You want to write a C extension function that operates on contiguous arrays of data, asmight be created by the array module or libraries like NumPy. However, you would likeyour function to be general purpose and not specific to any one array library.
To receive and process arrays in a portable manner, you should write code that uses theBuffer Protocol. Here is an example of a handwritten C extension function that receivesarray data and calls the avg(double *buf, int len) function from this chapter’s in‐troduction:
/ Call double avg(double [](#), int) */static PyObject *py_avg(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
PyObject _bufobj;Pybuffer view;double result;/ Get the passed Python object */if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, “O”, &bufobj)) {
return NULL;
/ Attempt to extract buffer information from it [](#)/
if (PyObject_GetBuffer(bufobj, &view,> > PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS | PyBUF_FORMAT) == -1) {
return NULL;
if (view.ndim != 1) {PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, “Expected a 1-dimensional array”);PyBuffer_Release(&view);return NULL;> }
/ Check the type of items in the array [](#)/if (strcmp(view.format,”d”) != 0) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, “Expected an array of doubles”);PyBuffer_Release(&view);return NULL;
/ Pass the raw buffer and size to the C function [](#)/result = avg(view.buf, view.shape[0]);
/ Indicate we're done working with the buffer [](#)/PyBuffer_Release(&view);return Py_BuildValue(“d”, result);
Here is an example that shows how this extension function works:
>>> import array
>>> avg(array.array('d',[1,2,3]))
>>> import numpy
>>> avg(numpy.array([1.0,2.0,3.0]))
>>> avg([1,2,3])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'list' does not support the buffer interface
>>> avg(b'Hello')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Expected an array of doubles
>>> a = numpy.array([[1.,2.,3.],[4.,5.,6.]])
>>> avg(a[:,2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: ndarray is not contiguous
>>> sample.avg(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Expected a 1-dimensional array
>>> sample.avg(a[0])
Passing array objects to C functions might be one of the most common things you wouldwant to do with a extension function. A large number of Python applications, rangingfrom image processing to scientific computing, are based on high-performance arrayprocessing. By writing code that can accept and operate on arrays, you can write cus‐tomized code that plays nicely with those applications as opposed to having some sortof custom solution that only works with your own code.The key to this code is the PyBuffer_GetBuffer() function. Given an arbitrary Pythonobject, it tries to obtain information about the underlying memory representation. Ifit’s not possible, as is the case with most normal Python objects, it simply raises anexception and returns -1. The special flags passed to PyBuffer_GetBuffer() giveadditional hints about the kind of memory buffer that is requested. For example,PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS specifies that a contiguous region of memory is required.For arrays, byte strings, and other similar objects, a Py_buffer structure is filled withinformation about the underlying memory. This includes a pointer to the memory, size,itemsize, format, and other details. Here is the definition of this structure:
typedef struct bufferinfo {void buf; / Pointer to buffer memory /PyObject *obj; / Python object that is the owner _/Py_ssizet len; / Total size in bytes _/Py_ssizet itemsize; / Size in bytes of a single item /int readonly; / Read-only access flag /int ndim; / Number of dimensions /char *format; / struct code of a single item _/Py_ssizet *shape; / Array containing dimensions _/Py_ssizet *strides; / Array containing strides _/Py_ssizet *suboffsets; / Array containing suboffsets */
} Py_buffer;
In this recipe, we are simply concerned with receiving a contiguous array of doubles.To check if items are a double, the format attribute is checked to see if the string is“d”. This is the same code that the struct module uses when encoding binary values.As a general rule, format could be any format string that’s compatible with the structmodule and might include multiple items in the case of arrays containing C structures.Once we have verified the underlying buffer information, we simply pass it to the Cfunction, which treats it as a normal C array. For all practical purposes, it is not con‐cerned with what kind of array it is or what library created it. This is how the functionis able to work with arrays created by the array module or by numpy.
Before returning a final result, the underlying buffer view must be released usingPyBuffer_Release(). This step is required to properly manage reference counts ofobjects.Again, this recipe only shows a tiny fragment of code that receives an array. If workingwith arrays, you might run into issues with multidimensional data, strided data, differentdata types, and more that will require study. Make sure you consult the official docu‐mentation to get more details.If you need to write many extensions involving array handling, you may find it easierto implement the code in Cython. See Recipe 15.11.
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