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CertificateAndPrivateKeyIsReferedCertificate and PrivateKey Is Refered.证书已经被使用400
CertificateNotMatchPrivateKeyCertificate and key does not match.证书和私钥不匹配400
CheckedListenerNotFoundNo health-checked Listener to the specified port of the Load Balancer.健康检查未配置404
Forbbiden.SubUserTUser not authorized to operate on the specified resource as your account is created by another user.由于你的账号是由其它用户创建的,未授权操作指定的资源403
ForbiddenUser not authorized to operate on the specified resource.对指定的资源未授权操作403
IncorrectListenerAccessControlStatusStatusCurrent listener access control status does not support this operation.监听当前的访问控制状态不支持该操作500
InternalErrorThe request processing has failed due to backend service exception.内部错误400
InternalInvokeErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure.内部错误500
InvalidBackendServers.InconsistentSpecified LoadBalancer instance’s addresstype is private, so it is forbidden to add ecs vpc backendservers for now.指定的LoadBalancer 是私网地址,当前不允许添加专有网络的后端Server400
InvalidBackendServers.InconsistentAll BackendServers on one Specified LoadBalancer have to be in the same vpc or all classic一个LoadBalancer 实例只能单独存在专有网络或者经典网络的后端Server,不能同时存在400
InvalidIdentityThe request identity was not allowed operated.请求的身份不允许操作400
InvalidLoadBalancerId.NotFoundLoadBalancerId does not exist.LoadBalancerId 不存在404
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter ServerCertificate format is error.指定的证书格式错误404
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter ServerCertificateId is empty.指定的证书为空404
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter ServerCertificateId is not support.指定的证书不支持404
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter ServerCertificate or Key is empty.指定的证书或私钥为空404
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter key format is error.指定的私钥格式错误404
InvalidParameterSpecified region does not supported.指定的地域不支持404
InvalidParameterPort is not Integer.指定端口号范围应为1-65535400
InvalidParameterThe specified port is not valid.指定端口号范围应为1-65535400
InvalidParameterThe specified bandwidth is not valid.指定带宽值不合法400
InvalidParameterSpecified parameter Check is not valid.指定Check值不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter  HealthCheckHttpCode is not valid.指定HealthCheckHttpCode值不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter bandwidth is not valid, out of  the instance total bandwidth.指定bandwidth值不合法,超出了实例总bandwidth400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter bandwidth is not valid.指定bandwidth值不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter HealthCheck is not valid.指定 HealthCheck 值不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter SourceItem  is not valid.指定SourceItems值不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified protocol is not valid.指定的协议类型不合法400
InvalidParameterRS Pool is empty.RSPool名称为空400
InvalidParameterRS Pool doesn’t exist.RSPool不存在404
InvalidParameterIllegal user ID.User ID不合法400
InvalidParameterUser ID is nulluser ID 不能为空400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter lb_type is not valid.指定的lb_type值非法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter mode is not valid..指定的mode值非法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter HealthCheckHttpCode is not valid.指定的HealthCheckHttpCode值非法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter AccessControlStatus is not valid.指定的AccessControlStatus值非法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter SourceItems  is not valid.指定的SourceItems值非法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter BackendServers is not valid.指定的BackendServers值非法404
InvalidParameterSpecified parameter is not valid.指定的参数不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter Domain  is not valid.指定的Domain不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter  URI  is not valid.指定的URL不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter Scheduler  is not valid.指定的 Scheduler 不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter  ListenerStatus is not valid.指定的 ListenerStatus 不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter  PersistenceTimeout is not valid.指定的PersistenceTimeout不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter  PersistenceTimeout is not valid.指定的PersistenceTimeout不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter HealthCheck is not valid.指定的HealthCheck 不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter ConnectPort  is not valid.指定的ConnectPort 不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter  ConnectTimeou is not valid.指定的ConnectTimeout不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter  StickySessionType  is not valid.指定的StickySessionType 不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter  HealthyThreshold  is not valid.指定的HealthyThreshold非法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter  UnhealthyThreshold is not valid.指定的UnhealthyThreshold非法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter Interva is not valid.指定的Interval非法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter  XForwardedFor  is not valid.指定的XForwardedFor不合法400
InvalidParameterThe specified parameter  IsPublicAddress  is not valid.指定的IsPublicAddress不合法400
InvalidRegionId.NotFoundSpecified region does not exist.指定的Region不存在404
InvalidServerId.MalformedA specified server ID is not valid, flush control ip chain fail.指定的服务器不合法400
InvalidServerId.NotFoundThe specified server is not found.指定的服务不存在400
