本文将一步一步的指导训练 Yolo-v5并进行推断来计算血细胞并定位它们。
我曾试图用 Yolo v3-v4做一个目标检测模型,在显微镜下用血液涂抹的图像上计算红细胞、白细胞和血小板,但是我没有得到我想要的准确度,而且这个模型也没有投入生产。
最近,我偶然看到了来自 Ultralytics 的 Yolo-v5模型的发布,它使用 PyTorch 构建。由于之前的失败,我一开始有点怀疑,但是在阅读了他们 Github repo 中的使用手册后,这次我非常自信,我想试一试。
所以这篇文章总结了我在血细胞计数数据集上使用 Yolo-v5模型的实践经验。
Ultralytics 最近推出了 Yolo-v5。目前,Yolo 的前三个版本是由 Joseph Redmon 创造的。但是较新的版本比其他版本有更高的平均精度和更快的推理时间。与此同时,它是在 PyTorch 的基础上构建的,这使得训练和推理过程非常快,结果也非常好。
- 数据ー预处理(Yolo-v5兼容)
- 模型ー训练
- 推理
1. 数据 - 预处理(Yolo-v5兼容)
我使用了 Github 上提供的数据集 BCCD 数据集,这个数据集有血迹模糊的显微镜图像,并且在 XML 文件中提供了相应的边界框标注。
Dataset Structure: - BCCD - Annotations - BloodImage_00000.xml - BloodImage_00001.xml ... - JpegImages - BloodImage_00001.jpg - BloodImage_00001.jpg ...
XML 文件中的标签
但是为了训练 Yolo-v5模型,我们需要组织我们的数据集结构,它需要图像(.jpg/.png,等等)和它以.txt保存的相应标签。
Yolo-v5 Dataset Structure: - BCCD - Images - Train (.jpg files) - Valid (.jpg files) - Labels - Train (.txt files) - Valid (.txt files)
然后. txt 文件格式应该是:
txt 文件的结构:
- 每个对象一行。
- 每行为 class x_center y_center width height 格式。
- Box 坐标必须是标准化的 xywh 格式(从0-1开始)。如果你的 box 是以像素为单位,用图像宽度除以 x_center 和 width,用图像 height 除以 y_center 和 height。
- 类号为零索引(从0开始)。
一个示例标签,包括类1(RBC)和类2(WBC) ,以及它们各自的 x_center、 y_center、width 和 height (全部标准化为0-1) ,看起来像下面这个。
Yolo-v5 Dataset Structure: - BCCD - Images - Train (.jpg files) - Valid (.jpg files) - Labels - Train (.txt files) - Valid (.txt files)
labels.txt 示例
我们的第一步应该是解析所有 XML 文件中的数据,并将它们存储在数据框架中以便进一步处理。因此,我们运行下面的代码来实现它。
# Dataset Extraction from github !git clone 'https://github.com/Shenggan/BCCD_Dataset.git' import os, sys, random, shutil import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from glob import glob import pandas as pd from shutil import copyfile import pandas as pd from sklearn import preprocessing, model_selection import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline from matplotlib import patches import numpy as np annotations = sorted(glob('/content/BCCD_Dataset/BCCD/Annotations/*.xml')) df = [] cnt = 0 for file in annotations: prev_filename = file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] + '.jpg' filename = str(cnt) + '.jpg' row = [] parsedXML = ET.parse(file) for node in parsedXML.getroot().iter('object'): blood_cells = node.find('name').text xmin = int(node.find('bndbox/xmin').text) xmax = int(node.find('bndbox/xmax').text) ymin = int(node.find('bndbox/ymin').text) ymax = int(node.find('bndbox/ymax').text) row = [prev_filename, filename, blood_cells, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] df.append(row) cnt += 1 data = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=['prev_filename', 'filename', 'cell_type', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax']) data[['prev_filename','filename', 'cell_type', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax']].to_csv('/content/blood_cell_detection.csv', index=False) data.head(10)
保存此文件后,我们需要进行更改,以将其转换为与 Yolo-v5兼容的格式。
REQUIRED DATAFRAME STRUCTURE - filename : contains the name of the image - cell_type: denotes the type of the cell - xmin: x-coordinate of the bottom left part of the image - xmax: x-coordinate of the top right part of the image - ymin: y-coordinate of the bottom left part of the image - ymax: y-coordinate of the top right part of the image - labels : Encoded cell-type (Yolo - label input-1) - width : width of that bbox - height : height of that bbox - x_center : bbox center (x-axis) - y_center : bbox center (y-axis) - x_center_norm : x_center normalized (0-1) (Yolo - label input-2) - y_center_norm : y_center normalized (0-1) (Yolo - label input-3) - width_norm : width normalized (0-1) (Yolo - label input-4) - height_norm : height normalized (0-1) (Yolo - label input-5)
