成功解决model_selection\_search.py:584: DeprecationWarning: "fit_params" as a constructor argument was d

简介: 成功解决model_selection\_search.py:584: DeprecationWarning: "fit_params" as a constructor argument was d


model_selection\_search.py:584: DeprecationWarning: "fit_params" as a constructor argument was deprecated in version 0.19 and will be removed in version 0.21. Pass fit parameters to the "fit" method instead.

 '"fit" method instead.', DeprecationWarning)







Pass fit parameters to the "fit" method instead.

Warning: Can save best model only with val_acc available, skipping
本文解决了在使用DenseNet网络结构保存最优模型时出现的"Warning: Can save best model only with val_acc available, skipping"问题,方法是将`ModelCheckpoint`回调函数中的`monitor`参数值从`val_acc`改为`val_accuracy`。
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