id 学号
name 姓名
chinese 语文成绩
english 英语成绩
math 数学成绩
create table student( id int, name varchar(20), chinese int, english int, math int ); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(1, '范真建',80,85,90); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(2,'罗住哪',90,95,95); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(3,'杜子腾',80,96,96); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(4,'范啥冰',81,97,85); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(5,'申晶冰',85,84,90); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(6,'奥丽海',92,85,87); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(7,'郭的辉',75,81,80); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(8,'拎壶尿',77,80,79); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(9,'任他行',95,85,85); insert into student(id,name,chinese,english,math) values(10,'史真香',94,85,84); 基础SQL
查询表中所有学生的信息。 select * from student; 查询表中所有学生的姓名和对应的英语成绩。 select name,english from student; 过滤表中重复数据。 select english from student; select DISTINCT english from student; select DISTINCT english,name from student; select english+chinese+math from student; select english+chinese+math as 总分 from student; select name,english+chinese+math as 总分 from student; 在所有学生英语分数上加10分特长分。 select name,english+10 from student; 统计每个学生的总分。 select english+chinese+math from student; 使用别名表示学生分数 select name,english+chinese+math as 总分 from student; select name,english+chinese+math 总分 from student; 查询姓名为何东的学生成绩 select * from student where name='何东'; 查询英语成绩大于90分的同学 select * from student where english>90; 查询总分大于250分的所有同学 select * from student where english+chinese+math>250; 查询英语分数在 85-95之间的同学。 select * from student where english>=85 and english<=95; select * from student where english between 85 and 95; 查询数学分数为84,90,91的同学。 select * from student where math=84 or math=90 or math=91; select * from student where math in(84,90,91); 查询所有姓何的学生成绩。 select * from student where name like '何%'; 查询数学分>85,语文分>90的同学。 select * from student where math>85 and chinese>90; 对数学成绩排序后输出。 select * from student order by math; 对总分排序后输出,然后再按从高到低的顺序输出 select * from student order by math+chinese+english desc; 对姓何的学生成绩排序输出 select * from student where name like '何%' order by math+chinese+english desc; select name, math+chinese+english from student where name like '何%' order by math+chinese+english desc; 统计一个班级共有多少学生? select count(*) from student; 统计数学成绩大于90的学生有多少个? select count(*) from student where math>90; 统计总分大于250的人数有多少? select count(*) from student where math+chinese+english>250; 统计一个班级数学总成绩? select sum(math) from student; 统计一个班级语文、英语、数学各科的总成绩 select sum(math), sum(chinese), sum(english) from student; 统计一个班级语文、英语、数学的成绩总和 select sum(math+chinese+english)from student; select sum(math)+sum(chinese)+sum(english) from student; 求一个班级数学平均分(avg是MySQL的函数) select avg(math) from student; 求一个班级总分平均分 select avg(math+chinese+english)from student; select avg(math)+avg(chinese)+avg(english) from student; 求班级最高分和最低分 select max(math+chinese+english),min(math+chinese+english) from student;
为学生表,增加一个班级列,练习分组查询。 alter table student add column class_id int; 注意语法:Oracle中不能有“column”关键字,MySQL中有没有“column”都可以执行。 更新表: update student set class_id=1 where id<=5; update student set class_id=2 where id>5; (update student set class_id=2 where id between 6 and 10;) 查出各个班的总分,最高分。 求各个班级 英语的平均分: select classid, avg(english) from student group by class_id 如根据组函数的语法要求,将select后增加name列,而不加至group by 之后: select name, classid, avg(english) from student group by classid; 会发现MySQL检查不出错误。相比Oracle数据库,MySQL分组检查不严格。 select sum(math+chinese+english),max(math+chinese+english) from student group by class_id; 查询出班级总分大于1300分的班级ID select class_id from student group by class_id having sum(math+chinese+english)>1300; select class_id from student where sum(math+chinese+english)>1300 group by class_id ; 对于组函数的应用与Oracle类似,可以应用于Having中,但不能用于where子句中。