img_width = 640 img_height = 480 def width(df): return int(df.xmax - df.xmin) def height(df): return int(df.ymax - df.ymin) def x_center(df): return int(df.xmin + (df.width/2)) def y_center(df): return int(df.ymin + (df.height/2)) def w_norm(df): return df/img_width def h_norm(df): return df/img_height df = pd.read_csv('/content/blood_cell_detection.csv') le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder() le.fit(df['cell_type']) print(le.classes_) labels = le.transform(df['cell_type']) df['labels'] = labels df['width'] = df.apply(width, axis=1) df['height'] = df.apply(height, axis=1) df['x_center'] = df.apply(x_center, axis=1) df['y_center'] = df.apply(y_center, axis=1) df['x_center_norm'] = df['x_center'].apply(w_norm) df['width_norm'] = df['width'].apply(w_norm) df['y_center_norm'] = df['y_center'].apply(h_norm) df['height_norm'] = df['height'].apply(h_norm) df.head(30)
经过预处理我们的数据帧看起来像这样,这里我们可以看到一个图像文件存在许多行(例如 blooddimage _ 0000.jpg) ,现在我们需要收集所有的(labels,x_center_norm,y_center_norm,width_norm,height_norm)值为单个图像文件,并将其保存为.txt 文件。
df_train, df_valid = model_selection.train_test_split(df, test_size=0.1, random_state=13, shuffle=True) print(df_train.shape, df_valid.shape) os.mkdir('/content/bcc/') os.mkdir('/content/bcc/images/') os.mkdir('/content/bcc/images/train/') os.mkdir('/content/bcc/images/valid/') os.mkdir('/content/bcc/labels/') os.mkdir('/content/bcc/labels/train/') os.mkdir('/content/bcc/labels/valid/') def segregate_data(df, img_path, label_path, train_img_path, train_label_path): filenames = [] for filename in df.filename: filenames.append(filename) filenames = set(filenames) for filename in filenames: yolo_list = [] for _,row in df[df.filename == filename].iterrows(): yolo_list.append([row.labels, row.x_center_norm, row.y_center_norm, row.width_norm, row.height_norm]) yolo_list = np.array(yolo_list) txt_filename = os.path.join(train_label_path,str(row.prev_filename.split('.')[0])+".txt") # Save the .img & .txt files to the corresponding train and validation folders np.savetxt(txt_filename, yolo_list, fmt=["%d", "%f", "%f", "%f", "%f"]) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(img_path,row.prev_filename), os.path.join(train_img_path,row.prev_filename)) ## Apply function ## src_img_path = "/content/BCCD_Dataset/BCCD/JPEGImages/" src_label_path = "/content/BCCD_Dataset/BCCD/Annotations/" train_img_path = "/content/bcc/images/train" train_label_path = "/content/bcc/labels/train" valid_img_path = "/content/bcc/images/valid" valid_label_path = "/content/bcc/labels/valid" segregate_data(df_train, src_img_path, src_label_path, train_img_path, train_label_path) segregate_data(df_valid, src_img_path, src_label_path, valid_img_path, valid_label_path) print("No. of Training images", len(os.listdir('/content/bcc/images/train'))) print("No. of Training labels", len(os.listdir('/content/bcc/labels/train'))) print("No. of valid images", len(os.listdir('/content/bcc/images/valid'))) print("No. of valid labels", len(os.listdir('/content/bcc/labels/valid')))
No. of Training images 364 No. of Training labels 364 No. of valid images 270 No. of valid labels 270 && - BCCD - Images - Train (364 .jpg files) - Valid (270 .jpg files) - Labels - Train (364 .txt files) - Valid (270 .txt files)
2. 模型ー训练
要开始训练过程,我们需要克隆官方的 Yolo-v5的权重和配置文件。
!git clone 'https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5.git' !pip install -qr '/content/yolov5/requirements.txt' # install dependencies ## Create a yaml file and move it into the yolov5 folder ## shutil.copyfile('/content/bcc.yaml', '/content/yolov5/bcc.yaml')
然后安装 requirements.txt 文件中指定的必需包。
Yolov5 结构
现在我们需要创建一个 Yaml 文件,其中包含训练和验证目录、类的数量以及标签名称。稍后我们需要把 yaml 文件放到我们克隆的 yolov5目录中。
## Contents inside the .yaml file train: /content/bcc/images/train val: /content/bcc/images/valid nc: 3 names: ['Platelets', 'RBC', 'WBC']
model’s — YAML :
现在我们需要从./models 文件夹中选择一个模型(small, medium, large, xlarge)。
下图描述了现有模型的各种特征,例如参数数量等。您可以根据手头任务的复杂性选择任何模型,默认情况下,它们都可以作为模型文件夹中的 yaml 文件。
来自 Ultralytics 的 Yolo 模型参数
模型的 YAML 文件
现在我们需要编辑我们选择的模型的 *.yaml 文件。我们只需要在本例中替换类的数量,以便与模型的 YAML 文件中的类的数量相匹配。为了简单起见,我选择 yolov5s.yaml 来加快处理速度。
## parameters nc: 3 # number of classes depth_multiple: 0.33 # model depth multiple width_multiple: 0.50 # layer channel multiple # anchors anchors: - [10,13, 16,30, 33,23] # P3/8 - [30,61, 62,45, 59,119] # P4/16 ...............
