[计蒜客] ACM-ICPC 2018 南京赛区网络预赛 | 部分题解 | 线段树 + 线性筛 + 最短路(上)

简介: E. AC Challenge题目描述输入输出样例输入样例输出提示题意:A. An Olympian Math ProblemG. Lpl and Energy-saving Lamps题目描述输入输出样例输入样例输出提示ac_code:

E. AC Challenge


Dlsj is competing in a contest with n (0 < n <= 20) problems. And he knows the answer of all of these problems.

However, he can submit i-th problem if and only if he has submitted (and passed, of course) si problems, the pi,1-th, pi,2-th, …, pi,si-th problem before.(0<pi,j≤n,0<j≤si,0<i≤n) After the submit of a problem, he has to wait for one minute, or cooling down time to submit another problem. As soon as the cooling down phase ended, he will submit his solution (and get “Accepted” of course) for the next problem he selected to solve or he will say that the contest is too easy and leave the arena.

“I wonder if I can leave the contest arena when the problems are too easy for me.”

“No problem.”

—— CCF NOI Problem set

If he submits and passes the i-th problem on t-th minute(or the t-th problem he solve is problem i), he can get t×ai + bi points. (|ai |,|bi |≤109)

Your task is to calculate the maximum number of points he can get in the contest.


The first line of input contains an integer, n, which is the number of problems.

Then follows n lines, the i-th line contains si + 3 integers, ai,bi,si,p1,p2,…,psi as described in the description above.


Output one line with one integer, the maximum number of points he can get in the contest.



5 6 0
4 5 1 1
3 4 1 2
2 3 1 3
1 2 1 4


-100 0 0







In the first sample.

On the first minute, Dlsj submitted the first problem, and get 1×5+6=11 points.

On the second minute, Dlsj submitted the second problem, and get 2×4+5=13 points.

On the third minute, Dlsj submitted the third problem, and get 3×3+4=13 points.

On the forth minute, Dlsj submitted the forth problem, and get 4×2+3=11 points.

On the fifth minute, Dlsj submitted the fifth problem, and get 5×1+2=7 points.

So he can get 11+13+13+11+7=55 points in total.

In the second sample, you should note that he doesn’t have to solve all the problems.


有n个作业,每个作业都有两个属性值a,b,以及完成这个任务之前必须要完成其他的任务prei 然后完成一个作业获得的分数为 a*time + b,其中 time 为完成该任务的时间,问做多可以获取多少分数





int getOne(ll x) {
  int ret = 0;
  while(x) {
    ret ++;
    x &= (x - 1);
  return ret;
ll a[30],b[30];
ll c[30];
int n;
ll dp[maxn << 1];
int main() {
//  cout << getOne(15) << endl;
//  cout << (1LL<<63) << endl;
  n = read;
  for(int i=0; i<=n-1; i++) {
    a[i] = read,b[i] = read;
    int t = read;
    while(t --) {
      ll x = read;
      -- x;
      c[i] |= (1LL << x);
  ll ans = 0LL;
  ll lim = 1LL << n;///total 2 ** n;
  dp[0] = 0LL;
  for(int i=1; i<=lim; i++) dp[i] = inf_1;
  for(ll i=1; i<=lim-1; i++) {
//    dp[i] = 1<<31;
    for(ll j=0; j<n; j++) {
      if(!(i & (1LL << j))) continue;
      ll pre = i ^ (1LL << j);
//      debug(pre);
      if(dp[pre] == inf_1) continue;///pre status is -inf
      if((pre | c[j]) == pre) {/// pre has done
        ll time = getOne(i);
        ll val = dp[pre] + a[j] * time + b[j];
        dp[i] = max(dp[i],val);
  for (int i=1; i<=lim; i++) {
    ans = max(ans,dp[i]);
  cout << ans << endl;
  return 0;

A. An Olympian Math Problem

规律题,输入x xx,输出x − 1 x-1x−1

G. Lpl and Energy-saving Lamps


During tea-drinking, princess, amongst other things, asked why has such a good-natured and cute Dragon imprisoned Lpl in the Castle? Dragon smiled enigmatically and answered that it is a big secret. After a pause, Dragon added:

— We have a contract. A rental agreement. He always works all day long. He likes silence. Besides that, there are many more advantages of living here in the Castle. Say, it is easy to justify a missed call: a phone ring can’t reach the other side of the Castle from where the phone has been left. So, the imprisonment is just a tale. Actually, he thinks about everything. He is smart. For instance, he started replacing incandescent lamps with energy-saving lamps in the whole Castle…

Lpl chose a model of energy-saving lamps and started the replacement as described below. He numbered all rooms in the Castle and counted how many lamps in each room he needs to replace.

