1 Vim简介
1.1 什么是Vim?
Vim 是一个高度可配置的文本编辑器,旨在让创建和更改任何类型的文本变得非常高效。
1.2 Vim的优点
Vim 非常稳定,开发迭代版本贴别快。其特点有以下几个:
- 持久的多级撤消树
- 广泛的插件系统
- 支持数百种编程语言和文件格式
- 强大的搜索和替换
- 与许多工具集成
1.3 Vim下载与使用
Vim的版本:目前Vim的最新版本是Vim 9.0 ,也是最新的稳定版本。
1.4 Vim在Mac中的使用
当前我的机器已经安装了Vim,我们可以使用--help来查看下帮助文档。从文档中可以看到,我当前机器的版本是VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2。
Aion.Liu $ vim--helpVIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Apr 19202221:41:43) Usage: vim [arguments] [file ..] edit specified file(s) or: vim [arguments] - read text from stdin or: vim [arguments] -t tag edit file where tag is defined or: vim [arguments] -q [errorfile] edit file with first error Arguments: -- Only file names after this -v Vi mode (like "vi") -e Ex mode (like "ex") -E Improved Ex mode -s Silent (batch) mode (only for"ex") -d Diff mode (like "vimdiff") -y Easy mode (like "evim", modeless) -R Readonly mode (like "view") -Z Restricted mode (like "rvim") -m Modifications (writing files) not allowed -M Modifications in text not allowed -b Binary mode -l Lisp mode -C Compatible with Vi: 'compatible'-N Not fully Vi compatible: 'nocompatible'-V[N][fname] Be verbose [level N] [log messages to fname] -D Debugging mode -n No swap file, use memory only -r List swap files and exit-r (with file name) Recover crashed session -L Same as -r-T <terminal> Set terminal type to <terminal> --not-a-term Skip warning for input/output not being a terminal --ttyfail Exit if input or output is not a terminal -u <vimrc> Use <vimrc> instead of any .vimrc --noplugin Don't load plugin scripts -p[N] Open N tab pages (default: one for each file) -o[N] Open N windows (default: one for each file) -O[N] Like -o but split vertically + Start at end of file +<lnum> Start at line <lnum> --cmd <command> Execute <command> before loading any vimrc file -c <command> Execute <command> after loading the first file -S <session> Source file <session> after loading the first file -s <scriptin> Read Normal mode commands from file <scriptin> -w <scriptout> Append all typed commands to file <scriptout> -W <scriptout> Write all typed commands to file <scriptout> -x Edit encrypted files --startuptime <file> Write startup timing messages to <file> -i <viminfo> Use <viminfo> instead of .viminfo --clean 'nocompatible', Vim defaults, no plugins, no viminfo -h or --help Print Help (this message) and exit --version Print version information and exit
1.5 Vim在Linux中的使用
当我进入Liunx虚拟机,当前我的机器也安装了Vim,我们可以使用--help来查看下帮助文档。从文档中可以看到,我当前机器的版本是VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4。使用参数以及帮助文档同Mac中相差不多。
vim--helpVIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 9201903:17:15) usage: vim [arguments] [file ..] edit specified file(s) or: vim [arguments] - read text from stdin or: vim [arguments] -t tag edit file where tag is defined or: vim [arguments] -q [errorfile] edit file with first error Arguments: -- Only file names after this -v Vi mode (like "vi") -e Ex mode (like "ex") -E Improved Ex mode -s Silent (batch) mode (only for"ex") -d Diff mode (like "vimdiff") -y Easy mode (like "evim", modeless) -R Readonly mode (like "view") -Z Restricted mode (like "rvim") -m Modifications (writing files) not allowed -M Modifications in text not allowed -b Binary mode -l Lisp mode -C Compatible with Vi: 'compatible'-N Not fully Vi compatible: 'nocompatible'-V[N][fname] Be verbose [level N] [log messages to fname] -D Debugging mode -n No swap file, use memory only -r List swap files and exit-r (with file name) Recover crashed session -L Same as -r-Astartin Arabic mode -H Start in Hebrew mode -F Start in Farsi mode -T <terminal> Set terminal type to <terminal> -u <vimrc> Use <vimrc> instead of any .vimrc --noplugin Don't load plugin scripts -p[N] Open N tab pages (default: one for each file) -o[N] Open N windows (default: one for each file) -O[N] Like -o but split vertically + Start at end of file +<lnum> Start at line <lnum> --cmd <command> Execute <command> before loading any vimrc file -c <command> Execute <command> after loading the first file -S <session> Source file <session> after loading the first file -s <scriptin> Read Normal mode commands from file <scriptin> -w <scriptout> Append all typed commands to file <scriptout> -W <scriptout> Write all typed commands to file <scriptout> -x Edit encrypted files --startuptime <file> Write startup timing messages to <file> -i <viminfo> Use <viminfo> instead of .viminfo -h or --help Print Help (this message) and exit --version Print version information and exit
2 Vim详细介绍
2.1 Vim三种模式
- 命令模式(Command mode)
- 输入模式(Insert mode)
- 底线命令模式(Last line mode)
模式 |
快捷键 |
命令模式 |
输入模式 |
i或a |
底线命令模式 |
: |
2.2 命令模式(CM)
操作 |
快捷键 |
光标左移 |
h |
光标右移 |
l(小写L) |
光标上移 |
k |
光标下移 |
j |
光标移动到下一个单词 |
w |
光标移动到上一个单词 |
b |
移动游标到第n行 |
nG |
移动游标到第一行 |
gg |
移动游标到最后一行 |
G |
快速回到上一次光标所在位置 |
Ctrl+o |
删除当前字符 |
x |
删除前一个字符 |
X |
删除整行 |
dd |
删除一个单词 |
dw或daw |
删除至行尾 |
d$或D |
删除至行首 |
d^ |
删除到文档末尾 |
dG |
删除至文档首部 |
d1G |
删除n行 |
ndd |
删除n个连续字符 |
nx |
将光标所在位置字母变成大写或小写 |
~ |
复制游标所在的整行 |
yy(3yy表示复制3行) |
粘贴至光标后(下) |
p |
粘贴至光标前(上) |
P |
剪切 |
dd |
交换上下行 |
ddp |
替换整行,即删除游标所在行并进入插入模式 |
cc |
撤销一次或n次操作 |
u{n} |
撤销当前行的所有修改 |
U |
恢复撤销操作 |
Ctrl+r |
整行将向右缩进 |
>> |
整行将向左退回 |
<< |
若档案没有更动,则不储存离开,若档案已经被更动过,则储存后离开 |
ZZ |
2、使用vim 春望.txt回车后就进入了命令行模式。
2.3 输入模式(IM)
2.4 底线命令模式(LLM)
操作 |
命令 |
保存 |
:w |
退出 |
:q |
保存并退出 |
:wq(:wq!表示强制保存退出) |
将文件另存为其他文件名 |
:w new_filename |
显示行号 |
:set nu |
取消行号 |
:set nonu |
使本行内容居中 |
:ce |
使本行文本靠右 |
:ri |
使本行内容靠左 |
:le |
向光标之下寻找一个名称为word的字符串 |
:/word |
向光标之上寻找一个字符串名称为word的字符串 |
:?word |
重复前一个搜寻的动作 |
:n |
从第一行到最后一行寻找word1字符串,并将该字符串取代为word2 |
:1,$s/word1/word2/g或 :%s/word1/word2/g |
3 总结