Linux Command sed 文本处理
Linux Command sed 文本处理
1. 简介
2. 语法
3. 参数
4. 举例
4.1 p:打印行
4.2 d:删除行
4.3 s:字符串替换
4.4 -r:sed支持扩展正则
4.5 多行注释
4.6 r:从文件中读取输入行
4.7 w:另存为某文件
4.8 H:h:G:g 复制粘贴
4.9 行前后添加
4.10 多匹配模式
4.11.1 管道多匹配
4.11.2 -e 多匹配
4.12.3 ; 多匹配
1. 简介Sream EDitor流式编辑器(非交互)===【vim(交互) word,记事本】
2. 语法
sed [选项] '条件命令' 文件
3. 参数
-e:多点编辑,可以执行多个子命令 -f:从脚本文件中读取命令(sed操作可以事先写入脚本,然后通过-f读取并执行) -l:指定行的长度 -n:屏蔽sed的默认输出功能 -i:修改源文件 -r:sed支持扩展正则 -{}:可组合多个命令 -p:打印行 -s:字符串替换 sed 's/ 旧 / 新 /' a.txt -d:删除行 #文本块处理:针对整行的插入追加替换操作 i: (insert)插入到行前 a: (append)追加到行后 c: (change)替换修改某行 r:从文件中读取输入行 w:另存为某文件 H:复制(模式空间追加复制 h:复制(模式空间覆盖 G:粘贴(保持空间追加模式空间 G:粘贴(保持空间覆盖模式空间 w 将所选的行写入文件 x 交换暂存缓冲区与模式空间的内容 y 将字符替换为另一字符(不能对正则表达式使用y命令)
4. 举例
4.1 p:打印行
$ sed '1p' /etc/rc.local #!/bin/bash # THIS FILE IS ADDED FOR COMPATIBILITY PURPOSES # Please note that you must run 'chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local' to ensure # that this script will be executed during boot. touch /var/lock/subsys/local $ sed -n '1p' /etc/rc.local $打印单行 #!/bin/bash $ sed -n '1p;4p' /etc/rc.local $打印1和4行 #!/bin/bash # that this script will be executed during boot. $ sed -n '2,+3p' /etc/rc.local $打印从第二行数三行 # THIS FILE IS ADDED FOR COMPATIBILITY PURPOSES # Please note that you must run 'chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local' to ensure # that this script will be executed during boot. touch /var/lock/subsys/local $ sed -n '/local$/p' /etc/rc.local $打印以local结尾的行 touch /var/lock/subsys/local $ sed -n 'p;n' /etc/rc.local $打印奇数行 #!/bin/bash # Please note that you must run 'chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local' to ensure touch /var/lock/subsys/local $ sed -n 'n;p' /etc/rc.local $打印偶数行 # THIS FILE IS ADDED FOR COMPATIBILITY PURPOSES # that this script will be executed during boot. $ sed -n '$=' /etc/rc.local $显示函数 6
4.2 d:删除行
$ cat /etc/rc.local #!/bin/bash # THIS FILE IS ADDED FOR COMPATIBILITY PURPOSES # Please note that you must run 'chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local' to ensure # that this script will be executed during boot. touch /var/lock/subsys/local $ sed '1,4d' /etc/rc.local $并未真1和4行删除 touch /var/lock/subsys/local $ cat /etc/rc.local #!/bin/bash # THIS FILE IS ADDED FOR COMPATIBILITY PURPOSES # Please note that you must run 'chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local' to ensure # that this script will be executed during boot. touch /var/lock/subsys/local $ sed -i '1,4d' /etc/rc.local 真删除和4行 $ cat /etc/rc.local touch /var/lock/subsys/local 其他删除方法 sed '/init/d' /etc/rc.local $删除init的行 sed '/init/d;/bin/d' /etc/rc.local $删除init和bin的行 sed '/init/!d' /etc/rc.local $删除不包含init的行 sed '$d' /etc/rc.local $删除最后一行 sed '/^$/d' /etc/rc.local $删除空行
4.3 s:字符串替换
sed 's/ll/TARENA/' /etc/rc.local $替换所有行的第一“||” sed 's/ll/TARENA/g' /etc/rc.local $替换所有行所有的“||” sed '3s/script/SCRIPT/2' /etc/rc.local $替换第三那行的第二个“script” sed 's/init//g' /etc/rc.local $删除文件所有的“init” sed 's/script\|stuff\|e//g' /etc/rc.local $删除所有的“script”、所有的“stuff”、所有的字母e sed '3,5s/^#//' /etc/rc.local $解除/etc/rc.local文件第3~5行的注释(去掉开头的$ sed '6,7s/^/#/' /etc/rc.local $将/etc/rc.local文件的第6~7行注释掉(行首添加$ ) sed 's/.//2;s/.$//'/etc/rc.local $删除文件中每行的第二个、最后一个字符
