前言:这段时间一直在搞to B方向中后台的项目,表单接触的频率会比较多,就突发奇想聊聊表单数据相关的一些基础分享
data(){ return { form:{ name: '商品名称', id: '订单编号', nickName: '商品别名', num: '商品数量', price:'价格', tag: '0' // 1 表示特价 0 表示无特价 }, } },
1.1 场景1 :过滤我不要的数据
const noRequired = ['tag', 'nickName']; //不需要的字段 const formData = Object.keys(this.form) .filter(each => !noRequired.includes(each)) .reduce((acc, key) => (acc[key] = this.form[key], acc), {});
1.2 场景2:只提取我要的数据
const formData= JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(this.form,["nickName","price"]) );
1.3 场景3 :覆盖数据
Object.assign(this.form, { tag: '商品1' }
1.4 场景4 :字段映射
- 单个字段映射情况
const formData = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(this.form).replace( /name/g, 'Name') );
- 多字段映射情况
const mapObj = { name: "Name", nickName: "NickName", tag: "Tag" }; const formData = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(this.form).replace( /name|nickName|tag/gi, matched => mapObj[matched]) );
1.5 场景5 : 数据映射
const formData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.form,(key,value)=>{ if(key == 'tag'){ return ['特价','无特价'][value]; } return value; }));
1.6 场景6: 数据合并
const query = { tenaId: '订单编号', id:'查询ID'} const formData = { ...this.form, query }
2.1 简单版的单字段检查
data() { return { schema:{ phone: { required:true }, } }; }, methods: { // 判断输入的值 validate(schema, values) { for(field in schema) { if(schema[field].required) { if(!values[field]) { return false; } } } return true; }, } console.log(this.validate(schema, {phone:'159195**34'}));
2.2 简单版的多字段检查
data() { return { phoneForm: { phoneNumber: '', verificationCode: '', tips:'' }, schema:{ phoneNumber: [{required: true, error: '手机不能为空'}, { regex: /^1[3|4|5|6|7|8][0-9]{9}$/, error: '手机格式不对', }], verificationCode: [{required: true, error: '验证码不能为空'}], } }; }, methods: { // 判断输入的值 validate(schema, values) { const valArr = schema; for (const field in schema) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(schema, field)) { for (const key of schema[field]) { if (key.required) { if (!valArr[field]) { valArr.tips = key.error; return false; } } else if (key.regex) { if (!new RegExp(key.regex).test(valArr[field])) { valArr.tips = key.error; return false; } } } } } return true; }, } console.log(this.validate(this.schema, this.phoneForm);
2.3 Iview 组件库 form表单组件的校验实现
Iview 的 Form 组件模块主要由Form 和 FormItem组成
- Form 主要是对form做一层封装
- FormItem 是一个包裹,主要用来包装一些表单控件、提示消息、还有校验规则等内容。
我们可以清晰看到,iview的 form 组件是通过async-validator工具库来作为表单验证的方法
- async-validator的基本使用
官方例子如下👇 文档链接
import schema from 'async-validator'; var descriptor = { address: { type: "object", required: true, fields: { street: {type: "string", required: true}, city: {type: "string", required: true}, zip: {type: "string", required: true, len: 8, message: "invalid zip"} } }, name: {type: "string", required: true} } var validator = new schema(descriptor); validator.validate({ address: {} }, (errors, fields) => { // errors for address.street, address.city, address.zip });
而在iview的 form 组件中主要定义了validate函数中使用 field.validate就是调用async-validator的方法,用来管理form-item组件下的验证
// ViewUI/src/components/form/form.vue methods:{ validate(callback) { return new Promise(resolve => { let valid = true; let count = 0; this.fields.forEach(field => { field.validate('', errors => { if (errors) { valid = false; } // 检验已完成的校验的数量是否完全,则返回数据有效 if (++count === this.fields.length) { // all finish resolve(valid); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(valid); } } }); }); }); }, //针对单个的校验 validateField(prop, cb) { const field = this.fields.filter(field => field.prop === prop)[0]; if (!field) {throw new Error('[iView warn]: must call validateField with valid prop string!'); } field.validate('', cb); } //表单规则重置 resetFields() { this.fields.forEach(field => { field.resetField(); }); }, }, created () { //通过FormItem定义的prop来收集需要校验的字段, this.$on('on-form-item-add', (field) => { if (field) this.fields.push(field); return false; }); // 移除不需要的字段 this.$on('on-form-item-remove', (field) => { if (field.prop) this.fields.splice(this.fields.indexOf(field), 1); return false; }); }
Form.vue 中涉及到的 this.fields 里面的规则 是在其create生命周期时通过监听‘on-form-item-add’push进来的,‘on-form-item-add’事件是由form-item 组件 触发相对应的事件,并传入相对应的实例就可以创建数据的关联,以下是form-item的生命周期函数内容:
// ViewUI/src/components/form/form-item.vue mounted () { // 如果定义了需要验证的字段 if (this.prop) { // 向父亲Form组件添加field this.dispatch('iForm', 'on-form-item-add', this); Object.defineProperty(this, 'initialValue', { value: this.fieldValue }); this.setRules(); } }, beforeDestroy () { // 移除之前删除form中的数据字段 this.dispatch('iForm', 'on-form-item-remove', this); } methods: { setRules() { //获取所有规则 let rules = this.getRules(); if (rules.length&&this.required) { return; }else if (rules.length) { rules.every((rule) => { this.isRequired = rule.required; }); }else if (this.required){ this.isRequired = this.required; } this.$off('on-form-blur', this.onFieldBlur); this.$off('on-form-change', this.onFieldChange); this.$on('on-form-blur', this.onFieldBlur); this.$on('on-form-change', this.onFieldChange); }, getRules () { let formRules = this.form.rules; const selfRules = this.rules; formRules = formRules ? formRules[this.prop] : []; return [].concat(selfRules || formRules || []); }, validate(trigger, callback = function () {}) { let rules = this.getFilteredRule(trigger); if (!rules || rules.length === 0) { if (!this.required) { callback(); return true; }else { rules = [{required: true}]; } } // 设置AsyncValidator的参数 this.validateState = 'validating'; let descriptor = {}; descriptor[this.prop] = rules; const validator = new AsyncValidator(descriptor); let model = {}; model[this.prop] = this.fieldValue; validator.validate(model, { firstFields: true }, errors => { this.validateState = !errors ? 'success' : 'error'; this.validateMessage = errors ? errors[0].message : ''; callback(this.validateMessage); }); this.validateDisabled = false; }, }
2.4 element 组件库 ElForm表单组件的校验实现
2.5 常见校验规则
- 是否为手机号码:
- 是否全为数字:
- 是否为邮箱:
- 是否为身份证:
- 是否为Url:
- 是否为IP: