8月17日,HBaseCon亚洲2018峰会在北京歌华开元大酒店盛大开幕。作为Apache基金会旗下HBase社区的顶级用户峰会,HBaseCon大会是Apache HBase™官方从2012年开始发起和延续至今的技术会议,先后在美国加州、日本东京和中国深圳等地举办,得到了Google、Facebook、雅虎和阿里巴巴等众多全球顶级互联网公司大力支持。
HBaseConAsia2018 was successfully held on Aug. 17th at Gehua New Century Hotel, Beijing, China. It's the 2nd HBaseCon held in Asia, officially authorized by The Apache Software Foundation, supported by HBase open source community, and hosted by Alibaba.
PPT slides and video recording of all talks could be found and downloaded following below links. Please check and enjoy!
标题 (Title):HBase Current State and Future : Community View
演讲者 (Speakers):Michael Stack,Duo Zhang and Yu Li
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Michael Stack, HBase资深PMC, HBase项目发起者之一, Cloudera HBase负责人
Michael Stack (Cloudera), Lead of HBase project, HBase PMC member
Duo Zhang(张铎), HBase PMC, 小米HBase团队负责人
Duo Zhang (Xiaomi), HBase PMC member
Yu Li(李钰/绝顶), HBase PMC, 阿里巴巴高级技术专家
Yu Li (Alibaba), HBase PMC member
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2916
视频回顾 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1544
标题 (Title):Recent Development of HBase in Alibaba and Cloud
演讲者 (Speakers):Chunhui Shen and Long Cao
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Chunhui Shen(沈春辉/天梧), HBase PMC, 阿里巴巴资深技术专家
Chunhui Shen (Alibaba), HBase PMC member
Long Cao(曹龙/封神), 阿里巴巴高级技术专家,阿里云hbase技术负责人
Long Cao (Alibaba), Lead of Alicloud HBase team
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2917
视频回顾 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1546
标题 (Title):Use CCSMap to improve HBase YGC time
演讲者 (Speakers):Chance Li and Lijin Bin
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Chance Li, 李强(强思), 阿里巴巴技术专家
Chance Li (Alibaba), Technical Expert
Lijin Bin, 宾利金(天照), 阿里巴巴技术专家
Lijin Bin (Alibaba), Technical Expert
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2918
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1547
标题 (Title):WALLess HBase with persistent memory devices
演讲者 (Speakers):Ramkrishna Vasudevan and Anoop Sam John
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Anoop Sam John, HBase资深PMC, Intel HBase资深专家
Anoop Sam John (Intel), HBase PMC member
Ramkrishna Vasudevan, HBase PMC, Intel HBase资深专家
Ramkrishna Vasudevan (Intel), HBase PMC member
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2919
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1548
标题 (Title):HBase at Xiaomi
演讲者 (Speakers):GuangHao Zhang
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
GuangHao Zhang, 张洸豪,HBase PMC, 小米人工智能与云平台研发工程师
GuangHao Zhang (Xiaomi), HBase PMC member
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2920
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1549
标题 (Title):HBase at DiDi
演讲者 (Speakers):JingYi Yao
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
JingYi Yao, 姚婧怡, 滴滴HBase负责人
JingYi Yao (DiDi), Lead of Didi HBase Team
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2921
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1550
标题 (Title):Improving HBase reliability at Pinterest with geo-‐replication and efficient backup
演讲者 (Speakers):Chenji Pan and Lianghong Xu
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Chenji Pan, Software Engineer, Storage&Caching, Pinterest
Lianghong Xu, Software Engineer, Storage&Caching, Pinterest
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2922
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1551
标题 (Title):Separating hot-cold data into heterogeneous storage based on layered compaction
演讲者 (Speakers):WenLong Yang
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
WenLong Yang, 杨文龙(正研), HBase committer, 阿里巴巴技术专家
Allan Yang (Alibaba), HBase committer
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2923
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1552
标题 (Title):HDFS optimization for HBase at XiaoMi
演讲者 (Speakers):Gang Xie, Yingchao Zhou and Chen Zhang
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Gang Xie, 小米人工智能与云平台研发工程师
Gang Xie (Xiaomi), Storage Expert
Yingchao Zhou and Chen Zhang,Solution & Ecology
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2924
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1553
标题 (Title):Kerberos—based Big Data Security Solution and Practice in Alibaba Cloud HBase
演讲者 (Speakers):Jiajia Li and Chao Guo
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Jiajia Li, 李佳佳, Apache Kerby/Directory PMC, Intel大数据研发工程师
Jiajia Li (Intel), Apache Kerby/Directory PMC member
Chao Guo, 郭超(玄陵),阿里云高级开发工程师
Chao Guo (Alibaba), Advanced Developer at Alicloud
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2925
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1554
标题 (Title):Apache Kylin on HBase: extreme OLAP for big data
演讲者 (Speakers):ShaoFeng Shi
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Shaofeng Shi, 史少锋,Apache Kylin committer & PMC, Kyligence 高级架构师
Shaofeng Shi (Kyligence), Apache Kylin committer & PMC, Principle Architect
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2926
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1555
标题 (Title):Bringing MySQL Compatibility to HBase using Database Virtualization
演讲者 (Speakers):Water Guo
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Water Guo, Founder of AntsDB, Founder and CTO of BDI Systems Inc.
