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Python SDK示例程序

Python SDK 简易使用示例


  • [backcolor=transparent]创建 Vaultfrom oas.oas_api import OASAPI
  • from oas.ease.vault import Vault
  • # 创建 OASAPI 对象
  • api = OASAPI('[Server Host]', '[Access Key ID]', '[Access Key Secret]')
  • # 创建 Vault
  • vault = Vault.create_vault(api, '[Vault Name]')

  • [backcolor=transparent]查找Vault# 创建 OASAPI 对象
  • api = OASAPI('[Server Host]', '[Access Key ID]', '[Access Key Secret]')
  • # 根据名称获取 Vault
  • vault = Vault.get_vault_by_name(api, '[Vault Name]')
  • # 根据 ID 获取 Vault
  • vault = Vault.get_vault_by_id(api, '[Vault ID]')

  • [backcolor=transparent]上传文件archive_id = vault.upload_archive('[File Path]')

  • [backcolor=transparent]删除 Archivevault.delete_archive('[Archive ID]')

  • [backcolor=transparent]续传 Multipart Upload 任务uploader = vault.recover_uploader('[Upload ID]')
  • uploader.resume('[File Path]')

  • [backcolor=transparent]获取 Archive 列表job = vault.retrieve_inventory()
  • job.download_to_file('[File Path]')

  • [backcolor=transparent]下载 Archivejob = vault.retrieve_archive('[Archive ID]')
  • job.download_to_file('[File Path]')

  • [backcolor=transparent]从OSS上转储Object到OASjob = vault.pull_from_oss(conf.osshost, conf.bucket, conf.object, "test desc")

  • [backcolor=transparent]从OAS上转储Archive到OSSjob = vault.push_to_oss(archive_id, conf.osshost, conf.bucket, archive_id, "test desc")

