基于Permutohedral Lattice 的Bilateral filter 源码及部分注释【来自于网络】
实现基于论文《Fast High-Dimensional Filtering Using the Permutohedral Lattice》 .
延伸阅读 saliency filters精读之permutohedral lattice
1.bilateralPermutohedral 方法:
static Mat bilateralPermutohedral(Mat img, Mat edge, float sigma_s, float sigma_r) // img 和 edge 都必须是CV_32F类型 { float invSpatialStdev = 1.0f / sigma_s; float invColorStdev = 1.0f / sigma_r; // Construct the position vectors out of x, y, r, g, and b. int height = img.rows; int width = img.cols; int eCh = edge.channels(); // 1 或 3 int iCh = img.channels(); Image positions(1, width, height, 2 + eCh); // 只有一个子窗口 Image input(1, width, height, iCh); //From Mat to Image for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { float *pimg = img.ptr<float>(y); float *pedge = edge.ptr<float>(y); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { // 参考论文 p4 3.1 // 5维的 positiion vector positions(x, y)[0] = invSpatialStdev * x; // 0 positions(x, y)[1] = invSpatialStdev * y; // 1 for(int c = 0; c < eCh; c++) positions(x, y)[2 + c] = invColorStdev * pedge[x * eCh + c]; // 2+ // 3维的 input vector for(int c = 0; c < iCh; c++) input(x, y)[c] = pimg[x * iCh + c]; } } // Filter the input with respect to the position vectors. (see permutohedral.h) Image out = PermutohedralLattice::filter(input, positions); // Save the result Mat imgOut(img.size(), img.type()); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { float *pimgOut = imgOut.ptr<float>(y); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for(int c = 0; c < iCh; c++) pimgOut[x * iCh + c] = out(x, y)[c]; } } return imgOut; }
2. PermutohedralLattice 类:
/***************************************************************/ /* The algorithm class that performs the filter * * PermutohedralLattice::filter(...) does all the work. * */ /***************************************************************/ class PermutohedralLattice { public: /* Filters given image against a reference image. * im : image to be bilateral-filtered. (input vector) * ref : reference image whose edges are to be respected. (position vector) */ static Image filter(Image im, Image ref) { //timeval t[5]; // Create lattice // gettimeofday(t+0, NULL); // d = ref.channels (5) // vd = im.channels + 1 (3+1) PermutohedralLattice lattice(ref.channels, im.channels + 1, im.width * im.height * im.frames); // Splat into the lattice // gettimeofday(t+1, NULL); // printf("Splatting...\n"); float *col = new float[im.channels + 1]; col[im.channels] = 1; // homogeneous coordinate float *imPtr = im(0, 0, 0); float *refPtr = ref(0, 0, 0); // position vector for (int t = 0; t < im.frames; t++) { for (int y = 0; y < im.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < im.width; x++) { for (int c = 0; c < im.channels; c++) { col[c] = *imPtr++; } lattice.splat(refPtr, col); refPtr += ref.channels; } } } // Blur the lattice // gettimeofday(t+2, NULL); // printf("Blurring..."); lattice.blur(); // Slice from the lattice // gettimeofday(t+3, NULL); // printf("Slicing...\n"); Image out(im.frames, im.width, im.height, im.channels); lattice.beginSlice(); float *outPtr = out(0, 0, 0); for (int t = 0; t < im.frames; t++) { for (int y = 0; y < im.height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < im.width; x++) { lattice.slice(col); float scale = 1.0f / col[im.channels]; for (int c = 0; c < im.channels; c++) { *outPtr++ = col[c] * scale; } } } } // Print time elapsed for each step // gettimeofday(t+4, NULL); // const char *names[4] = {"Init ", "Splat ", "Blur ", "Slice "}; // for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) // printf("%s: %3.3f ms\n", names[i-1], (t[i].tv_sec - t[i-1].tv_sec) + // (t[i].tv_usec - t[i-1].tv_usec)/1000000.0); return out; } /* Constructor * d_ : dimensionality of key vectors (ref.channels) * vd_ : dimensionality of value vectors (im.channels + 1) * nData_ : number of points in the input (im.size * im.frames) */ PermutohedralLattice(int d_, int vd_, int nData_) : d(d_), vd(vd_), nData(nData_), hashTable(d_, vd_) { // Allocate storage for various arrays elevated = new float[d + 1]; scaleFactor = new float[d]; greedy = new short[d + 1]; rank = new char[d + 1]; barycentric = new float[d + 2]; replay = new ReplayEntry[nData * (d + 1)]; nReplay = 0; canonical = new short[(d + 1) * (d + 1)]; key = new short[d + 1]; // compute the coordinates of the canonical simplex, in which // the difference between a contained point and the zero // remainder vertex is always in ascending order. (See pg.4 of paper.) // 论文第四页,d=4的矩阵例子(列主序) for (int i = 0; i <= d; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= d - i; j++) canonical[i * (d + 1) + j] = i; for (int j = d - i + 1; j <= d; j++) canonical[i * (d + 1) + j] = i - (d + 1); } // Compute parts of the rotation matrix E. (See pg.4-5 of paper.) for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { // the diagonal entries for normalization scaleFactor[i] = 1.0f / (sqrtf( (float)(i + 1) * (i + 2) )); /* We presume that the user would like to do a Gaussian blur of standard deviation * 1 in each dimension (or a total variance of d, summed over dimensions.) * Because the total variance of the blur performed by this algorithm is not d, * we must scale the space to offset this. * * The total variance of the algorithm is (See pg.6 and 10 of paper): * [variance of splatting] + [variance of blurring] + [variance of splatting] * = d(d+1)(d+1)/12 + d(d+1)(d+1)/2 + d(d+1)(d+1)/12 * = 2d(d+1)(d+1)/3. * * So we need to scale the space by (d+1)sqrt(2/3). */ // 论文 第四页 scale position vector scaleFactor[i] *= (d + 1) * sqrtf(2.0 / 3); } } /* Performs splatting with given position and value vectors */ // position: d-dimension position vector // value: [r, g, b, 1] void splat(float *position, float *value) { // first rotate position into the (d+1)-dimensional hyperplane // 论文 第五页 Ex计算 elevated[d] = -d * position[d - 1] * scaleFactor[d - 1]; for (int i = d - 1; i > 0; i--) elevated[i] = (elevated[i + 1] - i * position[i - 1] * scaleFactor[i - 1] + (i + 2) * position[i] * scaleFactor[i]); elevated[0] = elevated[1] + 2 * position[0] * scaleFactor[0]; // prepare to find the closest lattice points float scale = 1.0f / (d + 1); char *myrank = rank; short *mygreedy = greedy; // greedily search for the closest zero-colored lattice point // 论文 第三页 int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= d; i++) { float v = elevated[i] * scale; float up = ceilf(v) * (d + 1); // 查找最近的整数点,up / down float down = floorf(v) * (d + 1); if (up - elevated[i] < elevated[i] - down) mygreedy[i] = (short)up; else mygreedy[i] = (short)down; sum += mygreedy[i]; } sum /= d + 1; // consistent remainder (d+1) // rank differential to find the permutation between this simplex and the canonical one. // (See pg. 3-4 in paper.) // 相对差值小的rank++ memset(myrank, 0, sizeof(char) * (d + 1)); for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) for (int j = i + 1; j <= d; j++) if (elevated[i] - mygreedy[i] < elevated[j] - mygreedy[j]) myrank[i]++; else myrank[j]++; if (sum > 0) { // sum too large - the point is off the hyperplane. // need to bring down the ones with the smallest differential for (int i = 0; i <= d; i++) { if (myrank[i] >= d + 1 - sum) { mygreedy[i] -= d + 1; myrank[i] += sum - (d + 1); } else myrank[i] += sum; } } else if (sum < 0) { // sum too small - the point is off the hyperplane // need to bring up the ones with largest differential for (int i = 0; i <= d; i++) { if (myrank[i] < -sum) { mygreedy[i] += d + 1; myrank[i] += (d + 1) + sum; } else myrank[i] += sum; } } // Compute barycentric coordinates (See pg.10 of paper.) memset(barycentric, 0, sizeof(float) * (d + 2)); for (int i = 0; i <= d; i++) { barycentric[d - myrank[i]] += (elevated[i] - mygreedy[i]) * scale; barycentric[d + 1 - myrank[i]] -= (elevated[i] - mygreedy[i]) * scale; } barycentric[0] += 1.0f + barycentric[d + 1]; // Splat the value into each vertex of the simplex, with barycentric weights. for (int remainder = 0; remainder <= d; remainder++) { // Compute the location of the lattice point explicitly (all but the last coordinate - it's redundant because they sum to zero) for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) key[i] = mygreedy[i] + canonical[remainder * (d + 1) + myrank[i]]; // Retrieve pointer to the value at this vertex. float *val = hashTable.lookup(key, true); // Accumulate values with barycentric weight. for (int i = 0; i < vd; i++) val[i] += barycentric[remainder] * value[i]; // Record this interaction to use later when slicing replay[nReplay].offset = val - hashTable.getValues(); replay[nReplay].weight = barycentric[remainder]; nReplay++; } } // Prepare for slicing void beginSlice() { nReplay = 0; } /* Performs slicing out of position vectors. Note that the barycentric weights and the simplex * containing each position vector were calculated and stored in the splatting step. * We may reuse this to accelerate the algorithm. (See pg. 6 in paper.) */ void slice(float *col) { float *base = hashTable.getValues(); for (int j = 0; j < vd; j++) col[j] = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= d; i++) { ReplayEntry r = replay[nReplay++]; for (int j = 0; j < vd; j++) { col[j] += r.weight * base[r.offset + j]; } } } /* Performs a Gaussian blur along each projected axis in the hyperplane. */ void blur() { // Prepare arrays short *neighbor1 = new short[d + 1]; short *neighbor2 = new short[d + 1]; float *newValue = new float[vd * hashTable.size()]; float *oldValue = hashTable.getValues(); float *hashTableBase = oldValue; float *zero = new float[vd]; for (int k = 0; k < vd; k++) zero[k] = 0; // For each of d+1 axes, for (int j = 0; j <= d; j++) { printf("blur %d\t", j); fflush(stdout); // For each vertex in the lattice, for (int i = 0; i < hashTable.size(); i++) // blur point i in dimension j { short *key = hashTable.getKeys() + i * (d); // keys to current vertex for (int k = 0; k < d; k++) { neighbor1[k] = key[k] + 1; neighbor2[k] = key[k] - 1; } neighbor1[j] = key[j] - d; neighbor2[j] = key[j] + d; // keys to the neighbors along the given axis. float *oldVal = oldValue + i * vd; float *newVal = newValue + i * vd; float *vm1, *vp1; //printf("first neighbor\n"); vm1 = hashTable.lookup(neighbor1, false); // look up first neighbor if (vm1) vm1 = vm1 - hashTableBase + oldValue; else vm1 = zero; //printf("second neighbor\n"); vp1 = hashTable.lookup(neighbor2, false); // look up second neighbor if (vp1) vp1 = vp1 - hashTableBase + oldValue; else vp1 = zero; // Mix values of the three vertices for (int k = 0; k < vd; k++) newVal[k] = (0.25f * vm1[k] + 0.5f * oldVal[k] + 0.25f * vp1[k]); } float *tmp = newValue; newValue = oldValue; oldValue = tmp; // the freshest data is now in oldValue, and newValue is ready to be written over } // depending where we ended up, we may have to copy data if (oldValue != hashTableBase) { memcpy(hashTableBase, oldValue, hashTable.size()*vd * sizeof(float)); delete oldValue; } else { delete newValue; } printf("\n"); delete zero; delete neighbor1; delete neighbor2; } private: int d, vd, nData; float *elevated, *scaleFactor, *barycentric; short *canonical; short *key; // slicing is done by replaying splatting (ie storing the sparse matrix) struct ReplayEntry { int offset; float weight; } *replay; int nReplay, nReplaySub; public: char *rank; short *greedy; HashTablePermutohedral hashTable; };
3. 用于permutohedral lattice的哈希表:
