SAP Spartacus部署到SAP Commerce Cloud,不同的系统设置不同的OCC Base url

简介: SAP Spartacus部署到SAP Commerce Cloud,不同的系统设置不同的OCC Base url


I would like to set environment specific OCC Base URLs





Currently in the build job, SAP Commerce Cloud always run ng build command which always pick the default app.module.ts irrespective of maintaining this property in environment specific basis, hence all environments will have one environment’s OCC base urls which is not correct.

SAP Commerce Cloud does not provide this option in the specific environment occ base URL for build and deployment


然而,This link does not say How to maintain three different OCC base urls for 3 environments

Dear customer, you can set your js app so that it automatically adds the baseurl. See help topic for hosting javascript apps:

In your Spartacus app:

index.html has to have

In app.module.ts, remove or comment out baseUrl

During build, the hosting service will substitute the proper server value.

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