Python SDK 完整使用演示代码

函数test_multi_upload() 使用sdk低级接口实现分段上传;
函数test_pull_from_oss() 实现从OSS直接转储到OAS
函数test_push_to_oss() 实现从OAS直接转储到OSS import random
import time
import logging
import logging.handlers  
from oas.oas_api import OASAPI
from oas.ease.api import APIProxy
from oas.ease.exceptions import *
from oas.ease.response import *
from oas.ease.utils import *
from oas.ease.vault import *
from oas.ease.uploader import *
from oas.ease.job import *
import os
handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(LOG_FILE, maxBytes = 1024*1024, backupCount = 5)
fmt = '%(asctime)s - %(filename)s:%(lineno)s - %(name)s - %(message)s'  
formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt)
class TestConf(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.host = 'oas域名'
        self.accesskey_id = "您的access key Id"
        self.accesskey_secret = "您的access key secret"
        self.vault_name = "normal"
        self.vault_name_test = "test"
        self.osshost = "您要转储的oss域名"
        self.bucket = "您要转储的bucket"
        self.object = "您要转储的Object"
conf = TestConf()
class TestDemo():
    _MEGABYTE = 1024 * 1024
    def __init__(self):
        self.api = OASAPI(conf.host, conf.accesskey_id, conf.accesskey_secret)
        self.api_proxy = APIProxy(self.api)
        self.vault_name = conf.vault_name
        self.vault_name_test = conf.vault_name_test
        self.file_big = "random100M.bin"
        self.file_big_size = 200*self._MEGABYTE
        with open(self.file_big, 'wb+') as f:
            self.write_random_data(f, self.file_big_size)
        self.file_small = "random30M.bin"
        self.file_small_size = 30*self._MEGABYTE
        with open(self.file_small, 'wb+') as f:
            self.write_random_data(f, self.file_small_size)
    def write_random_data(self, file, size):
        remaining = size
        while remaining > 0:
            n = min(remaining, 1024)
            random_data = os.urandom(n)
            remaining = remaining - n
            n = min(remaining, 1024 * random.randint(256, 1024))
            file.write('\0' * n)
            remaining = remaining - n
    def test_single_archive_upload(self):
        print '''
Using the low level api method to upload a small archive
        res = self.api_proxy.create_vault(self.vault_name)
        vault_id = res['x-oas-vault-id']
        etag = compute_etag_from_file(self.file_small)
        tree_etag = compute_tree_etag_from_file(self.file_small)
        with open(self.file_small, 'rb') as f:
            content = f.read()
            res = self.api_proxy.post_archive(vault_id, content, etag, tree_etag)
            archive_id = res['x-oas-archive-id']
        print "archive_id",archive_id
    #test the multipart upload by the proxy api, and this is low level api
    def test_multi_upload(self):
        print '''\n\n\n
Using the low level api to invoke the multipart api and implement the archive uplod
        res = self.api_proxy.create_vault(self.vault_name)
        vault_id = res['x-oas-vault-id']
        part_size = 1024 * 1024 * 64
        etag_array= []
        tree_etag_array= []
        offset = 0
        cur_start_pos = 0
        cur_end_pos = 0
        print "1. comput the etag,tree-etag"
        print "1.1 comput the  etag , tree_etag of part"
        while True:
            tmpsize = part_size
            if(cur_start_pos + tmpsize > self.file_big_size):
                tmpsize = self.file_big_size - cur_start_pos;
            cur_end_pos += tmpsize -1
            etag_array.append(compute_etag_from_file(self.file_big, cur_start_pos, tmpsize) )
            tree_etag_array.append(compute_tree_etag_from_file(self.file_big, cur_start_pos, tmpsize))
            cur_start_pos += tmpsize
            cur_part_num += 1
            if(cur_start_pos >= self.file_big_size-1):
        print "1.2 comput the  total tree_etag of the archive"
        tree_etag_total = compute_combine_tree_etag_from_list( tree_etag_array) ;
        print "2.1 init the upload task, and get the uploadId"
        res = self.api_proxy.create_multipart_upload(vault_id, part_size)
        upload_id = res['x-oas-multipart-upload-id']
        print "upload_id",upload_id
        f = open(self.file_big, 'rb')
        cur_part_num = 0
        cur_start_pos = 0
        cur_end_pos = 0
        while True:
            tmpsize = part_size
            if(cur_start_pos + tmpsize > self.file_big_size):
                tmpsize = self.file_big_size - cur_start_pos;
            cur_end_pos += tmpsize
            print "2.2 upload every part to oas server, and the etag of the part will be used. current part is:", cur_part_num+1
            self.api_proxy.post_multipart_from_reader(vault_id, upload_id, f, tmpsize,('%d-%d' %(cur_start_pos, cur_end_pos-1)), etag_array[cur_part_num],tree_etag_array[cur_part_num])
            cur_start_pos += tmpsize
            cur_part_num += 1
            if(cur_end_pos>= self.file_big_size -1):
        print "2.3 complete the multipart task, and the total etag will be used"
        res = self.api_proxy.complete_multipart_upload(
                        vault_id, upload_id, self.file_big_size, tree_etag_total)
        print "output the archive id"
        archive_id = res['x-oas-archive-id']
        print "archive_id",archive_id
        return archive_id
    #test the uploader to upload big file, and this is high level api
    def test_uploader(self):
        print '''\n\n\n
Using the High level api to invoke the multipart api
        vault = Vault.create_vault(self.api, self.vault_name)
        print "initial a uploadId"
        uploader = vault.initiate_uploader(self.file_big)
        uploader_id = uploader.id
        print "uploader_id",uploader_id
        print "start the multipart"
        archive_id = uploader.start()
        print "finish the upload, and output the archive_id"
        print "archive_id",archive_id
        return archive_id
    #to inquire the archive list of vault
    def test_vault_retrieve(self):
        print '''\n\n\n
Retrieve the vault info, and inquire the archive list of the vault
        vault = Vault.create_vault(self.api, self.vault_name)
        job = vault.retrieve_inventory()
    #to test download archive
    def test_download_archive(self, archive_id):
        print '''\n\n\n
Submit the archive job and download the job to local
        vault = Vault.create_vault(self.api, self.vault_name)
        job = vault.retrieve_archive(archive_id)
        if not job.completed:
            job.download_to_file(file_path = job.id, block = True)
    #test delete archive
    def test_delete_archive(self, archive_id):
        print '''\n\n\n
Delete the archive
        vault = Vault.create_vault(self.api, self.vault_name)
    def test_pull_from_oss(self):
        print '''\n\n\n
submit a pull-from-oss job and OAS will finish the pull of OSS object to OAS
        vault = Vault.create_vault(self.api, self.vault_name)
        # create vault
        job = vault.pull_from_oss(conf.osshost, conf.bucket, conf.object, "test desc")
        # delete archive
        print "bucket:%s object:%s finish pull from oss,\n archiveId:%s" % (conf.bucket, conf.object, job.archive_id)
    def test_push_to_oss(self):
        print '''\n\n\n
submit a push-to-oss job and OAS will finish the push of OAS archive to OSS
        vault = Vault.create_vault(self.api, self.vault_name)
        archive_id = vault.upload_archive(self.file_big)
        job = vault.push_to_oss(archive_id, conf.osshost, conf.bucket, archive_id, "test desc")
        print archive_id + " finish push to oss"        
if __name__ == '__main__':
    t = TestDemo()
    archive_id = t.test_uploader();

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