注意:如果我们没有替换模型的 YAML 文件中的 nc (我已经替换了) ,那么这个步骤不是强制的,它将自动覆盖我们之前创建的 nc 值(bcc.yaml) ,在训练模型时,您将看到这一行,这证明我们不必修改它。
“Overriding ./yolov5/models/yolov5s.yaml nc=80 with nc=3”
我们需要配置的训练参数,如 epoch,batch_size等
Training Parameters !python - <'location of train.py file'> - --img <'width of image'> - --batch <'batch size'> - --epochs <'no of epochs'> - --data <'location of the .yaml file'> - --cfg <'Which yolo configuration you want'>(yolov5s/yolov5m/yolov5l/yolov5x).yaml | (small, medium, large, xlarge) - --name <'Name of the best model to save after training'>
另外,如果我们愿意的话,我们可以用 tensorboard 查看日志文件。
# Start tensorboard (optional) %load_ext tensorboard %tensorboard --logdir runs/ !python yolov5/train.py --img 640 --batch 8 --epochs 100 \ --data bcc.yaml --cfg models/yolov5s.yaml --name BCCM
METRICS FROM TRAINING PROCESS No.of classes, No.of images, No.of targets, Precision (P), Recall (R), mean Average Precision (map) - Class | Images | Targets | P | R | mAP@.5 | mAP@.5:.95: | - all | 270 | 489 | 0.0899 | 0.827 | 0.0879 | 0.0551
因此,通过 P(精度)、 R(召回率)和 mAP (平均平均精度)的值,我们可以知道我们的模型是否正常。即使我只训练了这个模型100个 epoch,它的表现还是很棒的。
Tensorboard 可视化
3. 推理
Inference Parameters !python - <'location of detect.py file'> - --source <'location of image/ folder to predict'> - --weight <'location of the saved best weights'> - --output <'location to store the outputs after prediction'> - --img-size <'Image size of the trained model'> (Optional) - --conf-thres <"default=0.4", 'object confidence threshold')> - --iou-thres <"default=0.5" , 'threshold for NMS')> - --device <'cuda device or cpu')> - --view-img <'display results')> - --save-txt <'saves the bbox co-ordinates results to *.txt')> - --classes <'filter by class: --class 0, or --class 0 2 3')> ## And there are other more customization availble, check them in the detect.py file. ##
## TO PREDICT IMAGES IN A FOLDER ## !python yolov5/detect.py --source /content/bcc/images/valid/ --weights '/content/drive/My Drive/Machine Learning Projects/YOLO/best_yolov5_BCCM.pt' --output '/content/inference/output' ## TO PREDICT A SINGLE IMAGE FILE ## output = !python yolov5/detect.py --source /content/bcc/images/valid/BloodImage_00000.jpg --weights '/content/drive/My Drive/Machine Learning Projects/YOLO/best_yolov5_BCCM.pt' print(output)
解释来自.txt 文件的输出: (可选读取)
为了以防万一,假设你正在做人脸检测和人脸识别,并且想要在你的处理过程中更近一步,假设你想使用 bbox 坐标裁剪 opencv 的人脸,并将他们发送到人脸识别模型,在这种情况下,我们不仅需要输出像上面的图形,而且我们需要每个人脸的坐标。有什么办法吗?答案是肯定的,继续读下去。
