我把能杀的进程都杀完了,看到free的结果,used - cached - buffers还有703MB。发了工单问客服,一直都答非所问。
客服一直说used - cached - buffers肯定比RES总和要大,可是也不能差这么多吧,RES加起来怎么也没有100MB。
free -mt
ps -aux
smem reports physical memory usage, taking shared memory pages into account. Unshared memory is reported as the USS (Unique Set Size). Shared memory is divided evenly among the processes sharing that memory. The unshared memory (USS) plus a process's proportion of shared memory is reported as the PSS (Proportional Set Size). The USS and PSS only include physical memory usage. They do not include memory that has been swapped out to disk.
Memory can be reported by process, by user, by mapping, or systemwide. Both text mode and graphical output are available.