ip | hosts | 硬盘 |
storage01 | | 12*10T |
storage02 | | 12*10T |
storage03 | | 12*10T |
storage04 | | 12*10T |
ip | host |
headnode | |
node02 | |
node03 | |
node04 | |
ip | hosts | 硬盘 |
storage01 | | 12*10T |
storage02 | | 12*10T |
storage03 | | 12*10T |
storage04 | | 12*10T |
ip | host |
headnode | |
node02 | |
node03 | |
node04 | |
- 开始前需要下载minio client
wget https://dl.min.io/client/mc/release/linux-amd64/mc chmod+x mc mv mc /usr/local/bin/
- 写入host到/etc/hosts
- 配置客户端
/usr/local/bin/mc alias set minio <YOUR-ACCESS-KEY> <YOUR-SECRET-KEY>
- 开始测试,执行(以前叫speedtest,现在修改成support perf了)
/usr/local/bin/mc support perf minio/<bucket>
NODE RX TX http://storage01:9000 1.8 GiB/s 2.0 GiB/s http://storage02:9000 1.8 GiB/s 2.0 GiB/s http://storage03:9000 2.7 GiB/s 2.5 GiB/s http://storage04:9000 2.4 GiB/s 2.2 GiB/s NetPerf: ✔ NODE PATH READ WRITE http://storage02:9000 /data1 192 MiB/s 235 MiB/s http://storage02:9000 /data2 219 MiB/s 240 MiB/s http://storage02:9000 /data3 186 MiB/s 262 MiB/s http://storage02:9000 /data4 191 MiB/s 230 MiB/s http://storage02:9000 /data5 179 MiB/s 221 MiB/s http://storage02:9000 /data6 170 MiB/s 222 MiB/s http://storage02:9000 /data7 200 MiB/s 219 MiB/s http://storage02:9000 /data8 198 MiB/s 230 MiB/s http://storage02:9000 /data9 166 MiB/s 207 MiB/s http://storage02:9000 /data10 206 MiB/s 209 MiB/s http://storage02:9000 /data11 198 MiB/s 213 MiB/s http://storage02:9000 /data12 164 MiB/s 205 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data1 172 MiB/s 259 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data2 201 MiB/s 250 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data3 218 MiB/s 256 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data4 188 MiB/s 245 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data5 157 MiB/s 197 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data6 155 MiB/s 205 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data7 154 MiB/s 210 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data8 143 MiB/s 185 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data9 181 MiB/s 207 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data10 174 MiB/s 214 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data11 173 MiB/s 218 MiB/s http://storage04:9000 /data12 178 MiB/s 206 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data1 194 MiB/s 337 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data2 204 MiB/s 267 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data3 212 MiB/s 261 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data4 200 MiB/s 235 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data5 168 MiB/s 216 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data6 209 MiB/s 221 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data7 179 MiB/s 222 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data8 170 MiB/s 220 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data9 144 MiB/s 186 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data10 142 MiB/s 172 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data11 149 MiB/s 171 MiB/s http://storage03:9000 /data12 132 MiB/s 206 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data1 99 MiB/s 119 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data2 103 MiB/s 114 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data3 104 MiB/s 114 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data4 98 MiB/s 186 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data5 186 MiB/s 261 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data6 224 MiB/s 251 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data7 188 MiB/s 240 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data8 222 MiB/s 252 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data9 185 MiB/s 247 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data10 209 MiB/s 236 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data11 191 MiB/s 224 MiB/s http://storage01:9000 /data12 222 MiB/s 250 MiB/s DrivePerf: ✔ THROUGHPUT IOPS PUT 1.3 GiB/s 21 objs/s GET 4.2 GiB/s 67 objs/s MinIO 2022-08-25T07:17:05Z, 4 servers, 48 drives, 64 MiB objects, 62 threads ObjectPerf: ✔
mc support perf object minio
# driverroot@storage01:~# mc support perf object minio THROUGHPUT IOPS PUT 1.6 GiB/s 26 objs/s GET 4.0 GiB/s 63 objs/s MinIO 2022-08-25T07:17:05Z, 4 servers, 48 drives, 64 MiB objects, 27 threads ObjectPerf: ✔
# throughtputroot@storage01:~# mc support perf net minioNODE RX TX http://storage01:9000 1.9 GiB/s 2.1 GiB/s http://storage02:9000 2.4 GiB/s 2.2 GiB/s http://storage03:9000 2.6 GiB/s 2.4 GiB/s http://storage04:9000 2.1 GiB/s 2.3 GiB/s NetPerf: ✔
root@storage01:~# mc support perf object minio --duration 20s --size 128MiB THROUGHPUT IOPS PUT 2.3 GiB/s 18 objs/s GET 3.8 GiB/s 30 objs/s MinIO 2022-08-25T07:17:05Z, 4 servers, 48 drives, 128 MiB objects, 41 threads ObjectPerf: ✔
在开始测试之前,需要在客户端上安装warp,GitHub - minio/warp: S3 benchmarking tool这里面有多个版本可供选择,建议使用二进制包,比较省事。
wget https://github.com/minio/warp/releases/download/v0.6.2/warp_0.6.2_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz mkdir warp tar zxf warp_0.6.2_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz -C warp # 执行客户端./warp client
warp mixed --duration=3m --warp-client=headnode --warp-client=node0{2...3} --host=storage0{1...4}:9000 --access-key=minio --secret-key=miniodev warp: Benchmark data written to "warp-remote-2022-09-03[172425]-Fj1O.csv.zst"Mixed operations. Operation: DELETE, 10%, Concurrency: 40, Ran 2m58s. * Throughput: 18.47 obj/s Operation: GET, 45%, Concurrency: 40, Ran 2m58s. * Throughput: 831.05 MiB/s, 83.11 obj/s Operation: PUT, 15%, Concurrency: 40, Ran 2m58s. * Throughput: 276.45 MiB/s, 27.65 obj/s Operation: STAT, 30%, Concurrency: 40, Ran 2m58s. * Throughput: 55.30 obj/s Cluster Total: 1106.95 MiB/s, 184.46 obj/s over 2m58s.
