caused by: org.springframework.core.NestedIOException: ASM ClassReader failed to parse class file - probably due to a new Java class file version that isn't supported yet: file [/Users/eleme/Documents/]; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
at org.springframework.core.type.classreading.SimpleMetadataReader.<init>(
at org.springframework.core.type.classreading.SimpleMetadataReaderFactory.getMetadataReader(
at org.springframework.core.type.classreading.CachingMetadataReaderFactory.getMetadataReader(
at org.springframework.context.annotation.ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider.findCandidateComponents(
Note that the Java 8 bytecode level (-target 1.8, as required by -source 1.8) is only fully supported as of Spring Framework 4.0.
In particular, Spring 3.2 based applications need to be compiled with a maximum of Java 7 as the target,
even if they happen to be deployed onto a Java 8 runtime. Please upgrade to Spring 4 for Java 8 based applications.