Product advanced search implemented in Industry solution


For example, I would like to check whether my user has enough authorization defined by authorization object s_carrid with value actvt = 03.

In tcode SU01, I can only see PFCG roles assigned to my user. Note that authorization object is not directly assigned to user but to PFCG roles. So, PFCG roles act as an intermediate layer:
User <- PFCG role <- Authorization Object

This table stores for a given user, what PFCG roles are assigned to it.

Now I need to figure out, which PFCG role has been assigned with authorization object S_CARRID?
Tcode SUIM:

The following PFCF roles have authorization object S_CARRID assigned:

Double click one of them, for example SAP_QAP_DEVELOPER:

The above pictures mean: If a given user is assigned with PFCG role SAP_QAP_DEVELOPER, the user wil automatically have enough authorizations ( ACTVT 01, 02 and 03 all allowed ) defined by authorization object S_CARRID.


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PAT (Advanced Level) Practice:1~3题
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PAT (Advanced Level) Practice:1~3题
Product advanced search implemented in Industry solution
Product advanced search implemented in Industry solution
Product advanced search implemented in Industry solution
Note tool
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2015 2:56 PM https://dewdfgwd:2030/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/znotetool/index.html?sap-client=001&sap-ui-language=EN&sap-ui-appcache=false 把Opportunity,(或者lead,Appointment,task)ID输入,点submit,就能看到下面挂着的note全部的technical information了 后台只能连AG3哈,这个是拿来做单元测试的。 GM6/001 tcode SE80:
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