
简介: 【视频去噪】基于SALT实现视频去噪附Matlab代码

1 简介

Recent works on adaptive sparse and low-rank signal modeling have demonstrated their usefulness, especially in image/video processing applications. While a patch-based sparse model imposes local structure, low-rankness of the grouped patches exploits non-local correlation. Applying either approach alone usually limits performance in various low-level vision tasks. In this work, we propose a novel video denoising method, based on an online tensor reconstruction scheme with a joint adaptive sparse and low-rank model, dubbed SALT. An efficient and unsupervised online unitary sparsifying transform learning method is introduced to impose adaptive sparsity on the fly. We develop an efficient 3D spatio-temporal data reconstruction framework based on the proposed online learning method, which exhibits low latency and can potentially handle streaming videos. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that combines adaptive sparsity and low-rankness for video denoising, and the first work of solving the proposed problem in an online fashion. We demonstrate video denoising results over commonly used videos from public datasets. Numerical experiments show that the proposed video denoising method outperforms competing methods.

2 部分代码

function [Xr, outputParam] = SALT_videodenoising(data, param)%Function for denoising the gray-scale video using SALT denoising%algorithm.%%Note that all input parameters need to be set prior to simulation. We%provide some example settings using function SALT_videodenoise_param.%However, the user is advised to carefully choose optimal values for the%parameters depending on the specific data or task at hand.%% The SALT_videodenoising algorithm denoises an gray-scale video based% on joint Sparse And Low-rank Tensor Reconstruction (SALT) method. % Detailed discussion can be found in%% (1) "Joint Adaptive Sparsity and Low-Rankness on the Fly:%      An Online Tensor Reconstruction Scheme for Video Denoising",% written by B. Wen, Y. Li, L, Pfister, and Y Bresler, in Proc. IEEE% International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oct. 2017.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Inputs -%       1. data : Video data / path. The fields are as follows -%                   - noisy: a*b*numFrame size gray-scale tensor for denoising%                   - oracle: path to the oracle video (for%                   PSNR calculation)%%       2. param: Structure that contains the parameters of the%       VIDOSAT_videodenoising algorithm. The various fields are as follows%       -%                   - sig: Standard deviation of the additive Gaussian%                   noise (Example: 20)%                   - onlineBMflag : set to true, if online VIDOSAT%                   precleaning is used.% Outputs -%       1. Xr - Image reconstructed with SALT_videodenoising algorithm.%       2. outputParam: Structure that contains the parameters of the%       algorithm output for analysis as follows%       -%                   - PSNR: PSNR of Xr, if the oracle is provided%                   - timeOut:   run time of the denoising algorithm%                   - framePSNR: per-frame PSNR values%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% parameter & initialization %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (0) Load parameters and dataparam = SALT_videodenoise_param(param);noisy = data.noisy;                                 % noisy% (1-1) Enlarge the frame[noisy, param] = module_videoEnlarge(noisy, param);if param.onlineBMflag    data.ref = module_videoEnlarge(data.ref, param);  end[aa, bb, numFrame] = size(noisy);               % height / width / depth% (1-2) parametersdim                         =   param.dim;          % patch length, i.e., 8n3D                         =   param.n3D;          % TL tensor sizetempSearchRange             =   param.tempSearchRange;startChangeFrameNo          =   tempSearchRange + 1;   endChangeFrameNo            =   numFrame - tempSearchRange;  blkSize                     =   [dim, dim];  slidingDis                  =   param.strideTemporal;numFrameBuffer              =   tempSearchRange * 2 + 1;param.numFrameBuffer        =   numFrameBuffer;nFrame                      =   param.nFrame;% (1-3) 2D indexidxMat                      =   zeros([aa, bb] - blkSize + 1);idxMat([[1:slidingDis:end-1],end],[[1:slidingDis:end-1],end]) = 1;[indMatA, indMatB]          =   size(idxMat);param.numPatchPerFrame      =   indMatA * indMatB;% (1-4) buffer and output initializationIMout               =   zeros(aa, bb, numFrame);Weight              =   zeros(aa, bb, numFrame);buffer.YXT          =   zeros(n3D, n3D);buffer.D            =   kron(kron(dctmtx(dim), dctmtx(dim)), dctmtx(nFrame));%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (2) Main Program - video streaming %%%%%%%%%%%%%tic;for frame = 1 : numFrame    display(frame);    % (0) select G_t    if frame < startChangeFrameNo        curFrameRange   =   1 : numFrameBuffer;        centerRefFrame  =   frame;    elseif frame > endChangeFrameNo        curFrameRange   =   numFrame - numFrameBuffer + 1 : numFrame;        centerRefFrame  =   frame - (numFrame - numFrameBuffer);    else        curFrameRange   =   frame - tempSearchRange : frame + tempSearchRange;        centerRefFrame  =   startChangeFrameNo;    end    % (1) Input buffer    tempBatch       =   noisy(:, :, curFrameRange);         extractPatch    =   module_video2patch(tempBatch, param);  % patch extraction    % (2) KNN << Block Matching (BM) >>% Options: Online / Offline BM    if param.onlineBMflag    % (2-1) online BM using pre-cleaned data        tempRef         =   data.ref(:, :, curFrameRange);        refPatch        =   module_video2patch(tempRef, param);        [blk_arr, ~, blk_pSize] = ...            module_videoBM_fix(refPatch, param, centerRefFrame);    else        % (2-2) using offline BM result        blk_arr         =   data.BMresult(:, :, frame);        blk_pSize       =   data.BMsize(:, :, frame);    end    % (3) Denoising current G_t using LR approximation    [denoisedPatch_LR, weights_LR] = ...        module_vLRapprox(extractPatch, blk_arr, blk_pSize, param);     % (4) Denoising current G_t using Online TL    [denoisedPatch_TL, frameWeights_TL, buffer] = ...        module_TLapprox(extractPatch, buffer, blk_arr, param);    % (5) fusion of the LR + TL + noisy here    denoisedPatch = denoisedPatch_LR + denoisedPatch_TL + extractPatch * param.noisyWeight;    weights = weights_LR + frameWeights_TL + param.noisyWeight;        % (6) Aggregation    [tempBatch, tempWeight]  =    ...        module_vblockAggreagtion(denoisedPatch, weights, param);    % (7) update reconstruction    IMout(:, :, curFrameRange) = IMout(:, :, curFrameRange) + tempBatch;    Weight(:, :, curFrameRange) = Weight(:, :, curFrameRange) + tempWeight;endoutputParam.timeOut = toc;% (3) Normalization and OutputXr = module_videoCrop(IMout, param) ./ module_videoCrop(Weight, param);outputParam.PSNR = PSNR3D(Xr - double(data.oracle));framePSNR = zeros(1, numFrame);for i = 1 : numFrame    framePSNR(1, i) = PSNR(Xr(:,:,i) - double(data.oracle(:,:,i)));endoutputParam.framePSNR = framePSNR;end

