【Flutter】Flutter 混合开发 ( Flutter 与 Native 通信 | Android 端实现 EventChannel 通信 )(一)

简介: 【Flutter】Flutter 混合开发 ( Flutter 与 Native 通信 | Android 端实现 EventChannel 通信 )(一)



一、Android 端 EventChannel 构造函数

二、Android 端 setStreamHandler 方法

三、Android 端实现 EventChannel 通信步骤

四、 Android 端与 Flutter 端 EventChannel 注册与监听流程


本博客与 【Flutter】Flutter 混合开发 ( Flutter 与 Native 通信 | 在 Flutter 端实现 EventChannel 通信 ) 博客相对应 , 该博客中开发 Flutter 的 Dart 端 ;

本博客中开发 Android 中的 Java 端 , 最终目标是二者可以进行信息交流 ;

一、Android 端 EventChannel 构造函数

Android 端 Java 中 , EventChannel 构造函数方法原型如下 :

public final class EventChannel {
  private static final String TAG = "EventChannel#";
  private final BinaryMessenger messenger;
  private final String name;
  private final MethodCodec codec;
   * Creates a new channel associated with the specified {@link BinaryMessenger} and with the
   * specified name and the standard {@link MethodCodec}.
   * @param messenger a {@link BinaryMessenger}.
   * @param name a channel name String.
  public EventChannel(BinaryMessenger messenger, String name) {
    this(messenger, name, StandardMethodCodec.INSTANCE);
   * Creates a new channel associated with the specified {@link BinaryMessenger} and with the
   * specified name and {@link MethodCodec}.
   * @param messenger a {@link BinaryMessenger}.
   * @param name a channel name String.
   * @param codec a {@link MessageCodec}.
  public EventChannel(BinaryMessenger messenger, String name, MethodCodec codec) {
    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
      if (messenger == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Parameter messenger must not be null.");
      if (name == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Parameter name must not be null.");
      if (codec == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Parameter codec must not be null.");
    this.messenger = messenger;
    this.name = name;
    this.codec = codec;

BasicMessageChannel 接收 3 33 个参数 :

BinaryMessenger messenger : 用于 发送 / 接收消息 ;

String name : Channel 消息通道的名称 , 该名称必须与 Dart 中的消息通道名称相同 ;

MethodCodec codec : 方法编解码器 ;

如果使用 EventChannel(BinaryMessenger messenger, String name) 构造函数 , 不传入 MethodCodec , 那么会传入 标准的方法编解码器 StandardMethodCodec ;

二、Android 端 setStreamHandler 方法

创建了 EventChannel 实例对象后 , 如果要接收 Dart 端发送来的消息 , 需要设置 消息处理器 ;

调用 setStreamHandler 方法 , 可以为 EventChannel 设置一个 消息处理器 ;

EventChannel.setStreamHandler 函数原型如下 :

   * Registers a stream handler on this channel.
   * <p>Overrides any existing handler registration for (the name of) this channel.
   * <p>If no handler has been registered, any incoming stream setup requests will be handled
   * silently by providing an empty stream.
   * @param handler a {@link StreamHandler}, or null to deregister.
  public void setStreamHandler(final StreamHandler handler) {
        name, handler == null ? null : new IncomingStreamRequestHandler(handler));

设置的 final @Nullable StreamHandler handler 参数 , 就是 消息处理器 ;

在 StreamHandler 接口中 , 定义了两个接口方法 : onListen 和 onCancel 方法 ;

void onListen(Object arguments, EventSink events) : 用于接收 Dart 端所发送的消息 ;

Object arguments 参数 : Dart 端发送的数据 ;

EventSink events 参数 : Android 中收到了 Dart 端数据 , 要回调 Dart 时回调的函数 ;

StreamHandler 接口原型如下 :

   * Handler of stream setup and teardown requests.
   * <p>Implementations must be prepared to accept sequences of alternating calls to {@link
   * #onListen(Object, EventSink)} and {@link #onCancel(Object)}. Implementations should ideally
   * consume no resources when the last such call is not {@code onListen}. In typical situations,
   * this means that the implementation should register itself with platform-specific event sources
   * {@code onListen} and deregister again {@code onCancel}.
  public interface StreamHandler {
     * Handles a request to set up an event stream.
     * <p>Any uncaught exception thrown by this method will be caught by the channel implementation
     * and logged. An error result message will be sent back to Flutter.
     * @param arguments stream configuration arguments, possibly null.
     * @param events an {@link EventSink} for emitting events to the Flutter receiver.
    void onListen(Object arguments, EventSink events);
     * Handles a request to tear down the most recently created event stream.
     * <p>Any uncaught exception thrown by this method will be caught by the channel implementation
     * and logged. An error result message will be sent back to Flutter.
     * <p>The channel implementation may call this method with null arguments to separate a pair of
     * two consecutive set up requests. Such request pairs may occur during Flutter hot restart. Any
     * uncaught exception thrown in this situation will be logged without notifying Flutter.
     * @param arguments stream configuration arguments, possibly null.
    void onCancel(Object arguments);

EventSink 接口中 , 有 3 33 个方法 :

success : 表示接收数据成功 ;

error : 表示接收数据出现错误 ;

endOfStream : 表示接收数据结束 ;


   * Event callback. Supports dual use: Producers of events to be sent to Flutter act as clients of
   * this interface for sending events. Consumers of events sent from Flutter implement this
   * interface for handling received events (the latter facility has not been implemented yet).
  public interface EventSink {
     * Consumes a successful event.
     * @param event the event, possibly null.
    void success(Object event);
     * Consumes an error event.
     * @param errorCode an error code String.
     * @param errorMessage a human-readable error message String, possibly null.
     * @param errorDetails error details, possibly null
    void error(String errorCode, String errorMessage, Object errorDetails);
     * Consumes end of stream. Ensuing calls to {@link #success(Object)} or {@link #error(String,
     * String, Object)}, if any, are ignored.
    void endOfStream();

开发框架 前端开发 Android开发
Flutter 与原生模块(Android 和 iOS)之间的通信机制,包括方法调用、事件传递等,分析了通信的必要性、主要方式、数据传递、性能优化及错误处理,并通过实际案例展示了其应用效果,展望了未来的发展趋势
本文深入探讨了 Flutter 与原生模块(Android 和 iOS)之间的通信机制,包括方法调用、事件传递等,分析了通信的必要性、主要方式、数据传递、性能优化及错误处理,并通过实际案例展示了其应用效果,展望了未来的发展趋势。这对于实现高效的跨平台移动应用开发具有重要指导意义。
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本文深入探讨了Flutter前端开发中的调试技巧与工具使用方法,涵盖调试的重要性、基本技巧如打印日志与断点调试、常用调试工具如Android Studio/VS Code调试器和Flutter Inspector的介绍,以及具体操作步骤、常见问题解决、高级调试技巧、团队协作中的调试应用和未来发展趋势,旨在帮助开发者提高调试效率,提升应用质量。
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