SAP offline OData插件的JavaScript代码是如何调用到Android平台的Java代码的

简介: SAP offline OData插件的JavaScript代码是如何调用到Android平台的Java代码的

In previous blog How is OData request routed to Offline data store by OData offline plugin, according to comment, the Offline store will only be available once it is opened successfully. The open operation is done in Device native API, delegated in line 232.image.pngThe exec is available in exported module returned by require(‘cordova/exec’):image.pngAnd now I would like to understand how this exec is delegated to Java Native API in Android platform.

In folder android I have found this cordova.js:image.pnghe exec call is implemented by module defined in cordova.js:image.pngHere means the exec is implemented by androidExec:image.png

Key logic of androidExec implementationimage.png1) meaning of parameters success, fail, service, action, args

a. success & fail: JavaScript callback function after the specified Java API is called

b. service: Java class name

c. action: Java class method name

d. args: arguments passed from JavaScript to Java

(2) There are two technical approaches for communication from JavaScript to Java in Android platform, see them in constant jsToNativeModes:image.pngExample of JS_OBJECT, or called JavaScript interface:

Java code:image.pngIn JavaScript code, consume Java method getSomeString as below:image.png

Back to implementation of AndroidExec:image.pngit will again delegate the call to exec method of instance returned by nativeApiProvider.get().image.pngAgain look at implementation in nativeapiprovider.js, from the comment in line 21 we can know the currentApi returned by get comes from either or PromptBasedNativeAPI.image.pngThe could be found from this location:

image.pngIt is a Java interface with method exec defined:image.pngThe call from JavaScript to Java is done via prompt call:image.pngAnd the Java class SystemExposedJsApi implements the interface, delegates call to the instance of class CordovaBridge.image.pngCordovaBridge will delegate to PluginManager:image.pngPlugin manager first gets responsible plugin Java class by name, then perform the execute method of plugin.image.pngFor example this is OData offline plugin service class, in its execute method we can find there are lots of IF-ELSE branch to implement different offline operation.image.png

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