At the beginning of each month, Lpl buys m energy-saving lamps and replaces lamps in rooms according to his list. He starts from the first room in his list. If the lamps in this room are not replaced yet and Lpl has enough energy-saving lamps to replace all lamps, then he replaces all ones and takes the room out from the list. Otherwise, he ‘ll just skip it and check the next room in his list. This process repeats until he has no energy-saving lamps or he has checked all rooms in his list. If he still has some energy-saving lamps after he has checked all rooms in his list, he’ll save the rest of energy-saving lamps for the next month.

As soon as all the work is done, he ceases buying new lamps. They are very high quality and have a very long-life cycle.

Your task is for a given number of month and descriptions of rooms to compute in how many rooms the old lamps will be replaced with energy-saving ones and how many energy-saving lamps will remain by the end of each month.


Each input will consist of a single test case.

The first line contains integers n and m (1 ≤ n ≤ 100000, 1 ≤ m ≤ 100) — the number of rooms in the Castle and the number of energy-saving lamps, which Lpl buys monthly.

The second line contains n integers k1, k2, …, kn (1 ≤ kj ≤ 10000, j = 1, 2, …, n) — the number of lamps in the rooms of the Castle. The number in position j is the number of lamps in j-th room. Room numbers are given in accordance with Lpl’s list.

The third line contains one integer q (1 ≤ q ≤ 100000) — the number of queries.

The fourth line contains q integers d1, d2, …, dq (1 ≤ dp ≤ 100000, p = 1, 2, …, q) — numbers of months, in which queries are formed.

Months are numbered starting with 1; at the beginning of the first month Lpl buys the first m energy-saving lamps.


Print q lines.

Line p contains two integers — the number of rooms, in which all old lamps are replaced already, and the number of remaining energy-saving lamps by the end of dp month.


5 4
3 10 5 2 7
5 1 4 8 7 2 3 6 4 7


4 0
1 1
3 6
5 1
5 1
2 0
3 2
4 4
3 6
5 1


In the first month, he bought 4 energy-saving lamps and he replaced the first room in his list and remove it. And then he had 1 energy-saving lamps and skipped all rooms next. So, the answer for the first month is 1,1------1 room’s lamps were replaced already, 1 energy-saving lamp remain.



const int maxn=1e5+7;
const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f;
#define ls  i<<1
#define rs  i<<1|1
ll n,m,a[maxn],q,x,y,id;
struct node{    ll x,y; }c[maxn];
struct tree{    ll l,r,mi;  }t[maxn<<4];
void pushup(ll i){  t[i].mi=min(t[ls].mi,t[rs].mi); }
void build(ll i,ll l,ll r){
    t[i].l=l;   t[i].r=r;
    ll mid=l+r>>1;
    build(ls,l,mid);    build(rs,mid+1,r);
void update(ll i,ll x){
    if(t[i].r<x||t[i].l>x)    return;
    update(ls,x);   update(rs,x);
ll ask(ll i,ll v){
    if(t[i].l==t[i].r)  return t[i].l;
    if(t[ls].mi<=v)      return ask(ls,v);
    return ask(rs,v);
int main(){
    n=read();   m=read();
    for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)    a[i]=read();
    for(int i=1;i<=100000;i++){
        if(t[1].mi==inf)    x-=m;
        c[i].y=c[i-1].y;    c[i].x=x;
            ll t=ask(1,x);
            x-=a[t];    c[i].x-=a[t];
        ll i=read();
        printf("%lld %lld\n",c[i].y,c[i].x);

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[计蒜客] ACM-ICPC 2019 南京赛区网络预赛 | 部分题解 | 线段树 + 线性筛 + 最短路(下)
J. Nanjing Sum 题目描述 输入 输出 样例输入 样例输出 提示 L. Magical Girl Haze 题目描述 输入 输出 样例输入 样例输出 题意:
119 0
[计蒜客] ACM-ICPC 2019 南京赛区网络预赛 | 部分题解 | 线段树 + 线性筛 + 最短路(下)
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