此外,我们还可以将输出保存到一个.txt 文件中,该文件包含一些输入图像的 bbox 坐标。
# class x_center_norm y_center_norm width_norm height_norm # 1 0.718 0.829 0.143 0.193 ...
运行下面的代码,获取.txt 文件中的输出,
!python yolov5/detect.py --source /content/bcc/images/valid/BloodImage_00000.jpg --weights '/content/runs/exp0_BCCM/weights/best_BCCM.pt' --view-img --save-txt
很好,现在.txt 文件的输出格式是:
[ class x_center_norm y_center_norm width_norm height_norm ] "we need to convert it to the form specified below" [ class, x_min, y_min, width, height ]
[ class, X_center_norm, y_center_norm, Width_norm, Height_norm ] , 我们需要将其转换为 [ class, x_min, y_min, width, height ] , (也是反规范化的) ,以便于绘制。
# Plotting bbox ffrom the .txt file output from yolo # ## Provide the location of the output .txt file ## a_file = open("/content/inference/output/BloodImage_00000.txt", "r") # Stripping data from the txt file into a list # list_of_lists = [] for line in a_file: stripped_line = line.strip() line_list = stripped_line.split() list_of_lists.append(line_list) a_file.close() # Conversion of str to int # stage1 = [] for i in range(0, len(list_of_lists)): test_list = list(map(float, list_of_lists[i])) stage1.append(test_list) # Denormalizing # stage2 = [] mul = [1,640,480,640,480] #[constant, image_width, image_height, image_width, image_height] for x in stage1: c,xx,yy,w,h = x[0]*mul[0], x[1]*mul[1], x[2]*mul[2], x[3]*mul[3], x[4]*mul[4] stage2.append([c,xx,yy,w,h]) # Convert (x_center, y_center, width, height) --> (x_min, y_min, width, height) # stage_final = [] for x in stage2: c,xx,yy,w,h = x[0]*1, (x[1]-(x[3]/2)) , (x[2]-(x[4]/2)), x[3]*1, x[4]*1 stage_final.append([c,xx,yy,w,h]) fig = plt.figure() import cv2 #add axes to the image ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1]) # read and plot the image ## Location of the input image which is sent to model's prediction ## image = plt.imread('/content/BCCD_Dataset/BCCD/JPEGImages/BloodImage_00000.jpg') plt.imshow(image) # iterating over the image for different objects for x in stage_final: class_ = int(x[0]) xmin = x[1] ymin = x[2] width = x[3] height = x[4] xmax = width + xmin ymax = height + ymin # assign different color to different classes of objects if class_ == 1: edgecolor = 'r' ax.annotate('RBC', xy=(xmax-40,ymin+20)) elif class_ == 2: edgecolor = 'b' ax.annotate('WBC', xy=(xmax-40,ymin+20)) elif class_ == 0: edgecolor = 'g' ax.annotate('Platelets', xy=(xmax-40,ymin+20)) # add bounding boxes to the image rect = patches.Rectangle((xmin,ymin), width, height, edgecolor = edgecolor, facecolor = 'none') ax.add_patch(rect)
4. 从模型到生产化
首先,安装依赖项来运行 yolov5,我们需要一些来自 yolov5文件夹的文件,并将它们添加到 python 系统路径目录中以加载 utils。所以把它们拷贝到你需要的地方,然后把它们移动到你需要的地方。
图2 生产中加载的必要文件
现在我们需要告诉 python 编译器将上面的文件夹位置添加到 account 中,这样当我们运行程序时,它将在运行时加载模型和函数。
在下面的代码片段中,在第9行,我添加了 sys.path... 命令,并在其中指定了移动这些文件的文件夹位置,您可以用自己的文件夹替换它。
import os, sys, random from glob import glob import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline !pip install -qr '/content/drive/My Drive/Machine Learning Projects/YOLO/SOURCE/requirements.txt' # install dependencies ## Add the path where you have stored the neccessary supporting files to run detect.py ## ## Replace this with your path.## sys.path.insert(0, '/content/drive/My Drive/Machine Learning Projects/YOLO/SOURCE/') print(sys.path) cwd = os.getcwd() print(cwd) ## Single Image prediction ## Beware the contents in the output folder will be deleted for every prediction output = !python '/content/drive/My Drive/Machine Learning Projects/YOLO/SOURCE/detect.py' --source '/content/BloodImage_00026.jpg' --weights '/content/drive/My Drive/Machine Learning Projects/YOLO/SOURCE/best_BCCM.pt' --output '/content/OUTPUTS/' --device 'cpu' print(output) img = plt.imread('/content/OUTPUTS/BloodImage_00026.jpg') plt.imshow(img) ## Folder Prediction output = !python '/content/drive/My Drive/Machine Learning Projects/YOLO/SOURCE/detect.py' --source '/content/inputs/' --weights '/content/drive/My Drive/Machine Learning Projects/YOLO/SOURCE/best_BCCM.pt' --output '/content/OUTPUTS/' --device 'cpu' print(output)