endl; } }; class HUAWEI :public Phone { public: void func() { cout << "this is HUAWEI" << endl; } }; class Soft //实现两种从产品的链接,把不同的产品剥离出来,耦合度低 { protected: Phone *phone; public: virtual void func() = 0; }; class QQ :public Soft { public: QQ(Phone *p) { phone = p; } void func() { phone->func(); cout << "this is QQ" << endl; } }; class Vchat :public Soft { public: Vchat(Phone *p) { phone = p; } void func() { phone->func(); cout << "this is Vchat" << endl; } }; int main(void) { Phone *p = new Iphone; Soft *a = new QQ(p); a->func(); return 0; }
三 外观模式
#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; class SystemA { public: void func() { cout << "this is A" << endl; } }; class SystemB { public: void func() { cout << "this is B" << endl; } }; class SystemC { public: void func() { cout << "this is C" << endl; } }; class Facade { private: SystemA *a; SystemB *b; SystemC *c; public: Facade() { a = new SystemA; b = new SystemB; c = new SystemC; } ~Facade() { delete a; delete b; delete c; } void func() { a->func(); b->func(); c->func(); } }; int main(void) { Facade *f = new Facade; f->func(); return 0; }
四 观察者模式
当对象存在一对多的关系的时候,使用观察者模式,当一个对象被修改的时候,则会自动通知 依赖他的所有对象。
#include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> #include <list> using namespace std; class Infom; class Observer //观察者 员工 { public: virtual void Subscribe(Infom *i) = 0; //订阅 virtual void UnSubscribe(Infom *i) = 0; //取消订阅 virtual void Update(string str) = 0; //更新状态 }; class Infom //通知者 秘书 { public: virtual void Add(Observer *o) = 0; virtual void Remove(Observer *o) = 0; virtual void Notify(string str) = 0; }; class Secretary :public Infom { private: list <Observer *> l; public: void Add(Observer *o) { l.emplace_back(o); } void Remove(Observer *o) { l.remove(o); } void Notify(string str) { for (auto &it : l) { it->Update(str); } } }; class Staff :public Observer { public: virtual void Subscribe(Infom *i) //订阅 { i->Add(this); } virtual void UnSubscribe(Infom *i) //取消订阅 { i->Remove(this); } virtual void Update(string str) //更新状态 { if (str == "WARNING") { cout << "boss is comming" << endl; } else { cout << "continue to play games" << endl; } } }; int main(void) { Infom *i = new Secretary; Observer *o1 = new Staff; Observer *o2 = new Staff; Observer *o3 = new Staff; Observer *o4 = new Staff; o1->Subscribe(i); o2->Subscribe(i); o3->Subscribe(i); o4->Subscribe(i); i->Notify("WARNING"); return 0; }