- centos7自带了rpcbind,所以只需执行
yum -y install nfs-utils
yum -y install nfs-utils rpcbind
- 验证是否安装成功
rpm -qa nfs-utils
[root@node2 ~]#rpm -qa nfs-utils nfs-utils-1.3.0-0.68.el7.1.x86.64
- 查看当前nfs服务所支持的nfs的版本
cat /proc/fs/nfsd/versions
[root@node2 ~]#cat /proc/fs/nfsd/versions -2 +3 +4 +4.1 +4.2
- 创建一个共享目录
mkdir /data/share chmod -R 777 /data/share 复制代码
- 配置编辑NFS默认的配置文件
// 固定网段所有IP可挂载 echo "/data/nfs 172.18.30.*(rw,sync,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports // 固定网段固定IP区间可挂载 echo "/data/nfs,sync,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports // 所有客户端可挂载 echo "/data/nfs *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports 复制代码
- rw:可读写
- ro: 只读,但最终能不能读写,还是与文件系统的 rwx 及身份有关
- no_root_squash:当NFS客户端以root管理员访问时,映射为NFS服务器的root管理员
- root_squash: 当NFS客户端以root管理员访问时,映射为NFS服务器的匿名(nobody)用户
- all_squash: 不论登入 NFS 的使用者身份为何, 均被映射为匿名用户,通常就是 nobody(nfsnobody)
- insecure: 允许从客户端过来的非授权访问
- sync: 数据会同步写入到内存与硬盘中
- async: 数据会先暂存于内存当中,而非直接写入硬盘
- anonuid: 指定uid的值,此uid必须存在于/etc/passwd中
- anongid:指定gid的值
- 使nfs配置生效
exportfs -r
- -a:全部mount 或unmount /etc/exports中的内容
- -r: Reexport all directories: 重新导出所有目录
- -u:umount目录
- -v: verbose,输出详情
- 查看当前配置为nfs共享的目录及其状态
exportfs -v
[root@node2 data]#exportfs-v /nfsroot <world>(sync,wdelay,hide,no_subtreecheck,sec=sys,rw,insecure,no root squash,no all sguash) /data/share <world>(sync,wdelay,hide,nosubtree_check,sec=sys,rw,insecure,no_root squash,no tt squash
- 检查共享目录是否设置成功
showmount -e
[rootanode2 data]#showmount -e Export list for node2:/data/share */nfsroot
[ root @node2 data ]# rpcinfo - p program vers proto p0rt 10000 o tcp 1l1 10oo00 tcp 11l 100000 tcp 111 10o000 udp 100000 udp 1e0000 udp 100024 udp 100024 tcp 100005 udp 1000e5 tcp 100005 udp 100005 tcp 100005 udp 10ooe5 tcp 1eoee3 tcp 100003 tcp 100227 tcp 100003 udp 100003 udp 100227 udp 100021 udp 100021 udp 100021 udp 100021 tcp 100021 tcp 100021 tCp service portmapper portmapper portmapper portmapper portmapper portmapper status status mountd mountd mountd mountd mountd mountd nfs nfs nfs _ acl 111 111 46060 34108 20048 20048 20048 20048 20048 20048 2049 2049 2049 2049 nfs 2049 nfs 2049 nfs _ acl 21502 nlockmgr 21502 nlockmgr 21502 nlockmgr 21501 nlockmgr 21501 I nlockmgr 21501 nlockmgr
- 启动 RPC 服务
// 启动rpc systemctl start rpcbind // 设置开机启动 systemctl enable rpcbind 复制代码
- 启动 NFS 服务
// 启动nfs systemctl start nfs // 设置开机启动 systemctl enable nfs 复制代码
rpcinfo -p
,如果显示rpc 服务器注册的端口列表(端口:111),则启动成功。
Windows & Linux 客户端
- 安装nfs
yum -y install nfs-utils
- 检测rpc服务
rpcinfo -p
( base )[ root @ VM _0_10_ centos ~]# rpcinfo - I program vers proto port service 100000 tcp 111 portmapper 100000 tcp 111 portmapper 100000 tcp 111 portmapper 100000 udp 111 portmapper 100000 udp 111 portmapper 100000 udp 111 portmapper 100024 udp 49213 status 100024 tcp )38681 status
- 查看服务器端可挂载目录
showmount -e
(base)[root@VM 0 10 centos ~]# showmount -e 129.. .139 Export list for 129..139:/data/share * /nfsroot
- 将服务器端目录挂在到本地
mount -t nfs /data/share
- 验证:在服务器端
- 使用
df -hT
查看 Linux 系统上的文件系统磁盘使用情况,可以看到挂载盘
( base )[ root @ vM _0_l0_ centos ~]# df - hT Filesystem Type SlZe / dev /vda1 ext4 50G devtmpfs devtmpfs 1.9G tmpfs tmptS 1.9G tmpfs tmpfs 1l.9G tmpfs tmpfs 1.9G tmofs tmofs 37gM nfsroot nfs4 50G Used Avait Use % s Mounted on 16G 336/ 0s/ dev 1%/ dev / shm 1%/ run 0%/ sys / fs / cgroup 0%/ run / user /0 45G2.4G96%/ data / share 32G 1.9G 24K1.9G 500K1.9G 1.9G 379M
mount -t nfs /data/share
写入到 /etc/rc.local
mount \\\data\share y:
D:\>mount \/\datalshare y: y:现已成功连接到/\data\share 命令已成功完成。
参考=> windows自动挂载NFS文件系统
RPC: Port mapper failure
错误提示:RPC:端口映射失败,既然是端口的问题,那就放行端口。查看rpc正在运行的关于nfs的端口rpcinfo -p
// 防火墙上放行端口 firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=111/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=20048/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=111/udp --permanent firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=20048/udp --permanent // 重启防火墙 firewall-cmd --reload // 查看防火墙public端口 firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports 复制代码
windows 挂载报错 NET HELPMSG 53
NFS 服务器有一个在不安全模式下工作的选项(允许更高的传入端口号)。Windows NFS 客户端通常使用更高的端口号。您可以通过向共享添加一个选项来启用此选项 insecure
示例:/share *(insecure,rw)
nfsstat -c
[ root @ vM _0_10_ centos ~]# nfsstat - c rpc stats : retrans authrefrsh 1597 Client nfs v4: fead write commit open %a0 0% g setattr fsinfo s0 g %0 open _ conf renew access 0%12 tink 090 77 nu open _ noat open _ dgrd close A 9%A 0 a setclntid confim lock 00 getattr lookup lookup _ root remove rename 976 0%2 0 sa 0 g symlink pathconf statfs readlink readdir 0%4 08s1 9A 00 g % o server _ caps delegreturn g getacl setac 0%0 A 9 00 E tockt tocku 0 61%6 %0 create fs locations rel lkowner . % 00 A 9A secinfo exchange _ id create _ ses destroy _ ses sequence get _ lease _ t 02 032 03%553 349s A 9:A reclaim _ comp layoutget getdevinfo 1 layoutcommit layoutreturn getdevlist 02 0 A 9%: c %0 0% A 0 e ( null ) 9-0
服务端查看 nfs的版本
nfsstat -s
[ root @node2 datal # nfsstat - s Server rpc stats : calls badcalls badclnt 1712 18 TT Server nfs v3: badauth xdrcall getattr 34%1l write % g remove mdir 0 g fsstat fsinfo setattr lookup 0%s15 create mkdir 0 so rename 1nk 09A o o access readlink 9- symlink mkn0d 9p readdir 0%29:A 11nu 12%0 read 69 readdirplus 1%2 9T pathconf commit T 90 0% a 381 5erver nfs v4: compound 0%1588 66 Berver nfs v4 operations :op0- unused opl - unused G 9A create 77 nu op2- future access 0%12 delegpurge delegreturn getattr getfh 0%1015 27%6 % G lockt locku lookup lookup _ root nverify SA 9-/ a g % a 0%a0 openattr open _ conf open _ dgrd putfh putpubfh 0%1021 278 090 0%0 0 readdir readlink remove rename sc 0 o 0% o 90 restorefh savefh secinfo setattr 00 日0 00 00 rellockowner bc _ ctl 0 0 a close commit link e % e lock open putrootfh read o A 8A renew setcltid 09 bind _ conn T 9a0 setcltidconf verify O g exchange _ id create _ ses destroy _ ses free _ stateid getdirdeleg getdevinfo S - n A sg getdevlist layoutcommit layoutget layoutreturn secinfononam sequence 0%l579 test _ stateid want _ deleg destroy _ clid reclaim _ comp 02 口9C Wr1te 00 62 06 02 A90 080 0%2 43 日9:A A g - A set ssv 0%2
cat /etc/redhat-release (base)[root@VM 0 10 centos ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release Centos Linux release 7.6.1810(Core)
(base) root@vM日10 centos~#umount -V Usage: umount [-hV] umount -a [options] umount [options] <source> <directory? Options: -a,--all unmount all filesystems -A,--all-targets unmount all mountpoins for the given device in the current namespace -c,--no-canonicalize don't canonicalize paths -d,--detach-loop if mounted loop device, also free this loop device --fake dryrun; skip the umount(2) syscall -f,--force force unmount (in case of an unreachable NFS system -i,--internal-only don't call the umount.<type> helpers -n,--no-mtab don't write to /etc/mtab -l,--lazy detach the filesystem now, and cleanup all later -0,--test-opts <list> limit the set of filesystems (use with -a) -R,--recursive recursively unmount a target with all its children -r,--read-only In case unmounting fails, try to remount read-only -t, --types <list> limit the set of filesystem types -v,--verbose say what is being done -h,--help display this help and exit -V,--version output version information and exit
mount 挂载追加参数
通过执行man nfs
mount -t nfs -o vers=4.1,proto=tcp,timeo=60 /data/share