generated columns

RDS MySQL Serverless 基础系列,0.5-2RCU 50GB
云数据库 RDS MySQL,集群版 2核4GB 100GB
RDS MySQL Serverless 高可用系列,价值2615元额度,1个月
简介: 1.generated columns:可以定义一个带有函数表达的列例1:CREATE TABLE triangle (sidea DOUBLE,sideb DOUBLE,sidec DOUBLE AS (SQRT(sidea * sidea + sideb * s...

1.generated columns:可以定义一个带有函数表达的列


CREATE TABLE triangle (

sidea DOUBLE,

sideb DOUBLE,

sidec DOUBLE AS (SQRT(sidea * sidea + sideb * sideb))


INSERT INTO triangle (sidea, sideb) VALUES(1,1),(3,4),(6,8);

mysql>show create table triangle\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

       Table: triangle

Create Table: CREATE TABLE `triangle` (

  `sidea` double DEFAULT NULL,

  `sideb` double DEFAULT NULL,

  `sidec` double GENERATED ALWAYS AS (sqrt(((`sidea` * `sidea`) + (`sideb` * `sideb`)))) VIRTUAL


2.generated columns参数

virtual:没有存储列的值,不占存储空间,在5.7.8之前,虚拟列不支持索引,到5.7.8,Innodb引擎开始支持secondary  indexse,不指定参数,默认是虚拟列,如例1;



mysql>create table t3(c1 int,c2 int generated always as (c1+1) virtual,c3 int generated always as (c1+1) stored);   

mysql>insert into t3(c1) values(1);

mysql>select * from t3;


| c1   | c2   | c3   |


|    1 |    2 |    2 |



mysql>alter table t3 add index index_c2(c2);

mysql>alter table t3 add index index_c3(c3);


mysql>show table status like 't3'\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

           Name: t3

         Engine: InnoDB

        Version: 10

     Row_format: Dynamic

           Rows: 1

 Avg_row_length: 16384

    Data_length: 16384

Max_data_length: 0

   Index_length: 0

      Data_free: 0

 Auto_increment: NULL

    Create_time: 2016-12-22 22:45:38

    Update_time: 2016-12-22 22:40:49

     Check_time: NULL

      Collation: utf8_general_ci

       Checksum: NULL




mysql>desc select * from t3 where c2=2\G   

*************************** 1. row ***************************

           id: 1

  select_type: SIMPLE

        table: t3

   partitions: NULL

         type: ref

possible_keys: index_c2

          key: index_c2

      key_len: 5

          ref: const

         rows: 1

     filtered: 100.00

        Extra: NULL

1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

mysql>explain select * from t3 where c2=2\G

*************************** 1. row ***************************

           id: 1

  select_type: SIMPLE

        table: t3

   partitions: NULL

         type: ref

possible_keys: index_c2

          key: index_c2

      key_len: 5

          ref: const

         rows: 1

     filtered: 100.00

        Extra: NULL

1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)


mysql>alter table t3 add c4 int generated always as (c2+1) virtual;

mysql>alter table t3 drop c4;

开始实验后,系统会自动创建一台自建MySQL的 源数据库 ECS 实例和一台 目标数据库 RDS。
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