试验平台:.Net Micro Framework 模拟器
在前几篇关于.Net Micro Framework的研究文章中,我对它的绘图功能实不敢恭维,不过微软的MF开发人员很聪明,对位图方面的功能实现的就比较完善,这样做起图形应用来就不至于捉襟见肘了。
前段时间用.Net Compact Framework实现了一个奥运场馆查询(相关文章请参见:http://blog.csdn.net/yefanqiu/archive/2007/11/13/1882835.aspx),现在我们用.Net Micro Framework也实现一个,看看哪一个更炫。
(效果是不是比用.Net Compact Framework做的还棒!)
MenuItem menuItem1 = new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.Vertical_Stack_Panel_Icon_Small, Resources.BitmapResources.Vertical_Stack_Panel_Icon, "Vertical Stack Panel", Resources.BitmapResources.Canvas_Panel_Icon);
MenuItem menuItem2 = new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.Horizontal_Stack_Panel_Icon_Small, Resources.BitmapResources.Horizontal_Stack_Panel_Icon, "Horizontal Stack Panel", Resources.BitmapResources.Canvas_Panel_Icon);
MenuItem menuItem3 = new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.Canvas_Panel_Icon_Small, Resources.BitmapResources.Canvas_Panel_Icon, "Canvas Panel", Resources.BitmapResources.Canvas_Panel_Icon);
MenuItem menuItem4 = new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.Diagonal_Panel_Icon_Small, Resources.BitmapResources.Diagonal_Panel_Icon, "Diagonal Panel", Resources.BitmapResources.Canvas_Panel_Icon);
MenuItem menuItem5 = new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.Scrollable_Panel_Icon_Small, Resources.BitmapResources.Scrollable_Panel_Icon, "Scrollable Panel", Resources.BitmapResources.Canvas_Panel_Icon);
MenuItem menuItem6 = new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.Free_Drawing_Panel_Icon_Small, Resources.BitmapResources.Free_Drawing_Panel_Icon, "Free Drawing Panel", Resources.BitmapResources.Canvas_Panel_Icon);
// Add each of the menu items to the menu item panel
m_MenuItemPanel.AddMenuItem(new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.M1, "国家体育馆"));
m_MenuItemPanel.AddMenuItem(new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.M2, "北京大学体育馆"));
m_MenuItemPanel.AddMenuItem(new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.M3, "国家游泳中心-水立方"));
m_MenuItemPanel.AddMenuItem(new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.M4, "国家体育场-鸟巢"));
m_MenuItemPanel.AddMenuItem(new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.M5, "北京射击馆"));
m_MenuItemPanel.AddMenuItem(new MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources.M6, "顺义奥林匹克水上公园"));
// 菜单类
internal sealed class MenuItemPanel : Control
private int _currentChild = 0;
private int _width;
private int _height;
private int _animationStep;
private Color ForeColor;
public ArrayList MenuItemList;
public MenuItemPanel(int width, int height, Color ForeColor,Color BackColor)
Background = new SolidColorBrush(BackColor);
this.ForeColor = ForeColor;
_width = width;
_height = height;
MenuItemList = new ArrayList();
public void AddMenuItem(MenuItem menuItem)
public int CurrentChild
get { return _currentChild; }
if (value > _currentChild) _animationStep = maxStep; // 向右移动
else if (value < _currentChild) _animationStep = -maxStep; // 向左移动
else _animationStep = 0; // 没有移动
if (value >= MenuItemList.Count) value = 0; // 菜单项是一个环状结构
if (value < 0) value = MenuItemList.Count - 1;
if (_animationStep != 0)
_currentChild = value;
Invalidate(); //开始移动
static public int maxStep = 5; //动画帧数
const int xOffsetSeparation =2; //每个菜单项的间距
const int timerInterval = 20; //移动每一个帧之间的动画时间ms
public override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
int largeX = ((MenuItem)MenuItemList[0]).ImageWidth + xOffsetSeparation;
int x = (_width / 2) - ((largeX * 2) + (largeX / 2));
int y =22;
int scale = 0;
int scaleOffset = System.Math.Abs(_animationStep);
x += _animationStep * 5;
dc.DrawImage(Resources.GetBitmap(Resources.BitmapResources.Main), 0, 0);
#region //绘菜单图像
for (int i = _currentChild - 2; i < _currentChild + 3; i++)
if (i == _currentChild) //中间图像
scale = maxStep - scaleOffset;
else //两边图像
