SAP WM & Shipping integration: Copy WM Quantity(1)

简介: SAP WM & Shipping integration: Copy WM Quantity(1)

SAP WM & Shipping integration: Copy WM Quantity

SAP WM module is integrated with other SAP modules. After the salesperson completes the creation of the sales document, the business personnel of the warehouse department need to pick for the delivery document. If WM management is enabled for the picking storage location, the warehouse personnel need to create a TO (Transfer Order) based on the delivery note to complete picking.

The usual practice is that after the TO document is created and confirmed, the warehouse business personnel manually execute the transaction code VL02N to do the goods issue posting (PGI). In fact, the SAP system can automatically update the delivery quantity of delivery note according to the confirmed TO quantity after the TO is confirmed, and even automatically complete the goods issue posting. These are reflected in the integration of SAP WM and shipping in SD, the so-called copy WM quantity.

Related configuration can be done by below path.


There are 4 options for the Copy WM quantity field:

      Do not copy WM quantity as delivery quantity into delivery

1     Copy WM quantity as delivery quantity into delivery

2     Copy WM quantity as delivery quantity and post GR/GI

4     Do not take WM qty as delivery qty, but post GR/GI

The first option is empty, it is often used in SAP project practice. This blog will not demo the effect of first option. And this blog focus on the control function of the option 1,2 and 4.

Part I:Copy WM Quantity = 1 (Copy WM quantity as delivery quantity into delivery)

1, we maintain the value of the field "Copy WM quantity" into 1 for the warehouse number NM1 movement type 601.


2, we created below sales order and delivery document for the material 800.




3, Execute the transaction code LT03 to do picking for this outbound delivery.


Click enter, we got below screen,


We just picked 75 EA for this delivery, then save it, TO#100 was created,


Confirm TO 100,


Execute transaction code VL03N to display this outbound delivery document, to see the update of the delivery quantity.


The delivery quantity was changed into 75 EA automatically, of course the picked quantity was 75 EA too.

We can find the change history of delivery note to see the detailed information, see below screenshot.


This is the control function when Copy WM quantity = 1.

However, in the projects I participated in, few projects set the value of copy WM quantity field in this configuration to 1. This function is a good function, which is more convenient and flexible, but it is not applicable in business practice. Because of the delivery of goods to customers, many enterprises do not allow partial delivery. Once the delivery is created, it must be delivered to customers according to the quantity of delivery.

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