/***************************************************************/ /* Hash table implementation for permutohedral lattice * * The lattice points are stored sparsely using a hash table. * The key for each point is its spatial location in the (d+1)- * dimensional space. */ /***************************************************************/ class HashTablePermutohedral { public: /* Constructor * kd_: the dimensionality of the position vectors on the hyperplane. * vd_: the dimensionality of the value vectors */ HashTablePermutohedral(int kd_, int vd_) : kd(kd_), vd(vd_) { capacity = 1 << 15; filled = 0; entries = new Entry[capacity]; keys = new short[kd * capacity / 2]; // 多维 键-值对 values = new float[vd * capacity / 2]; memset(values, 0, sizeof(float)*vd * capacity / 2); } // Returns the number of vectors stored. int size() { return filled; } // Returns a pointer to the keys array. short *getKeys() { return keys; } // Returns a pointer to the values array. float *getValues() { return values; } /* Returns the index into the hash table for a given key. * key: a pointer to the position vector. * h: hash of the position vector. * create: a flag specifying whether an entry should be created, * should an entry with the given key not found. */ // 返回 value 指针的偏移量 int lookupOffset(short *key, size_t h, bool create = true) { // Double hash table size if necessary // 如果存储的数据达到或超过容量的一半 if (filled >= (capacity / 2) - 1) { grow(); } // Find the entry with the given key // 根据给定的 hash 索引 entry while (1) { Entry e = entries[h]; // check if the cell is empty // 检查该 entry 的 key 是否存在 if (e.keyIdx == -1) { if (!create) return -1; // Return not found. // need to create an entry. Store the given key. for (int i = 0; i < kd; i++) keys[filled * kd + i] = key[i]; e.keyIdx = filled * kd; e.valueIdx = filled * vd; entries[h] = e; filled++; return e.valueIdx; } // check if the cell has a matching key bool match = true; for (int i = 0; i < kd && match; i++) match = keys[e.keyIdx + i] == key[i]; if (match) return e.valueIdx; // increment the bucket with wraparound // 顺序查找下一个 entry 【计算出的hash值相同的情况】 h++; // 如果到达最后一个 entry, 则从第一个 entry 开始找 if (h == capacity) h = 0; } } /* Looks up the value vector associated with a given key vector. * k : pointer to the key vector to be looked up. * create : true if a non-existing key should be created. */ float *lookup(short *k, bool create = true) { size_t h = hash(k) % capacity; int offset = lookupOffset(k, h, create); if (offset < 0) return NULL; else return values + offset; }; /* Hash function used in this implementation. A simple base conversion. */ size_t hash(const short *key) { size_t k = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kd; i++) { k += key[i]; k *= 2531011; } return k; } private: /* Grows the size of the hash table */ void grow() { printf("Resizing hash table\n"); size_t oldCapacity = capacity; capacity *= 2; // 变为2倍容量 // Migrate the value vectors. float *newValues = new float[vd * capacity / 2]; memset(newValues, 0, sizeof(float)*vd * capacity / 2); memcpy(newValues, values, sizeof(float)*vd * filled); delete[] values; values = newValues; // Migrate the key vectors. short *newKeys = new short[kd * capacity / 2]; memcpy(newKeys, keys, sizeof(short)*kd * filled); delete[] keys; keys = newKeys; Entry *newEntries = new Entry[capacity]; // Migrate the table of indices. for (size_t i = 0; i < oldCapacity; i++) { if (entries[i].keyIdx == -1) continue; // 根据键值计算hash size_t h = hash(keys + entries[i].keyIdx) % capacity; // 如果hash对应entry的keyidx已经被占用,则顺序往后找 entry,直到发现该 entry 的 keyidx 未被占用 while (newEntries[h].keyIdx != -1) { h++; if (h == capacity) h = 0; } newEntries[h] = entries[i]; } delete[] entries; entries = newEntries; } // Private struct for the hash table entries. struct Entry { Entry() : keyIdx(-1), valueIdx(-1) {} int keyIdx; // keys 的索引 int valueIdx; // values 的索引 }; short *keys; float *values; Entry *entries; size_t capacity, filled; // 分别表示 entry 的容量 和 已填充的 entry 数 int kd, vd; // keys 和 values 数组的维度(PermutohedraLattice 会将数据 splat 到高维空间) };