NO | 字段名称 | 数据类型 | 字段描述 |
1 | ID | Int | 客户唯一标识 |
2 | age | Int | 客户年龄 |
3 | job | String | 客户的职业 |
4 | marital | String | 婚姻状况 |
5 | education | String | 受教育水平 |
6 | default | String | 是否有违约记录 |
7 | balance | Int | 每年账户的平均余额 |
8 | housing | String | 是否有住房贷款 |
9 | loan | String | 是否有个人贷款 |
10 | contact | String | 与客户联系的沟通方式 |
11 | day | Int | 最后一次联系的时间(几号) |
12 | month | String | 最后一次联系的时间(月份) |
13 | duration | Int | 最后一次联系的交流时长 |
14 | campaign | Int | 在本次活动中,与该客户交流过的次数 |
15 | pdays | Int | 距离上次活动最后一次联系该客户,过去了多久(999表示没有联系过) |
16 | previous | Int | 在本次活动之前,与该客户交流过的次数 |
17 | poutcome | String | 上一次活动的结果 |
18 | y | Int | 预测客户是否会订购定期存款业务 |
数据参考:Citation: [Moro et al., 2014] S. Moro, P. Cortez and P. Rita. A Data-Driven Approach to Predict the Success of Bank Telemarketing. Decision Support Systems, Elsevier, 62:22-31, June 2014
1. # Column Non-Null Count Dtype 2. --- ------ -------------- ----- 3. 0 ID 25317 non-null int64 4. 1 age 25317 non-null int64 5. 2 job 25317 non-null object 6. 3 marital 25317 non-null object 7. 4 education 25317 non-null object 8. 5 default 25317 non-null object 9. 6 balance 25317 non-null int64 10. 7 housing 25317 non-null object 11. 8 loan 25317 non-null object 12. 9 contact 25317 non-null object 13. 10 day 25317 non-null int64 14. 11 month 25317 non-null object 15. 12 duration 25317 non-null int64 16. 13 campaign 25317 non-null int64 17. 14 pdays 25317 non-null int64 18. 15 previous 25317 non-null int64 19. 16 poutcome 25317 non-null object 20. 17 y 25317 non-null int64 21. dtypes: int64(9), object(9) 22. memory usage: 3.5+ MB 23. 24. 训练集计算相关系数: 25. y 1.000000 26. ID 0.556627 27. duration 0.394746 28. pdays 0.107565 29. previous 0.088337 30. campaign 0.075173 31. balance 0.057564 32. day 0.031886 33. age 0.029916 34. 35. 36. 训练集 y标签的比例: 0.11695698542481336 37. 依次查看训练集、测试集中,类别型字段的细分类 38. job ['admin.', 'blue-collar', 'entrepreneur', 'housemaid', 'management', 'retired', 'self-employed', 'services', 'student', 'technician', 'unemployed', 'unknown'] 39. job ['admin.', 'blue-collar', 'entrepreneur', 'housemaid', 'management', 'retired', 'self-employed', 'services', 'student', 'technician', 'unemployed', 'unknown'] 40. marital ['divorced', 'married', 'single'] 41. marital ['divorced', 'married', 'single'] 42. education ['primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unknown'] 43. education ['primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unknown'] 44. default ['no', 'yes'] 45. default ['no', 'yes'] 46. housing ['no', 'yes'] 47. housing ['no', 'yes'] 48. loan ['no', 'yes'] 49. loan ['no', 'yes'] 50. contact ['cellular', 'telephone', 'unknown'] 51. contact ['cellular', 'telephone', 'unknown'] 52. month ['apr', 'aug', 'dec', 'feb', 'jan', 'jul', 'jun', 'mar', 'may', 'nov', 'oct', 'sep'] 53. month ['apr', 'aug', 'dec', 'feb', 'jan', 'jul', 'jun', 'mar', 'may', 'nov', 'oct', 'sep'] 54. poutcome ['failure', 'other', 'success', 'unknown'] 55. poutcome ['failure', 'other', 'success', 'unknown'] 56.
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