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Rewind offset to a previous position and ensure ce

Rewind offset to a previous position and ensure certainty. I'm trying to use Kafka as an event store and I want to create several partitions to improve read/write throughput. Occasionally I need to rewind offset to a previous position for recomputing. Since order isn't guaranteed among partitions in Kafka, does this mean that Flink won't produce the same results as before when rewind even if it uses event time? For example, consumer for a partition progresses extremely fast and raises watermark, so events from other partitions are discarded. Is there any ways to prevent this from happening?*来自志愿者整理的flink邮件归档

EXCEED 2021-12-08 11:29:03 645 0
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  • Are you finding how to generate watermark pre Kafka partition? Flink provides Kafka-partition-aware watermark generation. 1

    2021-12-08 13:54:43
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