InvalidWeight.MalformedA specified weight is not valid.指定的weight值不合法400
IpNotAvailableThe specified parameter Address  is not valid.指定的Address不合法400
ListenerAlreadyExistsThere is already a listener bound to the port on the specified load balancer.监听已存在400
ListenerNotFoundNo Listener to the specified port of the Load Balancer.监听不存在404
MissingParameterThe input parameter Cookie  that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.sticky_session类型为server时,cookie字段是必须的400
MissingParameterThe input parameter BackendServerPort that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.后端服务器端口是必须的400
MissingParameterThe input parameter LoadBalancerId that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.LoadBalancerId 是必须的400
MissingParameterThe input parameter RegionId that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.RegionId是必须的400
MissingParameterThe combination of some parameters violates the spec.参数组合违反要求400
MissingParameterThe input parameter OwnerId,OwnerAccount that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied.OwnerId,OwnerAccount 是必须的403
PrivateKeyEncryptionKey has Encrypted .私钥已加密400
ProcessingSameRequestThe same request is being processed. Please try later.相同的请求正在处理,请稍后重试400
ServerCertificateId.NotFoundSpecified ServerCertificateId does not exist.指定的证书不存在404
ServiceUnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.服务不可用503
ServiceUnavailableThe specified loadbalancer name has been used.loadbalancer名字已经存在503
ServiceUnavailableThe request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server.服务不可用503
TcpNotSupportForHybridLbHybrid type loadbalancer doesn’t support TCP type listener不能在Hybrid类型的LoadBalancer里创建tcp类型监听400
TooManyBackendServersThe total number of input real servers exceeds max supported number: 20一次能添加的后端服务器总数最多为20400
TooManyBackendServersThe backend server parameter has too many entries.后端Server 太多400
UnsupportedOperationThe Loadbalancer doesn’t support this function.loadbalancer的类型不支持该方法400
UnsupportedOperationThe specified action is not supported.指定的操作不支持400
UnsupportedOperationonfixedprotocalportThe specified port has been assigned one type of protocal, and this protocal doesn’t support this operation.指定端口关联的协议类型不支持该操作400
UnsupportedParameterThe input parameter is not unsupported.输入参数不支持400
VipNotMatchRspoolThe vip protocol is not match with Rspool.Rspool关联的协议类型与指定协议类型不匹配400
VipTooManyListenersThe total number of input listeners exceeds max supported number: 50一次能添加的监听总数不能超过50400
InvalidParameterThe specified resource does not exist指定的资源不存在400
ServiceUnavailableThe specified loadbalancer is configuring, please retry later实例正在配置中,请稍后重试503
ServiceUnavailableObtain Ip Fail, please make sure the ECS exists and the status is running.获取Ip失败,请确认ECS存在并且状态是running503
ServiceUnavailableThe specified region not support VPC指定的Region不支持VPC503
InvalidParameterthe special internet EIP donot support the VPC network typeEIP不支持VPC网络400
InvalidParameterThe specified region is not exist指定的Region不存在400
InvalidParameterThe specified vpc cloud instance has deleted指定的vpc cloud实例已经删除400
InvalidParameterThe specified vpc cloud instance is deleteing指定的vpc cloud实例正在删除中400
ServiceUnavailableThe specified param is invalid指定的参数不合法503
InvalidParameterThe vpc info of LB is empty负责均衡的vpc信息为空400
InvalidParameterThe vpc Ip is existvpc ip 已存在400
InvalidParameterThe Ip is not Supportedip不支持400
InvalidParameterThe RsList is illegalRealserver 列表非法400
InvalidParameterThe Tunnel id is invalidTunnnel id不合法400
InvalidParameterThe Rs IP is emptyRealserver ip为空400
InvalidParameterThe VmName is emtpyVM Name为空400
InvalidParameterThe App id is invalidApp id不合法400
InvalidParameterThe Vgw ip is emptyVgw ip为空400
InvalidParameterThe vm address is not SupportVM 地址不支持400
InvalidParameterThe site is not existsite 不存在400
InvalidParameterThe serviceUnit and eip is not match服务单元和eip不匹配400
InvalidParameterThe vgw ip is not supportvgw ip不支持400
ServiceUnavailableIllegal Service服务非法503
ServiceUnavailableVpc Service errorvpc 服务错误503
ServiceUnavailableSystem exception系统异常503
InternalErrorIllegal sign非法签名400
InternalErrorQuery ecs info fail查询ecs信息失败400
InternalErrorIllegal timestamp非法时间戳400
InternalErrorIllegal format非法格式400
InternalErrorIllegal user非法用户400
InternalErrorIllegal sign type非法签名类型400
InternalErrorIllegal aliyun idkp非法云账号idkp400
ServiceUnavailableThe cloud instance id  is invaildcloud实例id非法503
InvalidParameterThe type is invalid类型非法400
InvalidParameterThe lvsgw vip is samelvsgw vip 相同400
ServiceUnavailableThe vpc subnet status is not working,please active it firstvpc子网是非工作状态,请先激活503
InvalidParameterThe resource already exists资源已存在400
InvalidParameterThe vpc subnet is not existvpc子网不存在400
InvalidParameterThe resource status is invalid资源状态非法400
InvalidParameterThe param vSwitch check fail,resource not exist or is deleted虚拟交换机检查失败,资源不存在或已被删除400
RegionNotSupportThe specified region not supported.指定的Region不支持该功能400
ListenOverLimitthe listeners is over the limit.listener 数量超过限制400
KeyFormatErrorThe specified parameter ServerCertificate format is error.指定的证书格式错误400
InvalidParameterThe Lb Name is Not supported.Loadbalancer名称不合法400
InvalidParameterThe Instance is Not Available.无实例可用400
ServiceUnavailableThe system is busy.系统繁忙503
ActionNotAllowedThe action is not allowed.操作不允许400
UserNotAllowedThe user is not allowed, please submit the application.用户不允许,请提交申请。一般是用于某功能的试用阶段,只对提交申请的用户开放400
SourceListOverLimitThe sourceList is over the quato.访问控制的白名单IP地址列表超过限制400

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