一、字符串 String 操作
capitalize 函数
name = 'thor' info = 'stark 斯塔克' nick_name = '蜘蛛侠 Peter' number_str = '9527' new_name = name.capitalize() new_info = info.capitalize() new_nick_name = nick_name.capitalize() new_number_str = number_str.capitalize() print(new_name) print("name变量的值:" + name) print(new_info) print("info变量的值:" + info) print(new_nick_name) print("nick_name变量的值:" + nick_name) print(new_number_str) print("number_str变量的值:" + number_str) 复制代码
- 只对第一个字母有效
- 只对字母有效
- 字母已经是大写则不做任何改变
casefold 与 lower 函数
casefold在python3.3之后才引入的,lower在python2版本中就存在 lower将英文字母小写,其他语言则无法处理 casefold可以将更多语种进行小写处理
name = 'PETER' info = 'How Are You' info_ch = '你好啊' info_empty = '' new_name = name.casefold() new_info = info.casefold() new_info_ch = info_ch.casefold() new_info_empty = info_empty.casefold() new_name_lower = name.lower() new_info_lower = info.lower() new_info_ch_lower = new_info_ch.lower() new_info_empty_lower = info_empty.lower() print(new_name) print(new_info) print(new_info_ch) print(new_info_empty) print('-------------') print(new_name_lower) print(new_info_lower) print(new_info_ch_lower) print(new_info_empty_lower) print('-------------') 复制代码
upper 函数
info = 'Hello Python!' message = 'this is peter, 18 years old' new_info = info.upper() new_message = message.upper() print(new_info) print(new_message) 复制代码
swapcase 函数
info_01 = 'python is The World Best LANGUAGE' info_02 = 'python web is VERY IMPORTANT' new_info_01 = info_01.swapcase() new_info_02 = info_02.swapcase() print(new_info_01) print(new_info_02) 复制代码
zfill 函数
info = 'python' if __name__ == '__main__': print(len(info)) print(info.zfill(3)) print(info.zfill(10)) 复制代码
count 函数
count 函数返回当前字符串中指定字符的个数,需要传入一个字符作为参数并返回一个整型数据,如果查询的元素不再字符串中就返回0
zen = ''' The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. Although practicality beats purity. Errors should never pass silently. Unless explicitly silenced. In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch. Now is better than never. Although never is often better than *right* now. If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those! ''' is_count = zen.count('is') print(is_count) to_count = zen.count('to') print(to_count) of_count = zen.count('of') print(of_count) 复制代码
startswith 和 endswith 函数
info = 'i am iron man' msg = 'today is monday' res_01 = info.startswith('i') print(res_01) res_02 = msg.startswith('t') print(res_02) res_03 = info.endswith('n') print(res_03) res_04 = msg.endswith('a') print(res_04) 复制代码
find 函数与 index 函数
info = 'python is the world best language' res_01 = info.find('o') print(res_01) res_02 = info.index('o') print(res_02) res_03 = info.find('go') print(res_03) res_04 = info.index('go') print(res_04) 复制代码
strip、lstrip、rstrip 函数
strip 函数可以去除字符串左右两边的指定元素,默认去除空格;返回一个新的字符串,参数为指定要去除的字符,默认为空格。
- 传入的元素如果不再开头或者结尾则无效
- lstrip仅仅去掉字符串开头的指定元素或者空格
- rstrip仅仅去除字符串结尾的指定元素或者空格
message = ' ---With great power comes great responsibility--- ' message_01 = message.strip() print(message_01) message_02 = message_01.strip('-') print(message_02) message_03 = message_02.lstrip('W') print(message_03) message_04 = message_03.rstrip('y') print(message_04) 复制代码
replace 函数
new_str = str.replace(old, new, max) 复制代码
code = 'Who is The strongest Avenger' code_01 = code.replace('Who', 'Thor') print(code_01) code_02 = code.replace('e', 'E') print(code_02) code_03 = code.replace('e', 'E', 1) print(code_03) code_04 = code.replace('who', 'Hulk') print(code_04) 复制代码
返回 bool 类型的函数
- isspace:判断字符串是否由空格组成,无须传递参数
- istitle:判断字符串是否是一个标题类型,无须传递参数
- isupper:判断字符串中的字符是否都是大写,无须传递参数
- islower:判断字符串中的字符是否都是小写,无须传递参数
- 由空格组成的字串不是空字符串
- title就是有多个单词组成,每个单词的首字母大写
- title函数只能用于英文
print('-----isspace函数-----') print(' '.isspace()) print('HULK'.isspace()) print('STARK '.isspace()) print('-----istitle函数-----') print('Stark Industry'.istitle()) print('the seven'.istitle()) print('-----isupper函数-----') print('VISION'.isupper()) print('Thor Odin'.isupper()) print('-----islower函数-----') print('Tony'.islower()) print('ok'.islower()) 复制代码