Predicted USDA soil great groups at 250 m (probabilities).
Distribution of the USDA soil great groups based on machine learning predictions from global compilation of soil profiles. To learn more about soil great groups please refer to the Illustrated Guide to Soil Taxonomy - NRCS - USDA . Processing steps are described in detail here . Antartica is not included.
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根据全球土壤剖面汇编的机器学习预测,美国农业部土壤大组的分布。要了解更多关于土壤大类的信息,请参考《土壤分类法图解指南》 - NRCS - USDA 。这里详细描述了处理步骤。南极洲不包括在内。
Dataset Availability
1950-01-01T00:00:00 - 2018-01-01T00:00:00
Dataset Provider
Collection Snippet
250 meters
Bands Table
Name | Description | Min* | Max* | Units |
grtgroup | Predicted Hapludalfs probability | 0 | 35 | % |
* = Values are estimated
Tomislav Hengl, & Travis Nauman. (2018). Predicted USDA soil great groups at 250 m (probabilities) (Version v01) [Data set]. Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.1476844
Predicted USDA soil great groups at 250 m (probabilities) | Zenodo
var dataset = ee.Image("OpenLandMap/SOL/SOL_GRTGROUP_USDA-SOILTAX-HAPLUDALFS_P/v01"); var visualization = { bands: ['grtgroup'], min: 0.0, max: 35.0, palette: ['ffffb2', 'fecc5c', 'fd8d3c', 'f03b20', 'bd0026'] }; Map.centerObject(dataset); Map.addLayer(dataset, visualization, "Hapludalfs");