本节书摘来异步社区《Java编码指南:编写安全可靠程序的75条建议(英文版)》一书中的第2章,第2.5节,作者:【美】Fred Long(弗雷德•朗),Dhruv Mohindra(德鲁•莫欣达), Robert C. Seacord(罗伯特 C.西科德),Dean F.Sutherland(迪恩 F.萨瑟兰),David Svoboda(大卫•斯沃博达),更多章节内容可以访问云栖社区“异步社区”公众号查看。
2.5 保存编写好的程序
程序清单2.2 Saluton程序的完整版本
1: package com.java24hours;
3: class Saluton {
4: public static void main(String[] arguments) {
5: String greeting = "Saluton mondo!";
6: System.out.println(greeting);
7: }
8: }```
程序清单2.3 Saluton程序的逐行分解
1: Put this program in the com.java24hours package.
3: The Saluton program begins here:
4: The main part of the program begins here:
5: Store the text "Saluton mondo!" in a String variable named
6: Display the contents of the variable greeting
7: The main part of the program ends here.
8: The Saluton program ends here.`
程序清单2.4 使用克林贡语言编写的Saluton程序
1: This program belongs to the house of com.java2hours!
3: Begin the Saluton program here if you know what's good for you!
4: The main part of the program begins here with honor!
5: Store the gibberish "Saluton mondo!" in a String variable
called greeting!
6: Display this gibberish from a tongue inferior to Klingon!
7: End the main part of the program here to avoid my wrath!
8: End the Saluton program now and be grateful you were spared!