CodeSandbox(基于 React 的在线代码沙盒平台)

简介: Open ReactExplore ExamplesCodeSandbox is an online editor that helps you create web applications, from prototype to deployment.


The online code editor for web applications

Open ReactExplore ExamplesCodeSandbox is an online editor that helps you create web applications, from prototype to deployment.

Tailored for web applications

We know how overwhelming JavaScript development can be. With CodeSandbox we specifically focus on web application development to make the experience as smooth as possible. Just open your browser and start coding.


Supported Loaders


CSS Scoping Support


Share in a single click

Say goodbye to the days where you had to create a zip file just to share your code. Now you can copy the link and share away!

DependencySandbox Count

NPM Support

Think of any npm dependency you want to use, we probably support it! You can install a new dependency within seconds.

Learn how it works.

Search & Discovery

Want to know how a library works? You can easily browse through the 80,000+ created sandboxes on CodeSandbox. We want this to be a platform where everyone can easily learn and share.


We built a lightweight version of CodeSandbox for embeds, this allows you to embed your sandbox anywhere. Viewers can even play with the code in the embed, without leaving the website. We offer many customization options to make sure you can show the embed exactly the way you want.

Be Productive, Anywhere

We aim to give you the tools to build a full blown web application. You can easily import projects from GitHub, make commits, and finally deploy. We support the whole cycle.


Paste your GitHub URL. You get a sandbox that stays up to date with the latest changes automatically.


Fork the sandbox and start building that long awaited feature!


Commit your changes or open a pull request with a user friendly UI.


Deploy a production version of your sandbox using ZEIT Now.……Deploying...https://csb-921ywn…

There's more

This was just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more things to explore, if you are missing anything you can always open an issue on GitHub.

Export to GitHubnewAll sandboxes can easily be exported to a GitHub repository.Static File HostingnewThe development server will serve all files statically from the public folder, depending on the template.Integrated DevToolsnewThe preview window has integrated DevTools, like a console. There are more DevTools underway.Private/Unlisted SandboxespatronYou can set a sandbox to private or unlisted to make sure others cannot see or find it.Externally Hosted PreviewsYou can open your sandbox preview with a separate URL, while still keeping Hot Module Reloading.Monaco EditorWe use the same editor as VSCode, which gives us "Go to Definition", "Replace Occurences" and more!Hot Module ReloadingHot Module Reloading is built in, so you won't have to press refresh for every change.Error OverlayWe show a user friendly error overlay for every error, sometimes with suggestions on how to solve it.Automatic Type AcquisitionTypings are automatically downloaded for every dependency, so you always have autocompletions.TypeScriptThanks to Monaco we show TypeScript autocompletions and diagnostics for TS sandboxes.PrettierCode automatically gets prettified on save according to your own Prettier preferences.ESLintAll code is linted automatically using latest version of ESLint, with full ES6 support.;Emmet.ioYou can easily expand abbreviations with in all JS, HTML and CSS files.Open SourceWe're almost fully open source! Our most active repository can be found here.Import with CLIYou can export a local project to CodeSandbox easily using codesandbox-cli.Export To ZipYou can always download a zip from your sandbox for if you want to continue locally.

Recent Publications

Become a Patron

You can support our development by becoming a Patron and paying a monthly amount of your choice. As a Patron you get less limits and extra features, like private sandboxes. There are more patron features coming.

Open Patron Page




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