调用 next() 将返回二叉搜索树中的下一个最小的数。示例:
BSTIterator iterator = new BSTIterator(root); iterator.next(); // 返回 3 iterator.next(); // 返回 7 iterator.hasNext(); // 返回 true iterator.next(); // 返回 9 iterator.hasNext(); // 返回 true iterator.next(); // 返回 15 iterator.hasNext(); // 返回 true iterator.next(); // 返回 20 iterator.hasNext(); // 返回 false
next() 和 hasNext() 操作的时间复杂度是 O(1),并使用 O(h) 内存,其中 h 是树的高度。你可以假设 next() 调用总是有效的,也就是说,当调用 next() 时,BST 中至少存在一个下一个最小的数。
/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode { * int val; * TreeNode left; * TreeNode right; * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; } * } */ class BSTIterator { /** * 节点 */ private class Node { Node next; int val; public Node(int val) { this.val = val; } } private Node head = null, cur = null; private void preListNodeFromTree(TreeNode root) { if (root != null) { preListNodeFromTree(root.left); if (cur == null) { head = new Node(root.val); cur = head; } else { cur.next = new Node(root.val); cur = cur.next; } preListNodeFromTree(root.right); } } public BSTIterator(TreeNode root) { preListNodeFromTree(root); } /** * @return the next smallest number */ public int next() { if (hasNext()) { int val = head.val; head = head.next; return val; } return -1; } /** * @return whether we have a next smallest number */ public boolean hasNext() { return head != null; } } /** * Your BSTIterator object will be instantiated and called as such: * BSTIterator obj = new BSTIterator(root); * int param_1 = obj.next(); * boolean param_2 = obj.hasNext(); */