import React from "react"; import axios from "axios" //留白 import { Carousel,Flex } from 'antd-mobile'; import Nav1 from '../../assets/images/nav-1.png' import Nav2 from '../../assets/images/nav-2.png' import Nav3 from '../../assets/images/nav-3.png' import Nav4 from '../../assets/images/nav-4.png' //导入样式 import "./index.css" class Index extends React.Component{ state = { data: ['1', '2', '3'], imgHeight: 212, swiper:[] } componentDidMount() { // simulate img loading this.getSwipers() } async getSwipers(){ const res=await axios.get("http://localhost:8080/home/swiper") console.log("轮播如数据为:",res) this.setState({ }) } //渲染轮播图的方法 renderSwipers(){ return => ( <a key={} href="" style={{ display: 'inline-block', width: '100%', height: this.state.imgHeight }} > <img src={`https://localhost:8080${item.imgSrc}`} alt="" style={{ width: '100%', verticalAlign: 'top' }} onLoad={() => { // fire window resize event to change height window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize')); this.setState({ imgHeight: 'auto' }); }} /> )) } render() { return ( //留白 WingBlank //自动播放 autoplay={false} infinite // beforeChange={(from, to) => console.log(`slide from ${from} to ${to}`)} // afterChange={index => console.log('slide to', index)} > {this.renderSwipers()} 好客租房116-flex布局组件导航菜单_ide 整租 好客租房116-flex布局组件导航菜单_ide_02 合租 好客租房116-flex布局组件导航菜单_ide_03 地图找房 好客租房116-flex布局组件导航菜单_ide_04 去出租 ); } } export default Index