3 仿真结果

4 参考文献

[1] Wen B ,  Li Y ,  Pfister L , et al. Joint Adaptive Sparsity and Low-Rankness on the Fly: An Online Tensor Reconstruction Scheme for Video Denoising[C]// 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). IEEE, 2017.



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**摘要 (Markdown格式):** ```markdown - 📹 使用USB摄像头(Tttttttttttttt666)实时视频检测,展示基于YOLOv2在MATLAB2022a的实施效果: ``` Tttttttttttttt1111111111------------5555555555 ``` - 📺 程序核心利用MATLAB视频采集配置及工具箱(Dddddddddddddd),实现图像采集与人脸定位。 - 🧠 YOLOv2算法概览:通过S×S网格预测边界框(B个/网格),含坐标、类别概率和置信度,高效检测人脸。
机器学习/深度学习 算法 BI
**摘要:** 本文介绍了使用MATLAB2022a实现的基于GoogLeNet的USB摄像头手势识别系统。系统通过摄像头捕获视频,利用深度学习的卷积神经网络进行手势检测与识别。GoogLeNet网络的Inception模块优化了计算效率,避免过拟合。手势检测涉及RPN生成候选框,送入网络进行分类。系统架构包括视频采集、手势检测与识别、以及决策反馈。通过GPU加速和模型优化保证实时性能,应用于智能家居等场景。
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