$ cat test.txt i love you name id year //n命令-->移动到匹配行的下一行 sed -i '/i love you/{n;s/year/year1/;}' test.txt i love you name id year1
4.4 -r:sed支持扩展正则
sed -r 's/^(.)(.)(.*)/\2\1\3/' /etc/rc.local $每行文本拆分为“第1个字符”“第2个字符”“剩下的所有字符”三个部分,然后通过替换操作重排顺序为“2-1-3 sed -r 's/^(.)(.*)(.)$/\3\2\1/' /etc/rc.local $第一个字符和最后一个字符对调 sed -r 's/[0-9]//g;s/^( )+//' /etc/rc.local $删除所有数字、行首空格 sed 's/[A-Z]/(&)/g' /etc/rc.local $使用“&”可调用s替换操作中的整个查找串 sed -i '/^id:/s/3/5/' /etc/inittab $将默认运行级别修改为5 ----------查看效果grep "^id:" /etc/inittab cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 sed '/^IPADDR/s/’/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 | grep "^IPADDR" $将IP地址192.168.4.4修改为172.16.16.4 sed -r -i '/^IPADDR/s/192.168.4.(.*)/172.16.16.\1/' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 $要求只修改网段地址时,可以利用扩展正则表达式的 \1、\2、……等调用,分别对应此前第1个、第2个、…… 以 ()包围的表达式所匹配的内容 grep "^IPADDR" /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 sed -i 's#/var/www/html#/opt/wwwroo$' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf $更改网站根目录 grep "^DocumentRoot" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf $查看修改结果
4.5 多行注释
$ cat tt.txt Aprl:1000M:2000 Jan:400G:1000 Feb:30K:100\ May:45K:111 $ sed '/Aprl/,+2s/\(.*\)/#&/' tt.txt #Aprl:1000M:2000 #Jan:400G:1000 #Feb:30K:100\ May:45K:111 $ sed '/Aprl/,/Feb/s/\(.*\)/#&/' tt.txt #Aprl:1000M:2000 #Jan:400G:1000 #Feb:30K:100\ May:45K:111
4.6 r:从文件中读取输入行
$ cat a.txt $ cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 $ sed '/oss/r a.txt' /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
4.7 w:另存为某文件
$ cat a.txt $ sed -i 'w c.txt' a.txt $ cat c.txt $ sed -i '/oss/w d.txt' /etc/hosts $ cat d.txt
4.8 H:h:G:g 复制粘贴
[root@monitor1 ~]# sed '1h;1g' mm aaaa bbbb cccc [root@monitor1 ~]# sed '1h;2g' mm aaaa aaaa cccc [root@monitor1 ~]# sed '1h;3g' mm aaaa bbbb aaaa [root@monitor1 ~]# sed '2h;1g' mm bbbb cccc [root@monitor1 ~]# sed '3h;1g' mm bbbb cccc [root@monitor1 ~]# sed '1H;1G' mm aaaa aaaa bbbb cccc [root@monitor1 ~]# sed '1H;2G' mm aaaa bbbb aaaa cccc [root@monitor1 ~]# sed '2H;1G' mm aaaa bbbb cccc
4.9 行前后添加
sed '1i 添加的内容' file $这是在第一行前添加字符串 sed '$i 添加的内容' file $这是在最后一行行前添加字符串 sed '$a添加的内容' file $这是在最后一行行后添加字符串
$ cat mm aaaa bbbb cccc $ sed '1i 0000' mm 0000 aaaa bbbb cccc $ sed '$i 0000' mm aaaa bbbb 0000 cccc $sed '$a 0000' mm aaaa bbbb cccc 0000
$ cat test aaa bbb ccc
$ sed '/aaa/a111' test aaa 111 bbb ccc
$ sed '/aaa/i111' test 111 aaa bbb ccc
4.10 多匹配模式
$ nl 1.txt 1 This is my cat,my cat's name is betty 2 This is my dog,my dog's name is frank 3 This is my fish, my fish's name is george 4 This is my goat,my goat's name is adam
4.11.1 管道多匹配
去掉 1.txt 中第三行及后面的内容,并把 name 替换成 mingzi:
$ nl 1.txt | sed '3,$d' | sed 's/name/mingzi/g' 1 This is my cat,my cat's mingzi is betty 2 This is my dog,my dog's mingzi is frank
4.11.2 -e 多匹配
去掉 1.txt 中第三行及后面的内容,并把 name 替换成 mingzi:
$ nl 1.txt | sed -e '3,$d' -e 's/name/mingzi/g' 1 This is my cat,my cat's mingzi is betty 2 This is my dog,my dog's mingzi is frank
4.12.3 ; 多匹配
去掉 1.txt 中第三行及后面的内容,并把 name 替换成 mingzi:
$ nl 1.txt | sed '3,$d; s/name/mingzi/g' 1 This is my cat,my cat's mingzi is betty 2 This is my dog,my dog's mingzi is frank