微软职位内部推荐-Software Engineer II-Web app

简介: 微软近期Open的职位:Software Engineer II-Web app The Office App Services team is working on the powerful Office Web Apps including Word Web App, PowerPoint Web App and Web App Engineering Infrastructure.


Software Engineer II-Web app

The Office App Services team is working on the powerful Office Web Apps including Word Web App, PowerPoint Web App and Web App Engineering Infrastructure. We deliver great cloud experience for Office products, which benefits users across the world. From the engineering perspective, we have a huge opportunity to create synergy across different Office products. Not only to build the next generation cloud user experience but also to provide extremely efficient productivity to our global customers.

As a Software Engineer II, you will be exposed to the modern cloud techniques and very close to the service world. Your primary responsibilities include owning architectural designs and specifications on Web and API interfaces, working on features, enforcing engineering excellence practices and driving quality in all facets of development. In addition, you have the opportunity to partner with other super bright engineers in different parts of the world in the Office organization.


• &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Strong background on Computer Science fundamentals, algorithms, design patterns

• &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Strong architecture and design skill, proven track record for design and implementation of complex software systems or applications

• &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Proficiency in C++/C#,.NET, Javascript

• &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Demonstrable experience in web application, asp.net and other popular web techniques.

• &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Minimum of 5 years of software development with full release cycles of major software products

• &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp BA/BS degree in Computer Science or related technical equivalent is required, and MS/MBA degree is preferred

• &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Experience in collaborate and execute on multiple project timelines and priorities

• &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Familiar with Office products, concepts, and designs desired

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.


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