root@headnode:~# warp delete --duration=3m --warp-client=headnode --warp-client=node0{2...3} --host=storage0{1...4}:9000 --access-key=minio --secret-key=miniodevwarp: Benchmark data written to "warp-remote-2022-09-03[173528]-1d62.csv.zst"----------------------------------------Operation: PUT * Average: 0.56 MiB/s, 576.46 obj/s Throughput by host: * http://storage01:9000: Avg: 0.14 MiB/s, 144.36 obj/s * http://storage02:9000: Avg: 0.14 MiB/s, 143.90 obj/s * http://storage03:9000: Avg: 0.14 MiB/s, 143.78 obj/s * http://storage04:9000: Avg: 0.14 MiB/s, 144.32 obj/s Throughput, split into 86 x 1s: * Fastest: 655.8KiB/s, 655.89 obj/s * 50% Median: 584.4KiB/s, 584.43 obj/s * Slowest: 438.5KiB/s, 438.49 obj/s ----------------------------------------Operation: DELETE * Average: 897.41 obj/s Throughput by host: * http://storage01:9000: Avg: 225.39 obj/s * http://storage02:9000: Avg: 221.08 obj/s * http://storage03:9000: Avg: 220.70 obj/s * http://storage04:9000: Avg: 222.31 obj/s Throughput, split into 41 x 1s: * Fastest: 998.26 obj/s * 50% Median: 890.61 obj/s * Slowest: 861.53 obj/s warp: Cleanup done对DELETE操作进行测试 root@headnode:~# warp stat --autoterm --duration=3m --warp-client=headnode --warp-client=node0{2...3} --host=storage0{1...4}:9000 --access-key=minio --secret-key=miniodevwarp: Benchmark data written to "warp-remote-2022-09-03[173008]-vsV9.csv.zst"----------------------------------------Operation: PUT * Average: 0.56 MiB/s, 584.19 obj/s Throughput by host: * http://storage01:9000: Avg: 0.14 MiB/s, 145.46 obj/s * http://storage02:9000: Avg: 0.14 MiB/s, 145.46 obj/s * http://storage03:9000: Avg: 0.14 MiB/s, 145.32 obj/s * http://storage04:9000: Avg: 0.14 MiB/s, 144.19 obj/s Throughput, split into 33 x 1s: * Fastest: 609.4KiB/s, 624.07 obj/s * 50% Median: 585.7KiB/s, 599.81 obj/s * Slowest: 499.3KiB/s, 511.37 obj/s ----------------------------------------Operation: STAT * Average: 10262.16 obj/s Throughput by host: * http://storage01:9000: Avg: 2549.94 obj/s * http://storage02:9000: Avg: 2566.62 obj/s * http://storage03:9000: Avg: 2572.47 obj/s * http://storage04:9000: Avg: 2572.58 obj/s Throughput, split into 179 x 1s: * Fastest: 10622.95 obj/s * 50% Median: 10268.04 obj/s * Slowest: 9574.31 obj/s warp: Cleanup done. 将文件切片分批上传性能测试 root@headnode:~# warp multipart --parts=500 --part.size=10MiB --warp-client=headnode --warp-client=node0{2...3} --host=storage0{1...4}:9000 --access-key=minio --secret-key=miniodevwarp: Benchmark data written to "warp-remote-2022-09-03[174331]-AWo5.csv.zst"----------------------------------------Operation: PUT * Average: 559.26 MiB/s, 55.93 obj/s Throughput by host: * http://storage01:9000: Avg: 137.98 MiB/s, 13.80 obj/s * http://storage02:9000: Avg: 140.59 MiB/s, 14.06 obj/s * http://storage03:9000: Avg: 138.60 MiB/s, 13.86 obj/s * http://storage04:9000: Avg: 141.93 MiB/s, 14.19 obj/s Throughput, split into 16 x 1s: * Fastest: 616.2MiB/s, 61.62 obj/s * 50% Median: 562.9MiB/s, 56.29 obj/s * Slowest: 437.3MiB/s, 43.73 obj/s ----------------------------------------Operation: GET * Average: 1026.15 MiB/s, 102.62 obj/s Throughput by host: * http://storage01:9000: Avg: 254.73 MiB/s, 25.47 obj/s * http://storage02:9000: Avg: 257.86 MiB/s, 25.79 obj/s * http://storage03:9000: Avg: 257.91 MiB/s, 25.79 obj/s * http://storage04:9000: Avg: 255.68 MiB/s, 25.57 obj/s Throughput, split into 298 x 1s: * Fastest: 1133.4MiB/s, 113.34 obj/s * 50% Median: 1030.0MiB/s, 103.00 obj/s * Slowest: 876.0MiB/s, 87.60 obj/s warp: Cleanup done.