if ((_animationStep < 0 && i == _currentChild + 1) || (_animationStep > 0 && i == _currentChild - 1))
scale = scaleOffset;
scale = 0;
MenuItem menuItem = null;
if (i < 0) menuItem = (MenuItem)MenuItemList[MenuItemList.Count + i];
else if (i > MenuItemList.Count - 1) menuItem = (MenuItem)MenuItemList[i - MenuItemList.Count];
else menuItem = (MenuItem)MenuItemList[i];
menuItem.Render(dc, x, y, scale);
x += largeX;
#region //写菜单文本
if (_width > 0)
int step = 20;
int row = 125;
if (_width < _height) step = 40;
string text = ((MenuItem)MenuItemList[_currentChild]).Description;
dc.DrawText(ref text, Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.china2008), ForeColor, 10, row, _width - 20, step, TextAlignment.Center, TextTrimming.None);
private DispatcherTimer _animationTimer;
private void StartAnimationTimer()
if (_animationStep != 0)
if (_animationTimer == null)
_animationTimer = new DispatcherTimer(this.Dispatcher);
_animationTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, timerInterval);
_animationTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnAnimationTimer);
_lastTick = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
long _lastTick = 0;
private void OnAnimationTimer(object o, EventArgs e)
long ms = ((DateTime.Now.Ticks - _lastTick) / 10000);
_lastTick = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
int increment = (int)(ms / timerInterval);
if (increment < 1) increment = 1;
else if (increment > maxStep) increment = maxStep;
if (_animationStep < 0) _animationStep += increment;
else if (_animationStep > 0) _animationStep -= increment;
protected override void MeasureOverride(int availableWidth, int availableHeight, out int desiredWidth, out int desiredHeight)
desiredWidth = _width;
desiredHeight = _height;
// 菜单选项类
internal sealed class MenuItem : Control
private Bitmap _image; // 菜单图标
private string _description; // 菜单说明
private int[] _widthSteps; // 宽度步长数组
private int[] _heightSteps; // 高度步长数组
public int ImageWidth; // 图像宽度
public int ImageHeight; // 图像高度
private float fScale = (float)0.8; // 缩小因子
public int SmallWidth; // 缩小后的宽度
public int SmallHeight; // 缩小后的高度
public MenuItem()
public MenuItem(Resources.BitmapResources rBitmap, string description)
_image = Resources.GetBitmap(rBitmap);
ImageWidth = _image.Width;
ImageHeight = _image.Height;
SmallWidth = (int)(fScale * ImageWidth);
SmallHeight = (int)(fScale * ImageHeight);
_description = description;
_widthSteps = new int[MenuItemPanel.maxStep];
_heightSteps = new int[MenuItemPanel.maxStep];
int wDiff = ImageWidth - SmallWidth;
int hDiff = SmallHeight - SmallHeight;
for (int i = 1; i < MenuItemPanel.maxStep; i++)
_widthSteps[i] = (wDiff / MenuItemPanel.maxStep) * i;
_heightSteps[i] = (hDiff / MenuItemPanel.maxStep) * i;
public string Description
get { return _description; }
set { _description = value; }
public void Render(DrawingContext dc, int x, int y, int scale)
// 图像必须存在
if (_image != null)
if (scale == MenuItemPanel.maxStep)
Width = ImageWidth;
Height = ImageHeight;
dc.DrawRectangle(new SolidColorBrush(Color.Black), new Pen(Color.Black), x+2, y+2, Width, Height);
dc.DrawImage(_image, x, y);
if (scale == 0)
Width = SmallWidth;
Height = SmallHeight;
x += ((ImageWidth - Width) / 2);
y += ((ImageHeight - Height) / 2);
dc.DrawRectangle(new SolidColorBrush(Color.Black), new Pen(Color.Black), x + 2, y + 2, Width, Height);
dc.Bitmap.StretchImage(x, y, _image, Width, Height, 255);
int wDiff = ImageWidth - SmallWidth;
int hDiff = SmallHeight - SmallHeight;
Width = SmallWidth + _widthSteps[scale];
Height = SmallHeight + _heightSteps[scale];
x += ((ImageWidth - Width) / 2);
y += ((ImageHeight - Height) / 2);
dc.DrawRectangle(new SolidColorBrush(Color.Black), new Pen(Color.Black), x + 2, y + 2, Width, Height);
dc.Bitmap.StretchImage(x, y, _image, Width, Height, 255);
有条件的网友可以和微软提供的示例NewPresentation对比一下看看,也许更能看出它们的异同。有时间我在把这个类封装成一个控件(基于.Net CF),这样在windows和wince平台就都能使用了。