The Web 3.0 application is called DApp, and its full name is Decentralized Application. The main features of DApp include: decentralization, tamper proof, each piece of data is owned by users, and data can be bought and sold. Take decentralization as an example. No matter microblogging, WeChat reading or Tencent documents, they share the common features of Internet products: all data are collected, stored and used by an Internet company alone.
import requests
If you are using a Jupyter notebook, uncomment the following line.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import json
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
Replace with your valid subscription key.
subscription_key = ""
assert subscription_key
You must use the same region in your REST call as you used to get your
subscription keys. For example, if you got your subscription keys from
westus, replace "westcentralus" in the URI below with "westus".
Free trial subscription keys are generated in the "westus" region.
If you use a free trial subscription key, you shouldn't need to change
this region.
vision_base_url = "https://westcentralus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/vision/v2.0/"
analyze_url = vision_base_url + "analyze"
def parser_image(image_url):
# Set image_url to the URL of an image that you want to analyze.
# image_url = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/" + \
# "Broadway_and_Times_Square_by_night.jpg/450px-Broadway_and_Times_Square_by_night.jpg"
headers = {'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': subscription_key }
params = {'visualFeatures': 'Categories,Description,Color'}
data = {'url': image_url}
response = requests.post(analyze_url, headers=headers, params=params, json=data)
# The 'analysis' object contains various fields that describe the image. The most
# relevant caption for the image is obtained from the 'description' property.
analysis = response.json()
# print(json.dumps(response.json()))
# image_caption = analysis["description"]["captions"][0]["text"].capitalize()
# Display the image and overlay it with the caption.
# image = Image.open(BytesIO(requests.get(image_url).content))
# plt.imshow(image)
# plt.axis("off")
# _ = plt.title(image_caption, size="x-large", y=-0.1)
# plt.show()
# print("Analysis finish")
return analysis
以太虚拟机可以执行任意代码,但它也更容易受到halting problem的影响。halting problem是指从一个任意计算机程序的代码和输入来确定该程序是会结束运行,还是会永远继续运行。如果没有gas,用户就可以执行一个永远不会停止的程序,为了防止这种情况发生,以太引入了与每个操作相关的gas成本,这将防止程序处于永远运行的状态,最终使整个网络陷入停滞状态。
if name == '__main__':
image_url = "http://img4.imgtn.bdimg.com/it/u=4020056921,51126977&fm=200&gp=0.jpg"
analysis = parser_image(image_url)
description = analysis.get("description")