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2927
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1556
标题 (Title):HTAP DB—System : ApsaraDB HBase Phoenix and Spark
演讲者 (Speakers):Yun Zhang and Wei Li
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Wei Li, 李伟(沐远), 阿里云技术专家
Wei Li (Alibaba), Technical Expert at Alicloud
Yun Zhang, 张赟(瑾谦), 阿里云高级开发工程师
Yun Zhang (Alibaba), Advanced Developer at Alicloud
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2928
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1557
标题 (Title):JanusGraph—Distributed graph database with HBase
演讲者 (Speakers):XueMin Zhang
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Xuemin Zhang, 张学敏, TalkingData数据中心数据工程团队负责人
Xuemin Zhang (TalkingData), Lead of TalkingData Data Engineering Team
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2929
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1558
标题 (Title):Scaling 30 TB's of Data lake with Apache HBase and Scala DSL at Production
演讲者 (Speakers):Chetankumar Jyestaram Khatri
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Chetankumar Jyestaram Khatri, Lead Data Engineer, Accionlabs India
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2930
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1559
标题 (Title):A real—time cold backup solution for HBase with zero HBase modification,low latency and heterogeneous storage
演讲者 (Speakers):QingYi Meng
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
QingYi Meng, 孟庆义(天引), 阿里巴巴技术专家
QingYi Meng (Alibaba), Technical Expert
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2931
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1560
标题 (Title):Serving billions of queries in millisecond latency
演讲者 (Speakers):Biju Nair
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Biju Nair (BloomBerg), Experienced Software Engineer
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2932
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1561
标题 (Title):HBase at China Telecom
演讲者 (Speakers):Chen Ze
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Chen Ze, 中国电信
Chen Ze (China Telecom)
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2933
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1562
标题 (Title):HBase Practice In China Life Insurance
演讲者 (Speakers):Zheng Fan
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Zheng Fan,中国人寿
Zheng Fan (China Life Insurance)
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2934
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1563
标题 (Title):HBase and OpenTSDB practice at Huawei
演讲者 (Speakers):Pankaj Kumar, Wei Zhi and Chaoqiang Zhong
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Pankaj Kumar, 华为
Pankaj Kuma (Huawei), Technical Project Leader
Wei Zhi, 智伟, 华为FusionInsight客户运维技术负责人
Wei Zhi (Huawei), Lead of FusionInsight SRE Team
YiJun Guo, 郭益君, 华为云表格存储服务CloudTable架构师
YiJun Guo (Huawei), Architect of Huawei CloudTable
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2935
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1564
标题 (Title):HBase Practice at Lianjia
演讲者 (Speakers):GuoXian Zhao
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
GuoXian Zhao, 赵国贤,贝壳大数据架构团队负责人
GuoXian Zhao (Ke.com), Lead of BigData Architect Team
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2936
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1565
标题 (Title):HBase at Meituan
演讲者 (Speakers):Chen Xu
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Chen Xu,陈旭,美团存储开发专家
Chen Xu (MeiTuan), Technical Expert on Storage
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2937
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1566
标题 (Title):The Application of Hbase in New Energy Vehicle Monitoring System
演讲者 (Speakers):Yan Yu
嘉宾简介 (Speaker Introduction):
Yan Yu, 重庆博尼施科技有限公司CTO
Yan Yu (Brunish), CTO of Chongqing Brunish Corporation
PPT下载地址 (PPT slides):https://yq.aliyun.com/download/2938
视频地址 (Video):https://yq.aliyun.com/video/play/1567